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How old.



i feel like an old stoner ,but am a young chicken as yet , this is my year , year of the monkey , so that would mean im either 12 , 24 , 36 48 , you know how it goes ... ive been growing gunga since i noticed the older ones doing it , they had seeeds in it , and that was my beginning ,, i was 13 at the time and already a keen gardener ... at age 14 i grew my first lb of purple buds , and sucessfully bred the seed to make more purple bud the following season , ahh the memories ... .am into my 23 rd year of growing and smoking fine cannabis , the lungs are telling me to slow down though , but that wont affect the growing , i have definately caught the bug ... lol ...


It's hangin low Harley.

Just go into your profile and change that "junior member" status to whatever you want.



New member
old stoner indeed....and stoned I am m8's.....been stoned
each day for over 42 years now....got high the first time back in
'60 when grass was groovy and a lid was 5 fingers with a fold
in the baggy......toke on


Active member
Old Stoners.....

Old Stoners.....

Mmmmmm, let's see, been smokin since '63/64'. Wasn't until last year, December, when I started my first grow. I was clueless as to how much is involved in growin quality herb, but its fun and worth it.

No better sensation than kickin back, lightin a phatty, then constantly amazing yourself that.....damn, my shit is GOOOOD!!!

Watch em grow!!!


In my 1st...

In my 1st...

Memories they shot Kennedy... The helms bakery truck... Then around 1970 they brought a big display to school pta... to show us all the bad drugs... including MJ... and then give-us our own... pill identity manual... ect... very informative... o'h these one's here are the "good" ones... lilly F40's... never give a curious kid a guide to drugs... :rolleyes: ... now I relate to chongs red-freak character... or used to... Zippy the pin head... could not have done a better job... :p ... peace.


In October I'll be 42, been smoking herb since I was 9, when My brother brought home and turned me on to Thai that he brought home from Viet Nam, been smoking herb ever since.


New member
I probably dont qualify to be here under the "actual" age thing, but I always feel more on a level with people who actually saw the 70's.. My girl was born in 66.
me? a little later than that.. :rolleyes:
People still say i'm the mature one..

filter xp

Jeez I feel like a young gun over here. I've been smokin since I was 14...I'm 20 now. For a grand total of a whopping 6 years haha. Only 4 of which have been me smoking everyday.

Still seems like I have a lot of bud to burn to catch up to you guys.


Active member
old huh wallyduck?

old huh wallyduck?

hey wallyduck -- now I might be inclined to take offence at what you said :D -- ya see I was born in the year of the monkey myself, started at 13 and have not really looked back since either. sounds like we grew up in the same neighborhood, from opposite ends of the Earth. Try giving you lungs a little break, do vapour hits for a while or something. as for being an old stoner? In my area, the only people who smoke regularly are 22 or younger, so I guess it is about perspective, I am the second oldest stoner in my group of friends. which makes me an old stoner IMO.


New member
Bunch of old farts

Bunch of old farts

I was born in the year of the dragon 1952.
Janus and the Holding Company were the warm up band for Iron Butterfly the year I started smoking Pot or soon after.
Nothing could be more appropriate than remembering 2004 as the year I began growing under the bush!


how old

how old

Born '51 - 53 years old now - started in 1966 age 15 - hardly missed a day in all that time since - (I'm a musician) and after all that time i still haven't noticed anything wrong with it:)
Not that anyone ever asked me in the course of their poll taking..

Chronis X

38 and still growing

38 and still growing

I almost an old fart - I'm what you should call a Pre Old Fart -

or Old Fart In Training :D

plus i'm Sharon Stones Cousin

Chronis X


Re: old huh wallyduck?

Re: old huh wallyduck?

Pactivist said:
hey wallyduck -- now I might be inclined to take offence at what you said :D -- ya see I was born in the year of the monkey myself, started at 13 and have not really looked back since either. sounds like we grew up in the same neighborhood, from opposite ends of the Earth. Try giving you lungs a little break, do vapour hits for a while or something. as for being an old stoner? In my area, the only people who smoke regularly are 22 or younger, so I guess it is about perspective, I am the second oldest stoner in my group of friends. which makes me an old stoner IMO.
lol pactivist , same neighbourhoods , opposite sides of the globe , but ill be t theres a bunch of similarities ... have been givn the lungs a bit of a break of late , and thinking of moving on and just smoking resin once the right amount of product presents itself ... im still the youngest of my group of friends ... oh and on overgrow i m quite an old timer , seems not the same here at all ...lol ...