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Using Well Water,, Anything to consider?

Hey all , I did not find any topics on using water from a well. I am currently building a 10 by 12 room in a garage in Gold Country California and the house runs on well water. Does anyone here have experience with this. It is an 80 plant ebb and flow system under 5800 watts. The lights are vented and the room is as well. Thanks for reading!



full time daddy
id take it or send it off some where and find out whats in it....
just watch for nutrient lock out from a high ppm of one nutrient thats in your water like iron... i use well water for my outdoor plants and they love it...... i do have to go lite on some nutes or i get a lock out kinda of a pain in the ass... but once you get it down its fine......


I use well water, mine has base reading of 330PPMs. I would highly consider an RO filter if you can afford one. I've grown four crops via this well, but getting the right ppms without lockout or defs is difficult due to all the stuff in the base water. In addition, ph isn't near as stable as RO IMO.
u should probally get a ro.system to get some of the nasties out what r the ppm's of your water out of the tap my well has an output of225ppm's and my outside plants love it but i filter my water for inside plants
I hydro using well water. The answer to your question is, unfortunately, that it all depends on what's in your water. Get it tested. A $30 test is the only thing that will give a definitive answer to your question. $35 is a good investment for an INDEPENDENT lab's test as opposed to the cost of a pricey filtering system. I would advise against a free test from the Culligan man or anyone selling systems; they're going to tell you that unless you buy whatever they're selling you're a goner (AKA salesmanship).


I use well water with a PPM of 75ish. I have had some issues but I dont thing related to the water