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I dont usually drink, but when i do....

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I will go out on a limb and say 75% of us growers and smokers do not drink, at least habitually.

I like a Guinness on occassion, but have recently discovered Steel Reserve...a forty ounce is two fifty. And its eight %.

GO BEER....on occassion


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
wow talk about two completely opposite sides of the spectrum

STEEL RESERVE 211 ( tastes like METAL )


Guiness ( tastes like heaven )


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Beer makes you bloated and you get a mind buzz, fuck all those calories...

I like strong shit....

192 proof rum....



Beer makes you bloated and you get a mind buzz, fuck all those calories...

I like strong shit....

192 proof rum....

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Dude, I hope you're kidding, if not you got problems:biggrin: I feel you on the beer.
Gimme some Don Julio 70th anniversary and I'm straight.


Active member
Just gimme di light and pass the drooooooo......

.....Im gonna burn one down....

..Cuz Ive got to have Kayyaaaaa now...


Active member
Hello all,

Guinness-Good God man, that is some of the worst tasting beer I have ever tasted.

I was gifted a case of Guinness in a can...the stuff had a marble in it to stir it up.....oooohhhhhh my gut. Nearly hurled after the first sip.....uuuuugh

No thanks to Guinness, I will stick with my Bud and my buds.

I do however like a shot of Maker's every now and then.



Please don't knock Guiness until you're tried it fresh from the tap in Ireland. Ireland gets the best stuff, then Europe and the dregs go to the US. The widget cans don't hold a candle to real thing!



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I dont usually drink, but when i do....

I start threads declaring my heightened senses.......

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Drinking almost killed me. So I don't drink anymore. A 12 pack or maybe a few bottles of wine and a couple of pints of vodka a day.

Started having serious issues with black outs. I'm glad that I'm sober today.

Drinking is fine in moderation, I'm just not good at moderation. I can be around people drinking without any temptations; I just have to remember that it's not for me.


Blue Socks

Wow Rob you were def on that alkie road. A twelver in a day would have me sick and hungover for the rest of the week, congrats on kicking that habit. Thankfully my body only craves THC, I can give or take the ETOH, when I have some I can do it in moderation for the most part. Guinness, Bells, Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams seasonals, that's usually what I'm drinking when I drink beer. With liquor I'm with Krunch I like really strong stuff, absinthe or arak mostly, with some vodka or whiskey thrown in when the mood strikes me.