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howmany people here dont trust the vaccine or covid


Well-known member


Speed of Dark
My daughter got the Phizer jab, as did my roommate. The roommate was fine, daughter was down for two days with dizzy and a fever. I went for the Moderna and had zero side effects.

We still mask up because from the outside no one can tell if we are immunized or not.
Stress level went down immediately, way before the antibodies had any chance of performing, just knowing they were in there working gave relief.
Love the placebo effect, gives me a jump on the actual process, no waiting.

Second jab scheduled for the 18th, then it is party time.


Well-known member
strictly "yes or no" questions are nearly always false equivalencies designed to elicit agreement, or to open ones opponent to attacks. do i think the government should be able to FORCE you to be immunized? that would be a "no". BUT...you give up rights when you refuse responsibilities. you do NOT have a "right" to expose others to disease. period. as far as i am concerned, if you are unwilling to help keep others safe, then you have broken any responsibility that health officials have to treat you when you get sick - IE- stay home and suffer/die. this is just my opinion, doctors and nurses will treat you when you crawl into the emergency room. but, they should not be required to. JMHO

Israel just developed a drug that saves 97% of hospitalized Covid19 patients, so we don't need the vaccine anyways.

You can jab yourself with whatever cocktail they cook up that needs to stay at like -60F to work. You can tell me it's safe all you like, but it's already killed people short term. So you can get fucked with that vaccine, I'll stick to medical marijuana. :plant grow:


Well-known member
My daughter got the Phizer jab, as did my roommate. The roommate was fine, daughter was down for two days with dizzy and a fever. I went for the Moderna and had zero side effects.

We still mask up because from the outside no one can tell if we are immunized or not.
Stress level went down immediately, way before the antibodies had any chance of performing, just knowing they were in there working gave relief.
Love the placebo effect, gives me a jump on the actual process, no waiting.

Second jab scheduled for the 18th, then it is party time.

My wife and I are scheduled for the second shot the 19th. No side effects for us after the first Moderna shot. I understand the second Moderna shot can cause some reactions.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ive had my first vaccine shot , get the second on the 10th . Moderna and no side effects


Speed of Dark
Roger that Captain, pot is counter covid-19 for sure.
No asthma but I have always been prone to pneumonia with seven episodes requiring injections.
An expectorant like Muncinex helps clear the lungs if they get really clogged.
But to prevent them clogging in the first place is concentrates. I began my grow operation in the 1990's for the raw material for bud oil. Now that it is commercially available I buy it at the store.
A low terpine crumble coming in at 80% THC or better cleans out the lung leaving them fresh and ready.

I assume the same effect with covid-19 as I get when I use it with the common cold. The virus is a corona virus very similar in both of them.

Taking the jab should prevent getting sick even if I do get contaminated for some reason.

Lungs and pot are made for each other like coffee and the liver. With eight active liver tumors the doctors all agree I should keep on with my coffee habit.
The heart doctor says go ahead, the liver is gonna get me first. I take that as a challenge and am back up to six cups a day.

Coffee also helps expand the bronchial tubes so mixing it up with the concentrate gives me a double whammy on the underlaying lung condition.

And I'm thinking hard on getting thoroughly trashed before lining up for that second jab, just to get a head start.


Well-known member
I think I had the COVID in late March, long story short if breathing got hard in the night I got up for a joint and all was well.


Well-known member
Israel just developed a drug that saves 97% of hospitalized Covid19 patients, so we don't need the vaccine anyways.

You can jab yourself with whatever cocktail they cook up that needs to stay at like -60F to work. You can tell me it's safe all you like, but it's already killed people short term. So you can get fucked with that vaccine, I'll stick to medical marijuana. :plant grow:

yeah, I pointed out that development a week ago. Israel is far ahead of us in medicine. vaccines should keep you from HAVING to be hospitalized. blow your money on hospitalization & being saved if you want. the vaccine is free. got any references that withstand scrutiny RE vaccines killing anyone? i'll wait...:D


Well-known member
I had my first jab yesterday, the Oxford/AstraZeneca one. Few small side effects so far (achy, hot last night) but painkillers relieve them.
Not noticed any effects from the microchip yet, but early days I guess :biggrin:


Active member
Wife and I got COVID last March, almost killed her. I still have lung and smell/taste issues a year later. Got my first Phizer shot last week, she gets her's in a couple of weeks. People who do not mask up are incredibly dumb. If the unmaskers get it - they deserve the misery. It is NOT 'just getting the flu'.


Active member
Wife and I got COVID last March, almost killed her. I still have lung and smell/taste issues a year later. Got my first Phizer shot last week, she gets her's in a couple of weeks. People who do not mask up are incredibly dumb. If the unmaskers get it - they deserve the misery. It is NOT 'just getting the flu'.

Unbelievers shall repent or face the judgment + hellfire

St. Phatty

Active member
If you get the vaccine in your shoulder muscle, does the doctor say that you have a "chip on your shoulder" in your medical records ?


Active member
If you get the vaccine in your shoulder muscle, does the doctor say that you have a "chip on your shoulder" in your medical records ?

I dunno. But my arm jumps up in a nazi salute when I microwave my coffee cup. Got a whole Dr Strangelove thing happening thanks to Bill Gates.