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how would bruce lee fare in UFC?

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Moldy Dreads

Active member
He also became interested in Eastern religion: in a November 1997 interview for the Shambala Sun, he stated that his relationship with Tibetan Buddhism resulted from his study of acupuncture. According to Seagal, several ailing Tibetan lamas, suffering from malnutrition, exhaustion, and the effects of Chinese torture, were sent to him for treatment, which led him to become a director of secret security operations and setting up special safe houses. Regarding other incidents from his past, Seagal has remained secretive, though he was allegedly a bounty hunter and occasionally has hinted about involvement with the CIA. Further speculation has surrounded the work he did on behalf of Tibetan freedom fighters, and it was not until 1997 that he mentioned the large amounts of money he claimed to have donated to various religious organizations.

This sounds like something that dude "coach" from survivor would say...As a matter of fact I think they are brothers LOL!


I never liked Bruce Lee. Always thought he was a bit of a poof. But he'd still obliterate any of those UFC Chumps.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
in his prime Bruce Lee could've been a life taking machine,
his size, speed agility, and ultimately his strength makes him
a far superior fighter than anything the UFC can muster up.
Let's remember that these UFC fighters are used to seeing
fighters of their own size & capabilities.......


Did someone mention Steven Seagal?What a fat,out of condition,arrogant f*ck,I saw him back in the 1990's when "Planet Hollywood" opened in Hong Kong,he was one of the "Celebrities" who turned up,believed his own legend,wore the buckskin tasseled coat he wears in "Deadly Ground" to walk around wanchai market in 30+ degrees,the rest of us had sweat running in rivulets,that plum waddled around pretending to be mystical,he had snake blood in one of the snake shops(havent we all) if ever your in Hong Kong look around the snake shops in wanchai market,his pictures in the window of one of them,and YUP he is wearing that coat :wallbash: My kid could write one of his scripts,they always follow the same patters,Seagal is an ex FBI,KGB,CIA,MOSSAD...blah...blah...blah operative,leaves the service to grow bonzai trees,teach origami,live in the mountains to study sasquatch.....Someone kidnaps his friend,rapes his friends dog,drops toffee papers in his friends garden......Yadda,yadda,yadda,they all die,seagal walks off into the sunset playing his flute....THE END!


Active member

So I went onto the MMA and fighting forums, knowing full well this is a subject they have debated endlessly there.
I thought most people would agree with me there(Lee get ass handed to him)
But no, they actually split down the middle, a lot of those guys think he would do pretty well, but most there agree he would need to stay in his weight class, but there are a few who like some here think he could kill anyone.

I found a vid of him playing ping pong with nunchucks, probably fake, but fun to watch.


Sorry,forgot to add Seagal is past it,couldnt kick his way out of a paper bag :nanana:


Active member
Yes, I agree, I would put my money on the paper bag in
Steven Seagal vs Paper bag


Can I just say however if it was a wet paper bag it would be a close run match :dueling:Jackie Chan is mega fast,met him several times,great guy,super fit.:woohoo:


i miss the old ufc.... no rules, no weight class....fighters were typically skilled in just one discipline like boxing, judo, or jujutsu, or some crazy monkey style and had little experience against opponents with different skills. but now its all bjj.........

fighters like Gracie and Severn would face significantly larger or taller opponents.......Remember Keith "The Giant Killer" Hackney facing Emmanuel Yarborough at UFC 3 with a 9 in height and 400 lb weight disadvantage...... martial artists believed that technique could overcome these size disadvantages, and that a skilled fighter could use an opponent's size and strength against him.... ahhh the good ol days


Active member
Yes, I to really miss the first couple years of UFC for the reasons you listed.
They had a couple rules, no fish hooking, and no small joint manipulation(breaking fingers)
Other then that pretty much anything went, you could kick them in the head while they were down, groin stomps, etc....


Bruce wins - first round, less than 3 hits, against anyone (he is the only man to kill Chuck Norris)...
:wallbash: My kid could write one of his scripts,they always follow the same patters,Seagal is an ex FBI,KGB,CIA,MOSSAD...blah...blah...blah operative,leaves the service to grow bonzai trees,teach origami,live in the mountains to study sasquatch.....Someone kidnaps his friend,rapes his friends dog,drops toffee papers in his friends garden......Yadda,yadda,yadda,they all die,seagal walks off into the sunset playing his flute....THE END!
2 funny 2 true


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
some of us dont seem to be able to distinguish the difference between competitive fighting and death blows. many serious martial artists could mortally strike there opponent end of story. mma is competetive fighting with structure and rules huge difference. this thread should be what martial arts legends could dust anyone in the ufc. bruce lee above all else, chuck norris, jackie chan, jet li, and plenty more i cant think of of dont know the name of. we are comparing apples to oranges here. what about a weaponless ninja? he would kill any ufc fighter but that because his main focus is again, death blows.......


Active member
some of us dont seem to be able to distinguish the difference between competitive fighting and death blows. many serious martial artists could mortally strike there opponent end of story. mma is competetive fighting with structure and rules huge difference. this thread should be what martial arts legends could dust anyone in the ufc. bruce lee above all else, chuck norris, jackie chan, jet li, and plenty more i cant think of of dont know the name of. we are comparing apples to oranges here. what about a weaponless ninja? he would kill any ufc fighter but that because his main focus is again, death blows.......

very well said.. :yeahthats


burnt out og'er
This thread has become totally stupid, filled with my mama can beat your mama type statements.

Such bullcrap statements like Bruce Lee training Chuck Norris haaaaaaaaaa or Steven Segal vs paper bag.
All complete nonsense and unfounded bullcrap.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
bruce lee would win no problem. he was too fast for them to tackle him, or even hit him. His two inch punch was so powerful that it could knock at 250 lb man on his ass. This aint legend. he was the greatest martial artist that ever lived in the 20th century.
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