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New member
oh i´m sorry , mi last post was in reply of that report of uruguayan situation in january.
But then i read all the thread and i get we´re in the same tune guys, i buy the same products alsur says in the same places, and i do the same compost tea, but i use fructuosa and bat guano.
I grow guerrilla you can see some of my work at kayamans thread.

Saludos del Chacrero
I sure hope that homegrow depenalization goes through, I think it has a good chance with Mujica. He's made comments that sound favorable to such a bill.
I wish the politicians considered just how much tourism money Uruguay could bring in if it allowed the sale of cannabis in cafes, and by taxing and regulating the cannabis. It could bring so much tourism and tax dollars, that it could actually make a noticeable difference in the GDP.


New member
Actualy is local bat poop composted, i get it from many places, churches belltowers, old barns, cow sheds, or stables, last time i get it in an old stable outside montevideo, i pick up a 2 kilo bag thal will last me all year

Saludos del Chacrero


New member
I got seeds, i got buds, what other thing would i want.........
but it will be a pleasure to give you some guano, this weekend i´ll go to a farm to get some rabbit manure, there´s an old barn there i´m sure that i´ll find some bat guano for you.

i´ll be in touch

Saludos del Chacrero


This might be a lot to ask, but could you possibly post a list of all the nutes and such that you've found in Uruguay, and the corresponding name in Spanish in Uruguay. like:
Bonemeal - Harina de hueso
is Chicken guano just called "guano de gallina"? de pollo?
and so on
If you don't know the exact name for the product you're looking for in Uruguay, they'll often look at you as though they have no idea what you're talking about if you try to explain it.

Ok Mastershake, here is the answers to your questions, although all this info is contained in this thread already from Al_Surs fantastic info, but here it is all in one place (Hopefully):

Veg / seedlings soil mix:

20% Peat Moss (from Biofer or Riverficio - both in Montevideo)
30% Compost (from Tiende Ingelsa, or Disco (another supermaket) or a company called Bioagro that I'm still trying to get in touch with )
20% Perlite - only place is Riverficio and they sell Big Bags
I also use Coco Fibre available from Tiende Ingelesa, nearest one to you will be in Punta Del Este
30% Worm Castings - called Humus de lombriz - available just about anywhere in Tiende Ingelsa and Viveros

This mix can be 'fed' with compost teas (see Al_surs' posts for receipes) - basically compost, worm castings and possibly Chicken Guano. You'll also need a bucket an aquarium airpump and airstones - I got all of these on Friday at a small Pet shop and I'm sure they'll available pretty much everywhere.

For the flowering soil mix its the same as above but with added Chicken Guano and Bone meal.

Both are available at Tienda Ingelsa in Punta Del Este:

Abonur - chicken guano. In a rectangle shaped box thats green with flowers and lawn on the front and it looks nothing like a package for Chicken Guano - I've walked past it many times until I read Al_Surs posts !

Harina de Hueso -Bone Meal, again Tiende !

That everything you need

The only thing I've been using that's not on this list is Seabird Guano and I was told I got the last of it available for purchase in Uruguay from Biofer whom are not making it anymore

as for lights (for an indoor grow) there is one company in Uruguay I believe and I saw it (I think) in Kayamans big grow thread nut maybe Al_Sur can help you with where to get lights
Awesome, thank you for putting all this in one post. So if I tried to consolidate my trips, I could get everything I needed between Riverficio and Tienda Inglesa alone? You said Riverficio is in Montevideo, I'm unfamiliar with this company, can you tell me where? I'm already familiar with Tienda Inglesa of course. Perlite is perlita in Spanish?
Did you by chance notice any lighting systems when were in agro stores?

Can Al_Sur, Chacrero, or Kayaman tell me how growing outdoors in pots during winter is? Is trying to start outdoors now not a good idea? What about adding some hours at the end of each day under lights and being inside during the night?


Riverfico deliver to a local bus station and its a big bag (of Perlita) but not heavy.

Tienda will get you the Chicken Guano, Bone Meal etc etc

Lighting systems - I think (only think) that there is one company in Uruguay that does them and I think this was once mentioned in the Kayaman grow thread
Alright thanks, I'm lookin through Kayaman's thread now, it's a big one. I notice Kayaman mentions giving plants artificial light for a few hours during winter, but nothing on lighting systems. I see user SERMusical grew indoor in Uruguay with a homemade setup......but he doesn't come on this forum anymore looks like.


somewhere I did see one Uruguay lighting company that would be suitable in one of the threads but can't remember where - your other alternative is to import them from the US via a company called Miami Box - this is perfectly possible but you'll end paying freight, taxes and clearance fees, so if you look online for US lights figure on paying double by the time they are in your hands, but.....this still may be cheaper than buying here (if you can find them)
Awesome, thanks, seems they have vermiculite too, which is nice to know, for other things.
Does anyone know what became of this guy?? http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=145102
I would send him a PM, but I don't have enough posts, still new member. In reading through Kayaman's entire thread (quite large now), I see he did grow during winter, bringing plants inside and using CFL.

Also, anyone know if cloning powders or gels (hormone powder) (Indole-3-butyric_acid) is sold in Uruguay?


New member
hey, good to see more people here!
heres more info:

vermiculite: riverfilco
lights: FIVISA ( colonia and cuareim. dowtown montevideo), for CFL tienda inglesa, BERON Iluminación ( fluorescents, they have silyvania grolux, good ones for clones and veg)

if you buy online and ship via miami box your gonna pay A LOT at customs and taxes.
you can found good lights here.

there was another forum, a uruguayan one ,for growing indoors with a lot of info for CFL and HPS (in spanish)
(look this monsters with a 400HPS)

here are some photos of a friend´s indoor a few years ago with CFL,

for growing in pots during winter... i did it only once, the worst winter in the last years (-5º) and i have a little decent crop but i planted in a terrace, no frost problems.

it was a bubblegum with 70 days flowering.. she went violet almost black leaves. she never finished well, but nice off season smoke anyway!

i started with plants germinated in april, flowering june and july or so... cant remember well but i know i cut it mid july freezing my ass in my house hehe.
never put artificial lights. living at the top of a tall building i had plenty of sun there.
perhaps its more tricky if you are at ground level with frost and less sunlight. but you can try :)


Al_Sur - still no luck with compost - went to Disco and they had no compost at all and Bioagro don't answer their emails and the phone number is no longer working

Any more Ideas ??

Chacrero, just wondered if you had any luck with the Bat Guano ?

Thanks for all that info al_sur, I went ahead and just bought some inexpensive CLF's. I got 65 % 6500K temp, 35 % 2700K, so it will get a natural-like light spectrum. The total only makes 8,000 lumens though, but that should be enough for very good, but not quite High Times Magazine quality bud. Nice thing is, in all, it only uses 140 watts, and initial investment was inexpensive.

I actually found some compost here in town, but the people at the store couldn't tell me what was in it, other than that it was decaying plant matter. It looks and feels pretty good. A few of my seeds cracked open.....but don't seem to be sprouting fully....or they're just going really slowly. I hope the case is that it's just slow, not that it's stopped completely. I built a little grow room, foiled it off, hopin for the best now. I'll post pics of activity as it happens, if it happens.

edit: I tried a few methods of germination that apparently the seeds didn't much care for, then I tried the papertowel method.....I got 100 percent germination for all the seeds done via papertowel :D


New member
mastershake, papertowel or cotton for me is the best way to germination, perhaps they re slow beacause of low temps or old seeds. give them a 7-10 days to sprout.

simonh, for the compost, try tienda inglesa , ciudad jardin or any plant shop "viveros" ,
Thanks al_sur, I realized it was the temperature, as well as the fact that I thought they needed light, and I had them under very strong light. I later found that they actually prefer a bit of darkness during germination.
I killed off most of the seedlings, and only have two left now growing healthily. One is a female, the other I don't know yet.

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