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*HUMOUR* The complete guide to shaving your balls



No mention of whether the 'taint' should be included here. I've found the taint produces very long hairs and these can be platted in a kind of dreadlock pubester fashion. Does the taint qualify as part of the trimming regime or do people stop at the scrotal edge?

Also, an added advantage of the twisting of the taint hair is that when unravelled you have a highly amusing perm effect going on.

h^2 O

oh it's total man - like you're supposed to leave a rhombus/almost superman shaped patch, and then totally shave ur entire whatnot area, butt, everything. Takes 10 mins. Then you blow dry and use one of these guys to even it out (the patch). And you're ready to rock and roll.


cant stop wont stop
I just use my trimmer for harvesting.. its a little dangerous but it gets the job done.

hahahaha!!!!! at first i thought you were talkin bout these

Gotta say ive cut my finger tips 100's of times over using those bastards (on weed)
bout to say you're almost safer with one of these :D



oh it's total man - like you're supposed to leave a rhombus/almost superman shaped patch

Lmao. one day in the bedroom.. "Babe look what i done in the shower this morning". You could do all sorts of shapes.. weed leaf? that would rock, don't you think? lol

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
go on.......be a real man, wax it!

....if you do it takes 3 weeks or more to grow back....if you shave you will get a 5 o'clock shadow not soon after.....

....any links to nad waxing kits?.....or do I have to keep using scented candles?

Question: Stop Shaving Pubic Area and Start Waxing?

I’ve been shaving my pubic area, but it only lasts a day or so. How long will the hair be gone if I switch to waxing?
Answer: Since you are only taking hair even with the skin with shaving, it comes back above the surface very quickly. Waxing, however removes the entire hair follicle from the root. Since you are looking for longer lasting results, waxing is the better method. Exactly how long the hair stays away will vary.


The male brazilian wax? Yes, bikini waxing is no longer gender-specific! Now men can reap the benefits of longer-lasting hair removal even in their most intimate region. So if you’re a man new to the world of waxing, and don’t know what to expect, here is a step-by-step briefing for waxing beneath the boxers.

How Should I Prepare?

* Be clean. Come freshly showered.

* Be dry. Cleanliness is appreciated, but please skip on the lotion, you'll get better results if your skin is less oily.

* Be hairy. Your hair should be at least 0.25 inches in length (which makes it long enough to lay flat on your skin). Please don't shave for at least two weeks prior to your appointment to ensure that your hair is long enough! Also, if you've 'let it go' down there and it seems out of control, don't worry! Our specialists will trim any longer hairs to the proper length prior to the removal process.

* Be comfortable. If possible, wear loose clothing that day to prevent irritation in the post-wax phase.

* Be relaxed. Reportedly the more relaxed your muscles are, the better your hair removal results will be!

What Should I Expect?

* Remove clothing. You will be asked to remove your underwear in a treatment room. By removing your underwear you protect your clothing as well as provide optimal working conditions so that the technician can get all of the unwanted hair! Men are also given the option of a disposable thong to wear during the treatment.

* Prep the area. Your technician will cleanse the area to eliminate potentially dangerous bacteria that may exist on your skin.

* Consultation. Your technician will examine the hair length, and trim accordingly for safety purposes as well as your preference. She will also ask you about what areas you would like to leave hair and how much of it you would like to leave.

* The fun part, getting rid of the hair. Your technician will perform the actual waxing.

* Post-Care. After you are as bare as you want to be, you will be rewarded with a bikini facial!

* Fine-tuning. Your technician will present a mirror for you to view the result and the approval of your new 'do' as well as check for any stray hairs!

* You’re done. You are finished and ready to go about the rest of the day! (Oh, please remember to dress before leaving the room!) And remember, If this is a new 'thing' for you, treat your 'Brazilianized' bikini like you would any other haircut, try it out for a few days and then decide!

Reasons Why Men Get a Male Brazilian or Bikini Wax:

* Men who shave are now opting to avoid the itchy ‘five o’clock shadow’ and go for a longer-lasting, smoother solution.

* Swimmers and body-builders tend to get all of their body hair removed, especially before competition.

* Personal preference, some guys hate body hair as much as some women!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
well that helps

I tend to prefer something between the Metro and the Uptown

As for the waxing. I prefer to do this at home, Gypsy, do these wonderful technicians you are boasting of, do house calls?

Sure it grows back, but I shave it as much as I shave my face, every few days

My biggest problem is scrotum hairs, it is very hard to get all those "singles"

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I do, now and then, depends on the temp of my bathroom, if that is possible.

For those confused by what is meant by the squeeze technique, basically you grab your scrotum and squeeze, until your skin is stretched out, this works especially well, on the lower portion of your scrotum, but only if you are warm.
If you are chilled this can be more difficult


Life is one big grow........
uhhhh waxing da ball must be no fun at all!!!
waxing is reserve for my girl!!

budah's tip: do not smoke to much befor u start shaving!!

Big D

I stopped grooming the "frank and beans" about 4 years ago. I had been married for 16 years at that time and I figured WTF! It is too much work anymore. All my wife can say now a days is, "OMG"! Shes like a cat now... she is constantly hack'n up "hair balls". So if you guys hear of a contest for the, hairiest balls on the planet, let me know!


Life is one big grow........
Really? "high" showering is great. I love being in there, all baked, and feeling the hot steamy water on me

yehh showering or relax in da whirlpool is great while stoned - but shaving is dangerous if being too stoned!!!!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
well that helps

I tend to prefer something between the Metro and the Uptown

As for the waxing. I prefer to do this at home, Gypsy, do these wonderful technicians you are boasting of, do house calls?

Sure it grows back, but I shave it as much as I shave my face, every few days

My biggest problem is scrotum hairs, it is very hard to get all those "singles"

I go for somewhere between the Tarzan and the Acomoclitic.....

....Ordinary beeswax or scented candles don't work so well you have to score this Brazilian stuff to be able to DIY.....or you could end up in a bad way...

....There is probably a Brazilian stunner/expert out there somewhere working the hair-on-nads circuit that you could get to work house calls for a price...I suppose the process would be easier for the technician if you showed a bit of physical excitement....

Thinking about it....kinda odd job for a lady, what does she tell her Dad when he asks her 'What's your new job about?'.......and she says 'Dad......I rip the hair off the testicles of thousands of men'......would kinda make me raise my eye-brows and perhaps cringe if my daughter said that to me....lol

If your biggest problem is scrotal hairs Dr Dog.....then you are having a quality, easy life....

...of course if you want to solve this problem easily then WAX IT!
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haze crazy

Waxing is the way to go. No blades near my tools! All the beauty supply shops sell the wax. For some reason, if you do it yourself it hurts less. And the very first time it really stings! As time goes on it seems to hurt less. You do have to be careful and not try to do too much at once though.... I do know a woman who will dehair you sack, but she is kind of a butterface....

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