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I just started my first indoor grow, 3 different auto stains, 250w HPS



Auto white russian grow is just over halfway now, I have just planted 10 Mi5 seeds (grow starts near the bottom of page 5) unlike the auto white russians which have been growing in biobizz lite-mix soil using canna nutes the Mi5's are in canna soil and will be using the same canna nutes. 100% canna grow :)

Hi, I been growing in the greenhouse over the last couple of years, I really wanted to grow inside (just enough for me and the other half to smoke) but havnt had the space/money. finally I managed to sort something out, I got a 250w HPS in september for my birthday but knew I had builders coming for a week in october so couldnt set it up until they had finished, which they have and now I build a grow cab inside part of my walk-in-wardrobe.

I germinated 4 seeds yesterday, 1 Auto AK47 x Auto Kush, 1 Auto AK47 x Auto Blueberry & 2 Auto White Russian, the first 2 are reg seeds, the white russian are fem seeds, I germinated them on kitchen paper between 2 plates, I then planted them into 7L pots using biobizz lite-mix, the pots have about 1.5L of round pebles at the bottom to help the water drain better, not sure if I should have done this or not, I allways done it in the greenhouse.

I also have a White Russian in there that started life on 09-15-2009, 61 days ago! it was 10-14-2009 when flowering started, a month after it popped out the soil! I know your thinking its not a auto flowering plant, but it is, the problem was the cold, its been between 10C and -4C and been getting about 10 hours light, 3 hours direct a day, its really been streching something, the good news is its grown more in the last 2 days in the grow cab at 26C with 20 hours 250W HPS then it has in the last 61 days, although its been flowering since 10-14-2009 its been so slow you could hardly tell it was flowering, if I had let it stay out there I doubt I would have even got 1 spliff off it. however it would be intresting to know how long it will take to finish now, and how it will finish as it should be in her last week of life but looks like shes only in week 3 tops.

Gro Cab is not finished, I need to sort the ventilation out and a few other bits, its really cold in my house, the radiator is NEVER turned on in my room, even without air been sucked out the max temp in there is 26C and lows of 17C at night. but I was thinking of scraping it all and simply partitioning off half the walk in wardrobe, would give me more space and be easyer to move around in.


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The pictures below are from a few days ago, 7 days after germination. they all seem to be growing faster by the day, il take soem more photos later so you can see the difference a few days makes.

The larger plant (auto white russian) has burst into life! throwing out plenty of hairs from plenty of bud sites, im watering it every couple of days, I alternate waterings so I water with some nutes (canna terra flores) and then the next time I just use water with a small amount of molasses mixed in.

Sorry for the shitty photo quality, my camera is okk but i just cant seem to get a clear photo inside the grow cab.


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Dargo, can you take a pic looking down on the white russian? She looks great, good sog plant. Take her out of the grow room to photograph, and youl get better results.


Just updating quickly......

Timer plug stopped working a few days ago,lucky for me it broke in the on position so grow cab been getting 24 hours light a day.

Still pretty much no smell from the white russian :( I can see how bady it has streched where its been outside for 2 months with 10 hours light and freezing temps. I cant belive the frenzied flowering, I remember reading about auto flowering plants "almost violent flowering", well this must be it.

Can anyone help with the photo uploading thing so I can put them all in my post so people can see them straight away


Still pretty much no smell from the white russian :( I can see how bady it has streched where its been outside for 2 months with 10 hours light and freezing temps. I cant belive the frenzied flowering, I remember reading about auto flowering plants "almost violent flowering", well this must be it.

She's a beauty, really like the growth habit for a sog grow.

Can anyone help with the photo uploading thing so I can put them all in my post so people can see them straight away

If you click on the insert tab under my photos, it will bring up your album. At the top of the album are pull down menus that allow you to choose either a thumbnail or orriginal size. If you want the full size pic in your post, set it to orriginal only. Pics you click on in the open album will be inserted wherever the cursor is in your post.


Thanks :)

Just added 2 x 125W CFL (blue) side lighting, im going to replace them with 2 x 250W duel spectrum as soon as possible.

Also keep forgeting to say the auto white russian seems to have self topped itself






Cool! I'm interested to see how vertical bulbs will perform like this. Looks like it should work out nicely. I'll be-a-watching.


i can see a few tits on the white russians today. the auto blueberry x auto ak47 and the auto kush x auto ak47 both look like they have balls. il try and take a pic in a bit.

the big auto white russian is on about day 75 but looks like it has another 5-6 weeks at the least, im going to hit one of the lower branches with the ak x kush pollon and the oposite lower branch with the ak x blueberry pollon.

how long do the sacks take to form and drop. i need to move them before they pollenate the whole plant but dont have anywhere to move them yet.

pics to follow.......b


Hi, welcome to my first indoor grow

heres the pics of the males I just took





Anyone with any idea how long untill they drop?


I'm going to estimate that you have approximately 3 weeks? If you're concerned you could keep taking pieces off to check if the pollen has turned yellow inside or not. If it's not yellow then they're not going to open for at least some days. Examine the sacs twice a day if you can and look for swelling and/or slight cracks in the sacks....hehehe...If you see cracking you know they're swelling and ready to burst. Watch verrrry closely. =)


i think about day 70ish. its so far behind because for the first 8weeks of her life she was in the greenhouse with an average tempreture of about 4C and no more then 10 hours light a day. in my first post is the date she was started. i cant see her finishing this side of christmas. maby il get a little new years eve taster but stil have plenty of smoke from this years greenhouse grow so im not in a hurry to be picking bits off!

I should have tryed cloning her while she was out in the cold pretty much in suspended animation. she has put out some nice side branches. i wonder if you could keep an auto flowering mother plant in a cold room to slow her development to a crawl allowing you to take cuttings


A few days ago a germinated 3 seeds, an unknown haze I grew in the greenhouse summer just gone. its really nice, one of the best smokes I ever had. it deals a knockout blow! when growning it starts off with a over powering lemon smell which changes to a sweet sherbert smell in the last few weeks of flowering. it also has a slight bicycle inertube smell to it, which sounds bad but its a good thing, all in all its a very over powering smell.

I really want to cross this with an auto and then work on getting the best of it into a stable auto flowering plant. the 3 seeds are now in the grow room and have all popped out the soil, im not intrested in getting any smoke from them i only want them to x with either the auto white russian, the auto kush x auto ak47 or the auto blueberry x auto ak47.

Heres a few pictures of a 2 of the unknown haze a couple of weeks before I harversted, Il add a new shot of the grow room later.........





EDIT: they was all grown in 7.5L pots, using the contents of a tomato grow bag mixed with water storing crystals and perlite, I used canna tera vega and tera flores.


That was my number 1 choice!

Will I need the pollen from a auto flowering male to pollenate the unknown haze female or the pollen from a unknown haze male to pollenate a auto flowering female.