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how to donate meds safely


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
hi guys,

I have alot of stock of pot, and wondered how to get it into the hand of the sick in a safe way?

I actually do not retain a card, my GF does.

I just don't know how to get some of this to sick people while be safe, and being as I don't hold the card. Just have to much sitting around that could go to good use. also don't want it going to some people who got a card for headaches... would like to see it go to good use

any help would be appreciated. trying to clean out the house, and figured the jars have got to go then also..


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
habeeb be legal, I don't think you can do anything legally, but your girlfriend can, if she indeed has a legal card, and if she is in a State that allows it..In Cali you could contact a legal collective, there are hundreds, and offer it to them. I think she would have to join the collective though? It's an honerable and generous thing to do..there are patients in need. Many peeps might frown on it thinking the collectives are making big bucks already and will just profit more with your donation, but some are not, some are in it to help the suffering. I have donated many times. As for stipulating which patients will receive your donation, ie headaches. I'm not sure why you would want to get into that? Some migrain suffers cope with thier illness every day and it greatly affects thier quality of life just like any other illness. Peace..DD


I think he may have meant " headaches", the kind that aren't really headaches, just an excuse for a permit.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Fisker thanks, I got that, but my point was- if someone is suffering and has a legal cert. then are growers to say how bad you need to be to receive relief. Certainly they obtained a script from a doc to get the cert. I believe cannabis is good medicine for even common headaches. Safer than asprine...Cheers, DD


Freedom Fighter
If you sell it to them...even if you call it a "Donation"...you have no say in how it is distributed-- I work for a collective, and I never sell anything from my personal garden to them--
But, I do actually Donate (as in for free), a few zips here and there, and specify that it goes (for free) to Terminal Patients with financial hardships-- They have no prob with that--
I'm not saying they are more deserving...just my chosen Charity--:tiphat:
bro k+ to you guys sad when ya have to be worried with getting in trouble for trying to give good meds away to help those in need.so ask your girl if any of her patients have friends that are in need or friends family member etc. if not hell id say go to a clinic and tell them youd like to help out some of there financial challenged patience who cant afford to buy there meds.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Kali thanks for clearing this up some..I like the "chosen charity" idea better than mine. Certainly terminalily ill patients should come first. DD
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
My wife works at a local collective. There is what is called a "compassionate bag" kept around for the ppl that are struggling. Members donate and help keep the bag from being empty :) PPL HELPING PPL .. gotta love it !!


great thread! yeah i would like to do this also.

the ones i want most to help are the disabled veterans, and i have had some difficulty contacting the right person to help. I think once i find the right person there will be no problem. i have met many DVs ( before i grew) and many are struggling financially...

anyone know how i can hook up with them? the interwebs didn't help me much...

i am legal under CO amendment 20

( mods delete if this conflicts with the tou )


New member
Awesome that you guys can help, I'm a 37 yr cancer pt. (MALT Lymphoma stomach) and am unlucky enough to live in a non compassionate state. The only thing my way that's close to being medically beneficial is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive an unattainable, crazy country where some can and others can't. Cannabis is a HUGE benefit to those with stomach cancer as it helps with appetite which can keep you out of the hospital, ensure becomes intolerable. Not to mention how it help side effects of RT/Chemo. Every oncologist should have the ability to help.
in oregon we have a number of patient organizations usually associated with web sites that give cannabis to those in need. it is one of the ways i dispose of my surplus. we (the skunk pharm) also make concentrates for cancer patients (that is graywolf's baby though we all do pro bono work). much of what we do comes from donations from other growers who know and appreciate our work.


New member
I can tell you that Cannabis brought me out of bed, I had lost 36 lbs in 40 days of therapy. I'm home contemplating my destiny which I'm afraid mmj can't help.

Why people all over the world have to deal with this BS is unreal. My doc will write me more pills than pfizer can make in a day, but the best medicine is unattainable. GOOD ON ALL OF YOU! KARMA DEPOSITS!!! I'm literally contemplating a move until I get better or worse, it's drastic
I can tell you that Cannabis brought me out of bed, I had lost 36 lbs in 40 days of therapy. I'm home contemplating my destiny which I'm afraid mmj can't help.

Why people all over the world have to deal with this BS is unreal. My doc will write me more pills than pfizer can make in a day, but the best medicine is unattainable. GOOD ON ALL OF YOU! KARMA DEPOSITS!!! I'm literally contemplating a move until I get better or worse, it's drastic

i'm so sorry. you need some hippie chicken. wish you were in oregon.
hippie chicken is a strain. makes you raid the fridge on a regular basis. people wake at night and go eat on this stuff. right now, my alzheimer's mom is on "holy shit hippie chicken" for appetite. she eats like a horse when she is ingesting holy shit (concoction of concentrated cannabis) made from hippe chicken.


New member
hippie chicken is a strain. makes you raid the fridge on a regular basis. people wake at night and go eat on this stuff. right now, my alzheimer's mom is on "holy shit hippie chicken" for appetite. she eats like a horse when she is ingesting holy shit (concoction of concentrated cannabis) made from hippe chicken.

Ok, most of the strains around here have things in common with chickens, primarily feathers! Mexican Chicken feathers at that!

thanks for the explanation, I just watched some skunk pharm work in progress :tiphat:
I'm 37 as of last month and have only seen hash once, extracts are even more exotic than med grade flowers which are RARE hell I don't mind anyone knowing I'm in STANKY Ga.