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How do YOU train? (strength/power/conditioning thread)


anybody else here enjoy training/working out regularly?

I do boxing as a hobby, and have been training myself for a few years. I LOVE getting high as helland hitting the bag, the track, and the weights..

lately i have been doing some powerlifting to build strength, and running for cardio.. I also throw in some muscle-ups and push ups, plus lots of bunching bag work until i enroll in kickboxing classes next month.

my routine looks something like this:

monday/wednesday/friday - heavy deadlifts, clean&press, muscle-ups, maybe some heavy squats if i feel motivated.

tuesday/thursday/saturday - heavy bag workout, 5 minute rounds until exhaustion or distraction..

everyday - run 2miles, 5 minutes of situps and pushups in the morning.

nothing beats the feeling you get after training hard as fuck. plus, being strong is cool. eh comrades?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
been there done that eons ago, yup it was cool being buff but choosing the wrong path a bit later in life led to too many distractions away from physical fitness. we 3 amigos would hit the gym 4-5 nights a week, my 2 friends would weight train while I ran laps, lots of laps; then I'd drop into the weight room for leg squats & inverted sit ups of which I could do 100s, I was a rock. to finish almost every nights workout we'd take a swim, my gig was doing the olympic pool back & forth underwater on a single breath, and damn when there was no more oxygen left in my bloodstream for muscle strength & endurance I really had to dig deep to make those last few feet. I would do that about 3 times and then do some leisurely laps freestyle.

with severe arthritis of the spine and 6 consecutive herniated discs due to a bad accident my exercise days are over.

alas now I'm only into power toking.......


I'm in my 40's, former 4 yr. college basketball player. I lift weights hard about once every 8 days, alternating Routines A & B. I only do 3 lifts and the total time is less than 45 minutes for the routine. I've learned through the years that recovery time is a bitch once you hit 40. (3 sets of 5 reps on all lifts), Routine A: squat, chin ups, dips Routine B: jump squats, hang cleans, overhead press.
I've had problems with tendinitis for the last few year. This morning, I took a pull on the 1 hitter and played hoops for about an hour with no pain and I felt loose. Imagine that? I've been playing hoops for over 30 years and today was the first day I got high before playing (and at 7:30 am). Live and learn.


sorry your back is messed up Stoner4Life, happened to a lot of my friends already and they are young..

cfo - how much weight are you using on your lifts? i love playing BBall too, but it just started raining so its gonna be off-season for a while haha. go lakers - - -

I couldn't hit the heavy bag tonight due to the weather so im just hanging out ,eating grilled cheese sandwiches, being lazy. Am definitely gonna get my 2 miles in tomorrow though, and hopefully some weights too if i can stop beinga pussy about the rain

cheers , bowl of santa cruz finest og kush for yas

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i honestly havent been to the gym in about 7-8 years personally.
but i was a die hard gym rat from 16-25 (give or take)
being a trench warfare football player, i worked out for power and core strength strictly.
a few basic excersizes can turn your center of gravity into a powerhouse.
i looked over your schedule and i feel you do too much weekly.
your power excersizes should only be done 1 time a week, at best.
i'm not sure what a muscle up is tho....

your basic core strengthening excersizes are as follows:

1. bench press (go from barbell to dumbells weekly)
2. incline / decline presses ( alternating weekly)
3. push press (core and shoulders)
4. dead lifts ( legs and core)
5. snatch (core and traps)
6. bench squats. (all the way down to a sitting position, not those 1/2 ass puss squats)
thats bout it for main excersizes (u can supplement other things to fill in your routine)
but your main core exc's should only be done once a week, not including your 3 bench positions. you can do bench twice a week being you tend to recover faster.

reps are super important for strength
week 1: 5-5-5
week 2: 3-3-3
week 3: 5-3-1 (1 rep max to see how you gain strength)
week 4: 15-12-10 (i always hated this week :( )

also if you have a partner, work in negatives into your routine.
you will shred you fast twitch fibers this way, leading to faster growth and insane strength.

i always liked negs on butterfly's and hammy curls.

on your off days, just do calistenics (sp?)
push ups, sit ups, pull ups and dips.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
forgot to mention 1 thing.
smoke weed after your workout!
it will help your muscles wind down faster and i felt like it helped my recovery.
altho i have no scientific evidence to back this up, just going by what my body told me.


i looked over your schedule and i feel you do too much weekly.
your power excersizes should only be done 1 time a week, at best.
i'm not sure what a muscle up is tho....

you are totally right. I have stopped deadlifting and squatting so much. The clean and press is my weapon of choice right now, and the muscle up. i'm going to start adding weight to my muscle ups, and throw in sum weighted pullups. all my other work is on the heavy bag and the track.

some random shmuck doing Muscle Ups Video

thats what ive been doing. not the pansy gymnast-ring crossfit ones

ran 2 miles today did 20 muscle ups, clean/pressed 135lbs 10x, and did 5 rounds on the bag. still feel lazy haha


deadlift 200 kilos, bench 100, squat 120 because of bad knee :( im just beginner trained "hard" half an year and pussy about an half year tho

Huggie bear

Active member
forgot to mention 1 thing.
smoke weed after your workout!
it will help your muscles wind down faster and i felt like it helped my recovery.
altho i have no scientific evidence to back this up, just going by what my body told me.

Gotta disagree with smoking of any kind after a workout but eating a spinach salad using cannadressing on the other hand is perfect!
Your muscles are oxygen starved therefore bad idea to smoke.


I don't lift very heavy weights anymore. Gave up deadlifts a few years ago, too much wear n tear. I do seem to progress pretty well on dips with added weight. I don't have my log here at home but I'm pretty sure I did 3 sets of 5 reps with 20 lbs. hanging from my waist. I'm what some people call a hard-gainer. 6'4" about 215 lbs.

What I've learned over the years is that what works for one person will probably not work for the next guy. Genetics, nutrition, recovery time, etc. all play a role. What's really annoying is when someone who is genetically gifted starts giving unsolicted advice on what other people should be doing with their workout routines. When I was in college, I would do endless sets of bench press pyramids because the muscle mags said that's what you had to do. Wish I'd have known then what I know now.


I've been slacking lately as I'm doing an overfeed/rest expirement but usually I try to hit up the weights 2-3 times a week. I focus on benchpress, deadlifts, squats, pushups and some sprint intervals. I also surf for 4hours+ anytime its raging which hasn't been that much lately but usually its a couple times a week. The surfing keeps me conditioned and works my balance while the weights and sprints give me power and strength. This routine coupled with tons of high quality food and smoke keeps my body happy :)


Gotta disagree with smoking of any kind after a workout but eating a spinach salad using cannadressing on the other hand is perfect!
Your muscles are oxygen starved therefore bad idea to smoke.

actually lots of power lifters smoke ganja frequently after workouts to increase their appetite and relax the muscles.. and being some of the strongest ppl on earth i am sure they are not lacking oxygen

there's a video of Arnold smoking weed. everyone knows that tho.

I've been slacking lately as I'm doing an overfeed/rest expirement

sounds fun.. try doing some muscle ups, you will love them. surfing is great. my buddy is in Oahu rite now.

I'm making a big ass omelette with cheese, peppers, mushrooms, zuchini(sp?), some crispy bacon, pancakes, and sourdough toast and fresh-squeezed OJ.. perfect food before a big day of chillin running lifting and growing ganj

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i checked that muscle up vid.
even in my hay day i couldnt have done that.
that takes some serious strength!
0% body fat helps too i'm sure.

and i'm still telling ya to wait til after the workout for the puffage


i checked that muscle up vid.
even in my hay day i couldnt have done that.
that takes some serious strength!
0% body fat helps too i'm sure.

and i'm still telling ya to wait til after the workout for the puffage

muscle ups are nice to do at the playground and make the moms go OOOOH. i'd rather be able to squat >400lbs though.

different kinds of strength.

i'm stil smoking before after and during workouts.. maybe thats why i suck


A nice big bowl 'o haze and out the door for an 8-10 mile run around the lake daily after work. Helps me unwind and plan for the next day. Need a few hours after the run before I can smoke a bowl again.



i rockout a simple 5X5 routine supersetted with lighter burnout moves in between and get the ole ticker thumpin...keeps me from having to do cardio lol. And i rockout the entire workout high as hell except for leg days, ill dam near pass out after some heavy squats while high lol.


i rockout a simple 5X5 routine supersetted with lighter burnout moves in between and get the ole ticker thumpin...keeps me from having to do cardio lol. And i rockout the entire workout high as hell except for leg days, ill dam near pass out after some heavy squats while high lol.

welcome to ICmag.. what are your lifts like? i did 5x5 for a while, but i am really over squats for now.. my best lifts were deadlift 315, squat 205, bench 190, pullup BW+70lbs ( i weigh 140)