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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


A chunk of goooooooooooooooooooooooooood work !!

I'll be watching... Have a good season

Greetings from Poland yeeeeeeeeah

many many buuuds ;d


Active member
Stdane, sorry to hear about your bird problems. That is terrible. I would have been devastated if I had lost some of my strains. I hope you can recover.
We are getting a ton of rain right now. There washotguns a spot here in Humboldt that got over five inches in 24 hours.
Here is a shot of some of my OG clones moved out to one of my GH's with their supplemental light. Used the rainy weather to bump up some other clones today.
View attachment 55091

Thanks Humboldt,some I can replace,others are harder....Wooaw man that sounds almost tropic.. yer clones lookin' fantastic...and gosh ya living in a beautiful place,what a nature.....
Let me say if I was to attend a giga-garden like yers I had to loose sleep the last 2 month before chopping,spending every night with a shotgun in my hands,fightin' of rippers lol!!!
No seriously,yer just so inspirering to follow Humboldt, fer us outdoor folks,so keep up this fine work... :thank you:


Happy Mothers Day everyone. Hope you get to spend it with the ones you love.
Time for a little update.
First off, Planty the Dog looks great. They are really bushing out and look hearty. They will be monsters. They are getting bumped up to tens in the next few days.
Here is one of the reasons I love living here so much. It truly is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Now for the big secret I have mentioned a couple times. The last couple years we have had a pretty cold may and june. Some years I could plant first week of may and the plants would explode, others they would sit for a month with no growth. The plants in the greenhouse on the other hand, would surpass them in growth because of the warm days and nights they were experiencing. This year I planned to build pvc hoops over all of my outdoor plants to give them the greenhouse experience and make it so I could plant earlier. Sometime late june or early july when it gets way too hot the plastic will come off but the hoop will stay in place to help with supporting the plants. I built the hoops a little small with the hope that the plants will grow a few feet through them. I will run two 4' pieces of plant trellis netting down the length of the hoops ridge to hold the plants up. I will also be using a texas tomato cage and a larger deer fencing cage like last year around them. Obviously not all plants will be the same size but I will deal with the monsters that need some extra support once it is clear which they are. I am thinking a second hoop over those ones with more trellis netting another few feet higher would do the trick.
This is my trench garden. These hoops are 120 feet long. This is a very windy spot and we did struggle getting these hoops solid. We added weed mat to the fence to act as a wind barrier and it helped a little. Adding a ridge piece to the hoops helped add some strength and we have a t-post at either end duct-taped to the pvc. It really adds some strength. We had hoped to be planting a lot earlier with these hoops to really get the most benefit but several speed bumps slowed us down a bit.
We will be adding one more water line to these trenches.
These are some of the hoops that have supplemental light and Mr Nice clones planted in 200 gallon smarties in them. This is a much less windy spot and the hoops didn't need the ridge piece. I am already wishing I had gone with 300 gallons smarties here but I am sure these will do fine. Still have a lot of hoops that need to be put up. Next year I hope to be planting a lot earlier and would of but my soil is still way too hot in most of my 300 gallon smarties. Hopefully next week it will be cool enough to get everything else in. The clones you see in the pots in these hoops will be going into some of my trenches at the beginning of june. They won't have supplemental lighting at that point but I think they will be fine.


It is something I had thought about doing for many years but never made the effort. It is a lot of added work but I think it will pay off with some major growth. If I had my soil cooking a lot sooner I could have been in the ground earlier. I am really hoping it works out well with the plant support later in the year.





So stay tuned folks. Should get interesting.:)
Wow, Humboldt it is gonna be amazing this year I can feel it. You have done an excellent job of getting that busted out got a good amount of plants out there beautiful, those plants already are descent size to I can't wait to seem at the end.
HL, looks AMAZING! Can't wait to see everything progress. Snowin here, so no outdoor round these parts. I too have some WCD, and can't wait to see what YOU do with those soon-to-be MONSTERS. Have a great season!


WOW bro, very innovative. Glad to see you employing some new tactics. This is your first year with the big planters right? Man, I think you're on track to knock it out of the park this year....really great to see bro.

I'm smiling large for ya....

Always, all my best-


Active member
Lookin Good HL. I have been toying with the idea of building a temp GH over my garden as well... Using it for support later in the season is a nice bonus.

Somebody needs to make those texas Tomato Cages with twice the amount of rings over the same height. I'd buy those.

Inspirational stuff, my brother.


Very inspirational Humboldtlocal. I live in a cooler place with lots of rain so I've been thinking about that temp greenhouse thing to make me able to grow strains that wouldn't normally make it here. Was thinking of using them at the end of the season to prevent mold.

Thank you very much for sharing this!


This morning when it was snowing and in the 30's, inside the hoops it was in the 60's. Oh yeah.:blowbubbles:


Gah, you're a lucky guy humbolt, aren't you ever!
If you ever fear too low of a temp for too long, a handy trick... you beat me to it!
I was going to recommend using 60W incandescent lights, but cfls work too!

I presume you aren't using them for heat? more to extend the light hours?
Feel free to enlighten me :)



I'm glad everything is going well, wish I could say the same for myself, Monday was my birthday and I was coming home... roommate wasn't expecting me... I go to open the door front door SLAM
right on my index finger ...Thought it was cut off, but only broken in 3 places, pulverized the tip, fingernail ripped right off.
So, I don't know when I can get back to my Outdoor with one hand and all..
At least I can come on here and drool a little, the little Joys in life....