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how to deal w/ wealth Q?....and having to cut my damn dreads for it (in a way).

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High Grade Specialist
jesus dude fuck your hair and cash out. Ching Ching muthafucka!!
with all the money you get you can buy hair extensions.


Active member
sounds a bit like you have to give yourself up to get the money.

sacrifice true wealth for money.

shitload of money though lol, easy days, maybe.

guess it would depend on how much id have to "work" for the money (fit into their image and doing their crap to keep them happy)

whether id do it and depending on how much of assholes they are.

keeping the family happy sounds pretty much like getting a job (basically handing your ass to a boss and saying "here´s my ass boss, run it how you like") (which is basically what a job usually is lol)

but most jobs are basically slavery and you are getting the keys to the foremans house. (not the slave hut)

quite a difference

...though, this basically sounds like you are gonna have to "behave a certain way, look a certain way, talk a certain way, do a certain way" for the rest of your life.

this is reminding me of the movie Arthur lol..

selling your soul for cash :)

of course i dont know your family, might be angels for all i know, except.

why are you a dreadlock wearing hempsmoking "sortahippy" that longs for the wilderness and No people (mostly) ?

if the family is so great? (and you basically not seeing them for such a long time)

is the money worth it?

thats the Q.

(lol, knowing, some here would take it up the ass for a decade for that kinda money, but then again, those are people That never had money in the first place, personally i would say they are Vastly overvaluing it, but heck, its their ass.)

personally id think the occasional worry over money be far more palatable than losing yourself and your own way of life.

but like i said, dont know the exact situation and its your life ;) (maybe this would be worth it (you could bring different values into the family, see if you couldnt change the family, there is that.)


Thoreau has a wonderfull chapter in Walden called "Economy".The answer to your question is there.I know, you've read it.Read it again, now.:tiphat:


just don't molest my colas..
This is covertly the best thread Yukon has ever made. People's responses all ring with emotion and give great insight into the people writing the statements. Sociologist/psychologist's dream thread.


New member
money is one of the most evil things in this world. people will sell there soul for a fukkn dollar. ive seen many friends an families lives destroyd over "gettn that paper". my suggestion is look in2 charities, doesnt have 2b in another country it could be a person in ur community who is havin a ruff time. juss my 2 cents.

p.s. u have 2b ras in ur heart b4 u grow ur locks


can we really blame an inanimate object for our problems ?

I don't think it's enough to say that money is the problem

it's way more complex then that I think

but I will tell you that I found an equation that didn't add up

they say life is priceless

yet they are giving you a limited amount for the hour you work

life = priceless

1 hour = 7-50$

I don't want to say that working for money is causing us problems for I do not hold enough knowledge to dissect/understand the whole system.
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guest 77721

I thought this was yet another Yukon dread thread but he has some real issues to deal with.
Everybody has issues with their parents, especially around the holidays when we have to smile and play nice until it's over.

My parents are conservative Catholics. They don't have a massive amount of money but have hoarded all their lives and held back from myself and my sisters. They have never made friends of their adult children and still try to boss us around. I'm self sufficient and don't rely on them but there is always the religious elephant in the room. With my sisters, they will help out but just enough when it's absolutely necessary but no more.

I think Yukon has the same disfunction in his family. Being dependant by accepting their help all along has maintained the Parent/Child relationship for too long to be healthy. He's continuing to rebel against this relationship by hanging onto his Halloween costume symbol of rebellion.

This is the shit you see the fucked up kids in Jr High School so his relationship with his parents hasn't evolved much further than that.

Yukon, you have to figure out why you need to keep wearing the costume and resolve these issues. Maybe get some therapy with your parents and rebuild your relationship.

That's great that your parents are willing and generous enough to setup a trust fund and you'll be getting a pension for the rest of your life. Play this right and your kids get educated and you can retire early and travel.

Put the Hippy costume in the tickle-trunk for now. Halloween comes every year.


Why do growers in non med states avoid tye dies? Why do people wear a suit and tie to court when thier mom had to tie it for them? Its about appearances. They make or break a man its a fact, perhaps unfortunate but a fact.I don't think this thread is about dreadlocks, its about Yukon preparing to experience a wilderness far greater than Alaska could ever boast.


There are FOUR lights!
This is such a Yummybud thread and everyone here believes him!
Yukon has 7086 posts! He and his dreads LOVE the attention your giving them.

This thread should be named "What should I do with the MILLION DOLLARS I'm gonna get"

Look at everyone giving him hair and money advice. I can't believe how gullible everyone is!

guest 77721

I like Kiersey's Temperment model for figuring out people's personalities. Basically people fall into 4 distinct groups and the majority are Guardians and Artists. The Guardian group judges the tribe members based on appearance and behaviour. The Artist group percieves the world by what the other tribe members are doing around them.

Whenever you have to deal with the Guardian group, they are judging on appearance. This is why it is so important for them to have people wear uniforms or the tribal costume. If you don't fit in, then they will punish by throwing you out of the tribe. In primitive societies this is suicide so people conform to the rules of the tribe.

The other group the Artisans, are just as bad. They get an idea of what is cool and do whatever that sub-culture has defined as cool.

Just take a look around you and try to figure out what tribe the people that you meet in your daily life.

For instance, how many bikers do you know? Have you ever noticed that to be a biker, you have to ride a Harley, have a leather jacket and bandanna. Gotta have the pot-belly, a goatee and a Live to Ride tatoo. Now if you own a japanese motorcycle and wear a high tech racing suit, you don't fit into that tribe very well.


Active member
This is such a Yummybud thread and everyone here believes him!
Yukon has 7086 posts! He and his dreads LOVE the attention your giving them.

This thread should be named "What should I do with the MILLION DOLLARS I'm gonna get"

Look at everyone giving him hair and money advice. I can't believe how gullible everyone is!

i appreciate everyones advice...i really do.

i don't make bullshit threads...i never have ....we'll maybe bullshit, but never lies and never would. (i should lie more often...i put up actual youtube vids of me...im not here to lie)

there are ppl who have posted in this thread that know me personally ....they can tell you if i'm a liar.

...also all my grows are logged in my gallery, and threads, and my LUI X BLOCKHEAD cross that ive been working is close to done and i'm about to drop the bomb w/ that whole show in 1 thread w/ mad pics and seeds on seedbay.
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come as you are

if I was your parents, knowing you for so many years (if they took the time)

I would know who you are, regardless of the dreads

I just feel it's not fair for anyone if you have to change

your parents are gonna be treated with an illusion
you are gonna be selling yourself for money
you are gonna be untruthful to you and yours

I am not saying I would not cut my hair :)
just reflecting on your dilemma

hey kcar, did you know it's very hard to change people's minds ?

could you tell us why you feel we should not be giving our attention to yukon ?

you are coming here and wasting your own precious time....

from my perspective...

you are telling us what is what
what is right
what we should be doing

ask yourself kcar why

i'd really like to know


and what does that have to do with anything ? ^^

you guys have a problem with rich people or kids who have rich parents ? or you have a problem with rich white people ?

you put them all in the same basket ? yeah ? shows what kind of person you are.

While most research on prejudice has focused on how people's negative stereotypes contribute to intolerance, new research by Princeton University's Susan Fiske, PhD, indicates that emotions such as pity, envy, disgust and pride may play a bigger role.

I am not without sin/faults by the way...


I wouldn't try to tell you what to do, other than just don't turn your back on "found money". But you have to realize it'll change your life, one way or another, and the changes aren't guaranteed to be good. Ask anyone who's had to deal with large sums of money, especially when it comes to you suddenly, and they'll tell you it creates its own set of problems.

There're different ways to get big sums of money. You can earn it and control it, or it falls into your lap and you control it, or it falls into your lap, you don't control it, and it comes with strings attached. The last situation is the one that presents the biggest potential to mess up your life, and that's where you sit. So you need to think it over and try to figure out a way to avoid throwing away what's important to you, because if you do, I'll guarantee, that money won't mean jack to you.


Active member
come as you are

if I was your parents, knowing you for so many years (if they took the time)

I would know who you are, regardless of the dreads

I just feel it's not fair for anyone if you have to change

your parents are gonna be treated with an illusion
you are gonna be selling yourself for money
you are gonna be untruthful to you and yours

I am not saying I would not cut my hair :)
just reflecting on your dilemma

that's exactly right.

...and everyones point in this is exactly right too.

....i would not have made this thread if it was an easy solution for me.

....my wife and i talked long and hard about all this last night....and she surprised me!

.... she was like" tell your parents to make sure hunter is taken care of and forget about us if it's a hair issue"...honestly she is right.

....so basicly i can not mention or have dreads, and i can not mention alaska. every time my wife and mom talk she is interrogated as to how often i talk about moving back to alaska.....(all the time ....duh!)


Active member
I don't believe you.

Nor do I. I've come to the conclusion that the threadstarter is a bit out of touch with reality...seems a tad narcissistic with textbook delusions of grandeur. People who really have things like this happening in their lives do not post every single thought to an internet pot forum. Sorry to burst your bubble.
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