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I love the hottest peppers!


Active member
Recall buying jars of Sambal Badjak from the Netherlands to bring home. I can find Oelek, but not Badjack. Fun memories, dining on rijsttafe around the 'Dam, Zandvoort, Scheveningen. Mmmm!

Funny you mention that, I was just in Rotterdam and saw and tasted some amazing sambals at a market but didn't but any. I regretted it as soon as we left. Oh well, in Amsterdam now, might see if I can find some here.

Good thread :tiphat:


Masochist Educator
I saw a video recently of a hot pepper eating contest. The final round was a red pepper called Carolina Reaper which averages around 2,000,000 scoville units.



Active member
I grow tomatoes along with paprika and ganja it's my hobby, all organically grown with California earthworms.





perhaps it does not hurt.........this is beyond the genre.


Active member
I'll add another pepper. That's a cross habanero martinique x no name , tasty fruity perfume typical It is a Scotch Bonnet , Superhot Capsicum Chinense variety from Martinique. Dark red pods.Great addition to your Habanero collection. Retains both the hotness that the flavor, although with an accent in more fruity,



Well-known member
the reapers are coming in fast now- bit late in season, but the weather looks like high 70's/low 80's for the next 10days, so should see a 'few' red ones...besides the 100 ready to turn red ones, must be 100+ nubs and 100+ flowers... my ass is already starting to feel the burn...


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Well-known member
ate the 1st reaper of 2018 - it was small, and didnt pack a big punch, but the taste was there - also sampled the 1st cayenne of the season- it was long, but green, and again picked early so it was lacking heat... but there are coming on...


Active member
nice tabasco plant!

ive got 4 pepper plants on the porch, 3 jalepenos and a ghost.

the jalepnos are fruiting nice, i ate one and it was fkin supppper hot for a jalepeno.

the ghost jussst starting fruiting, excited to try ive not had them before
My count dracula pepoers are growing nicely and my ghost peppers I started from seed in January are starting to bloom.

The first time I had a ghost pepper I crushed a dried one I had grown on a plate of pasta.

I ate one bite and had heart palpitations and mild hallucinations all night with a burning stomach.

Keep some milk and ice cream handy when you try your first ghost pepper.


Active member
So what's the longest anyone has kept a pepper going? I've heard two years, but that Tabasco is into it's 3rd season, and looks like it could go longer!
So what's the longest anyone has kept a pepper going? I've heard two years, but that Tabasco is into it's 3rd season, and looks like it could go longer!
Thai Yellow...3 years + one season with a clone that flowered twice as fast as the seed plant. Weird as hell, the thing just started throwing chilies left and right as soon as it had roots.


Well-known member
i have '2' reapers that are on their 4th year- this year i trimmed the top, trimmed the roots, added new soil/castings, and its at least a month ahead of the reaper seed plants- picked one the other day... little heat, but it was tasty- soon that will change- it will be tooooo hot to eat


Chemon 91
i was growing scorpions trins and bhut jolokias for years selling peppers seeds and plants.

then everyone had these plants and so i stopped growing um.


Well-known member
my reaper must have 100+ fruit on em... none yet turning color, but there is a shit-load- and i have 5 reapers growing.... colon-cleansing for the masses....

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