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I joined the police academy

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I vote
BAN HIS ASS!! and block his IP as well if possible.
Here's someone who has been a member for @ 6 months and all his post's with the exception of 2 have been on this thread. He even state's he joined the po-po some time ago.
Perhaps this is a class project or homework assignment for him.
I sure as hell don't want my shit in your report to your teacher.


Active member
ICMAG ban this dumbshit and close this thread fucking narc...Why the fuck would you come to a weed growing site post garbage like this fucking pig.....:moon:


I think with the exception of DogBoy and OldPink, that we all wanna see the banhammer fall on this prick. At first I was pissed that mods would even allow this so called member to remain here. The fact is that the thread itself hasn't violated tou, nor has Adderall, though he has Addednothing but feelings of woe and paranoia to these boards.
There are 2400 views here and only 162 replies. I can only wonder if all these views are other members we hold in regard with respect that are actually afraid to voice their opinions because this rat said he is/was/going to be a cop.

edit: it's not about the cops that we don't know on these boards, but about this clownshoe who comes here and announces the fact. Any member who has self preservation in mind isn't going to be trading cuts or any info with someone they don't know, or at least know through someone here first. I really don't see anything but something bad becoming of this member and his ip being allowed here, but according to Admin, they can't do anything about banning ip addys, just email addresses.
Maybe it's time to stop doing it for the money and start thinking about your members safety


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
well he could get banned if he starts one of these threads a day for say how many years did yummy do that?

or he can argue with the mods that he doesn't understand the tou and continue to post questions on it over and over.

what else, oh he can post some video links not in the video forum! haha.


Active member
They're always gathering "intelligence" so they can run "in-tell-the-gents". Untrustworthy regardless if your sharing your little bit of info, im sure its goin both ways.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Scarface said it best - choot dat peece o chit!


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Put up a poll, then.
Maybe the other members do not want to be painted with the same brush and only oldpink and dogboy have the stones to stand up and post what they think because they're both in the upper echelon of this site.
As you said the OP is not in violation of the TOU.
Your avatar pic says, "Live Free or Die" shouldn't that include free speech?
The vast supermajority of cops I've met have been major wankers but there have been a couple exceptions. Give this guy the opportunity to be the exception and maybe he can lead by example.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor

Hey dude maybe you can raid the evidence lockers for us and get all the confiscated seeds and send them into seedbay?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
He is writing his paper right now on the complications & difficulty of trying to fit in and interact with the counter culture as an officer of Babylon law. His piggy homework assignment. :moon:


Green is Gold
If/when legalization happens at a Federal level I'm curious how people will view the police then? Will they still hold them in a negative light or will things soften up? Only time will tell I guess


Put up a poll, then.
Maybe the other members do not want to be painted with the same brush and only oldpink and dogboy have the stones to stand up and post what they think because they're both in the upper echelon of this site.
As you said the OP is not in violation of the TOU.
Your avatar pic says, "Live Free or Die" shouldn't that include free speech?
The vast supermajority of cops I've met have been major wankers but there have been a couple exceptions. Give this guy the opportunity to be the exception and maybe he can lead by example.

I didn't even see this post before I posted that poll. truth.
I truly believe in free speech and thats why there are 2 options, not just to ban him.
I see by your vernacular, that you are not in America? apples and oranges IMHO.

terry the trich

Active member
I have no problem with police writing posts on this site and as he has openly told us, what have we got to worry about that we wouldnt normally have to?

I wouldnt share any personal information with him and i doubt he would want me to. And police are only people you know...


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
If they are going to leave him on here he needs a "LEO" tag under his username to alert anyone and everyone of his presence for our safety as a whole in the community.

If newbies think it's just his astrological sign then that's their bad!

Cookie monster

So you're not yummybud, ok, piggybud then.
Ban piggybud

Best comment of the whole thread....

Piggybud hahahahaha

Can someone please make some piggybud seeds like they did with the yummybud strain

Piggybud...too funny


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
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