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how to kill all your clones in 10 min or less; step 1, use aeocloner...


Active member
what the fuck?
how do you aero ppl get %100? such bullshit.

this shit is so espensive too.. $60 for cpowerclonesolution , and $40 for neoprene collars....pump, plumbing, sprayers?



Active member
I never got anything but 100%. Just made a diy one for a friend out of spare parts and he got 100% from the get go as well.

If you want to learn how to use it well plenty of people here can help.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
how do you aero ppl get %100?

it's rare that i lose one, fairly similar set up

i don't use any gel/solution/powder - just chop it, and plunk it in there. no dome, either.


usually after 4 days, there are nubs, and by day 6 it looks like above. by 12-14, there's enough dangly roots to move out

how often are your sprayers kicking on?

El Toker

I get 100% most of the time, the one ocassion it didn't work well was when the cuttings came from a very unhealthy mother. If you give more info on temps, humidity etc. I'm sure someone will be able to sort your problem out.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
It looks like a home made one.

Are your sprayer heads at the same height as the stems?

If they are under the stems they might not be getting wet.


Active member
take off the dome

they were dead and getting limper by the minute until i put the dome on...
infact. ill take the jars off and let a few die....just because u said take the lids off.

It looks like a home made one.

Are your sprayer heads at the same height as the stems?

If they are under the stems they might not be getting wet.

the stems are getting wet. there soaked....

how are you guys getting %100 ??
i didnt even get the powerclone solution yet, its just 65F RO, with a dunk in clone gel....


Active member
I get 100% most of the time, the one ocassion it didn't work well was when the cuttings came from a very unhealthy mother. If you give more info on temps, humidity etc. I'm sure someone will be able to sort your problem out.

its been 10 minutes...
i didnt even get to fill all the collars...
75-79 F room temp 55-60 RH...
misting with plant penetrator and RO...
cloners filled with 8Gal 65F ro..
all misters are getting all stems wet!!

i think its because everyone has soil mothers and they dump them in corners.
im using hydro moms/perpetual style and have fast growing clone donar material.

other then that i have no clue, my buddy said he had gotten 95%+ ...but he had...dumpy soil moms and his clones were slower then mine... then his moms died....so now i have the cloners...


Active member
That's freaky 100% loss?? sorry to hear about your trouble... I get 95+% with just ro water at ph 6.2 in my ghetto fab aero cloner. I notice the lid is light green how much light are you using? I've found that putting the cloner off to the side of my mom room works best. no direct light. check your pH and light levels at your root zone. This is the fastest and most successful technique I've found although rockwool cubes in a dome is almost as good. Best of luck it really does work.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
with mine i just keep the water at about 75F, dont worry about ph, as long as water is getting onto the stems they should be fine.

Perhaps its a very strong light? I use something like a 30w tube. No dome/lid.

I've never seen that happen before.


Active member
Oh and I've used cuttings from moms in hydroton drip, dwc, hempy and soil with the same results. My white widow momma is in soil and her cuts seem to root the slowest but that may be the strain not the media.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Cloning is voodoo. No other area sees such disparate results from identical procedures. Catastrophic failure in aero cloners is very common. Used "correctly" my bubbler has killed everything I've put in it, used "incorrectly" 100% success. You need to find the "tweak" to make your's work.

Maybe the EZ Cloner Review thread has some answers


Overkill is under-rated.
Well put FB, I have tried about 10 different ways to clone over the years, usually with a 40-50% strike rate following directions to a T! Lately I've gotten that up to about 90% by never misting clones (under domes in RW) and by soaking my slabs in Eagle20 and Physan with some Dynagrow KLN. When I water I water with weak EWC tea. It seems all the fungicide is what's really helping, and the EWC tea keeps them green long enough to survive rooting.


Drip King
Had the same shit happen in aero cloners, so....perlite and wicks (thanks H3ad) and no domes! Cheap and no moving parts or problems!


Lone Wolf

Well-known member
yeah i never had problems with my aerocloners...

only time i would have problems is when i tried adding extra bullshit to the water...

PLAIN, PH'D WATER is all you need! water temps cannot be too hot or too cold either! keep it on the colder side tho rather the hotter side if the situation were to ever arise...

also, keep away from direct light... also, try and cut the tips off of your leaves so you "cauterize" the edges and prevent moisture from escaping the cut...

also, i put it on a timer - 15 min on 15 min off ............


Active member
Water temp is the difference between 100% and 0%. I ran an ez cloner for a while. If temps were good it worked if not massive fail. I ditched it and went back to rapid rooters.


Active member

this last pic there like 6 hrs old...
i havent even gotten them into "there spot" still in my living room...
i couldnt even finish filling the thing before they all went limp.......

i have no problems with my regular way/classic method...

i was under the impression these were faster/better...
but dam, seams like its not the "throw the cuts in and wait" ppl claim..

after 7days (taken on the 12th) most look like this...

some are like this...


Active member
My clones always droop when put into the cloner. They spring back to life within 12 hours.

I had about 80% luck with a bubbler and when i switched to the "world class cloner available at walmart", the cloner in that thread, i shot up to 99%.

Best of luck to you
