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How do you achieve 1gpw??



How I do a g

How I do a g

7 x 3 gal promix, 3 oz per plant, circled around 600w hps does it Holmes!
^ +rep

I like that you encircled the light to use the most of it possible, while strategically using that ceiling as your reflector. Next step: add a plant or two below the lamp as well....though it looks like you have been training out the branches to fill that space too. Nice...
That's not a gram a watt cravenmore; I would say you would get 4 oz off that grow, which is 104 grams; you would need another 500 grams or so to get a gram per watt.
I doubt you guys are drying your buds till the stem snaps.


Active member
I know its a benchmark that we all try to achieve and most do. (and then some)
But basically its balancing plant #'s and veg. time , along with different methods of growing in order to make that 1gpw
Am I missing something....?
And I know this is the vert. section but since I grow vert. I value your opinions the most...

was hard for me to do and trust in myself. But less is more is best in my case. I can do 1.5 with 8 girls, my pattern in the room is..

x x x
x o x
x x x

The O being open space
I had to just get over my personal fear of failing and trust the more light pen and space the better. Works for my cuts at least. I also veg for 3 weeks.


GPW`s are supposed ta be used as an efficiency "vector" for folks to work towards across the board pumpin out crops per month/per year , perpetually but...

Monocropped increased plant numbers dictate yields up all 4 walls with stacked bare bulbs hangin covering as many levels of plants that the wattage can penetrate....period...

Will not argue with anyone on said subject .......

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Active member
That's not a gram a watt cravenmore; I would say you would get 4 oz off that grow, which is 104 grams; you would need another 500 grams or so to get a gram per watt.
I doubt you guys are drying your buds till the stem snaps.


Sucks having to change your screen name so many times huh.
I doubt a gram per watt and I would definately call bullshit on 1.5 grams per watt.
A gpw is about 30 ounces with a 1K light. Can't do it.
Weighing it wet it would weight that but when pot is properly dried it weights next to nothing.
Rather than resorting to abusing me how about you post a pic of a so called 1gpw grow and I will have a look at it and tell you what I think.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
lots of guys get 1gpw and its done like craven showed ya , do tha math very possible
600 gram / 600 watt light ? dont know how you do it ?, but IF you arn't getting close to that , maybe time to re build / re vamp your stylee?
but IF you arn't getting close to that , maybe time to re build / re vamp your stylee?

Don't see what more I can do really,except getting higher yeilding strains.
I could veg longer but then the plants would be bigger and I could fit less of them in the space.
I used to have about 40 plants under 2k, and I would get about 12 oz of them.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
First time ever growing with HID lighting, first time vert, I did 0.58 GPW.

1 GPW does not seem too far from reach.

dj digigrow

Active member
That's not a gram a watt cravenmore; I would say you would get 4 oz off that grow, which is 104 grams; you would need another 500 grams or so to get a gram per watt.
I doubt you guys are drying your buds till the stem snaps.

He said he gets 3oz per plant, 3oz x 7plants would give 588grams.. under a 600w is amazing...


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Don't see what more I can do really,except getting higher yeilding strains.
I could veg longer but then the plants would be bigger and I could fit less of them in the space.
I used to have about 40 plants under 2k, and I would get about 12 oz of them.

You've definitely got something amiss. I usually grow a 3 plant scrog, and average 10+ z's (dried to 59-60%, using Simon's method) except when I was growing BOG sour bubble. This was under 330 watts of either PL-L or LED. I've never hit 1 gpw, but hit the mid to high .8's consistently. I think my new fixture might push me over the edge, though.


Active member
strain,environment and yes, plant numbers balanced for your light system. as well as proper fertilization. if any things lacking or over fertilized, yield will suffer.


Don't see what more I can do really,except getting higher yeilding strains.
I could veg longer but then the plants would be bigger and I could fit less of them in the space.
I used to have about 40 plants under 2k, and I would get about 12 oz of them.

you get 12 ounces from 2k?! somethings wrong...

even if you mean 12 ounces from each 1k, something is still wrong. i'd probably quit calling people out until you figure out your own room....

Nog....sounds like you might want to up your fertilizer regimen....or something.... I have a 2k vert flower room and I can fit ~ 20 plants (in 3 gallon buckets) around the two bulbs plus 8-10 beneath them. I get 2.5 oz per plant at the bare minimum w/ SSH...3-4 week veg. Now that I just installed 55 gallon drum reservoirs to hold nute solution, this will greatly aid my laziness since I don't have to haul 5 gallon buckets up and down stairs, and I fully expect the improving watering will yield another ounce per plant....so 3-3.5 ounce per plant on average.

I am being conservative with the numbers and my grow is far from completely optimized, but still, 1 GPW is not that difficult to reach really, with the way growing knowledge has advanced. Vertical growing is where it's at.

Don Treadonme

Gosh I don't even know what I get never weigh it...but I do see people post pics and say its something like a lb...but the tell tale is in a grow log someone cuts and harvests AND SAYS IT WEIGHS X...but no dry buds or smoke reports for 10 days ... I have thought to myself damn looks comparable to my plant similar system but 4 x what I would estimate what I get...

Really long as I don't run out of weed I am good! When I first started I figured paid attention to that and would get .34 - .50 g/Watt..
I bet I am between .5 now if I had to guess. I don't veg for shit and flower year round ...I know I can't be close to 1 gram per Watt...I run 800 and for sure don't have that much dope! Sure wish I did...but I don't know how continuous harvest 2 or 3 plants here and there it is tough to say...

Don Treadonme

Oh yeah I am high as fuck sorry for the somewhat incoherent post JEEZIS! :D

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