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*HUMOUR* The complete guide to shaving your balls


Guest 26753



points for creativity, but there are some things I just don't want to read here

here are some things you can do:

scream for help
put your hands infront of your face while you alt f4
alt tab to another window, then see scream for help
close the thread
close your internet browser
close your eyes and hope for your mouse cursor to hit the back button(backspace will sometimes suffice.)
close your eyes partially making it hard to read the truly disgusting words mentioned...:noway:

on a separate note, I too remembered this thread in the shower...not that it helped at all, since i couldnt read and bathe, but perhaps i will have to make a print out...and laminate it. i kid with ya'll... or am i... - . -

good stuff folks, im off to find a single blade razor...if that's even possible nowadays.

DO NOT BE FOOLED by the philips bodygroom, yes you can safely use it on 99% of your body(or 90% if youre well-endowed like myself:p) but beware, your...hangingness can still get fairly well clipped from the razor blades that reciprocate in parallel.. the caged spinning razor cant hurt you, but is fairly lame, but be careful of that razor with the blades that move parallel eachother...oooo hurts just thinking about it.:dueling:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I have a rub and tug within 500 feet of my house

I am good friends with the owner, and he offers me gift certificates all the time, but there is something wrong with a GC for a "happy ending"

But alas like I have stated before, I would prefer for this type of thing to take place inside my own home

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
do you have any intructions on how to shave special designs, or any hair doo's. I could have like a sac mullet, or side burns. maybe dye it bright green. hhaah jk


wow..i'm either really old or not with it. thankfully i'm married...and for me it would be a complete turn off to see a man with a hairless sack. i mean i'll trim for the bikini but there's no way i'm shaving everything...fuk that. and there's no way my hubby would either. we must be rednecks...lol. aaah ignorance is bliss.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
wow..i'm either really old or not with it. thankfully i'm married...and for me it would be a complete turn off to see a man with a hairless sack. i mean i'll trim for the bikini but there's no way i'm shaving everything...fuk that. and there's no way my hubby would either. we must be rednecks...lol. aaah ignorance is bliss.

I started doin after a divorce about 10 years ago. It was more of a fad then, everyone was shaving up

I kept at it, as I am used to it now. To be honest with you, doing stuff like camping, where i dont shave anything for a few weeks, makes me a little self aware, when it "sexy time" with my woman


I know it sounds crazy but yanking them out one at a time can be sensual as hell try it right now and tell me your not wood after the fifth hair is yanked.


The older generation never shaved their sacks. They thought it was perverted to shave your nuts. Years ago, my grandfather's gown fell off in the hospital... I remember that his entire private area was a wreck.

I couldn't help but think how much trouble it would be to clean that puppy in it's current state. I've always shaved and kept my stuff groomed. The girls always thought I was kinky but clean LMAO.
