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FC's first grow,RRF and Onyx AIR POTS!


Thanks seedling, glad your still stopping by, alot of your advice in this thread has helped me alot. Do you think I should lower the pot so the plant stretches? or is it fine where it is, Id say i got like a good 5 inches from the bulb from the top of the plant. Should I drop it in hopes of her getting taller? Or just leave her where she is? thanks for the help man


so I measured how far the top of the plant is from the bulb, its about 8-9 inches. Should I drop it more to allow it grow taller? Or am I just being impatient? We're on day 26 right now and the plants like 4 inches or a little under I'd say. I've been lookin at others and they seem to be large at this point. Any advice would be appreciated guys!


whats goin on guys, just posting an update. its day 30 for the RRF right now. things are going pretty good I'd say even though its still quite short. I have some shots of the stem and it just looks funky. as they say pics are the best.

Alright dunno if you can tell by the pictures, but the stem is pretty much like flat on the ground. I'm not even sure as how it got this way, I think it may have been when I transplanted, the soil level had dropped a bit of where the actual stem was. But now it seems that the right side of the plant (the part thats on the ground) isn't growing leaves due to the fact that its on the ground. I'm not sure what to do, should I try to fix the stem and prop it up? Its quite hard and sturdy at the stem.

On the bright side, here is a top shot

here is the other side of the plant

it kind of looks like there is a seed, but the males have been removed from the cab a while before the pollen could have been released. Do some of the pistils just go orange/brown?

well aside from the questions, I have found 1 more other RRF female, put it in a orange juice jug. I want to compare the differences between airpot/regular jug.

Well hope everyone is having a good smoke!


Hey mate. Looks like she is starting to put on some resin, she is on the shorter side but thats nothing to do about, will still grow u great bud! I wouldnt do anything about that funny looking stem, dont want to brak it mate!! Just let her do what she does best GROW!!!

Good luck.


alright guys, been a little while since i last updated, I've been really busy lately and I fucked up the feeding schedule, the days were kind of off. I think that has gotten to the plant, its looking good, but grim at the same time. I know I will at least get something from this so I'm happy for my first grow, I think for my next Ill just grow alot of plants and see what happens run a SOG of autoflowers. Anyways enough blabbing more pics.

Smoke one up IC!