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The Last Dying Embers of Arnold Schwarzenegger.



The Last Dying Embers of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

We can expect High Performance of the Police during the last days before Jerry Brown Takes Office.

Never mind Meg Ebay Chick! The Hispanic Vote and possibly all the Unemployed are going to push Jerry back into office!

Cool but lets get Jerry up to Cannabis.. Er I mean Speed.. What happened to the days of him and Linda Hottie? I Digress and yes I am that old.

So we need to be aware that the "Cops" will be making themselves look good to save their communal salaries. That means watch your ass in California until the elections..
Our Supreme court just validated Minimum wage for all State employees..

The Cops have something to prove.



Well-known member
minimum wage for Cali's finest? how the mighty have fallen
are they going to bust their asses to do more busts?
the usual practice is to drag the feet, police 'flu', maybe it's a good thing


No for the State workers.. That doesn't include the Police as they are contract Union and Federally augmented but it may mean they will try and make themselves look good at our expense..

Everyone one knows Governor smoked weed with Chong yes?


Well Heads up on the police.. They have job stress going too.. Quotas may be on the mind!


"California Uber Alles"

Dead Kennedys

The song still brings a smile to my face. I deleted the lyrics because they might be construed as political.
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Well-known member
i was kind of shocked to see jerry brown was back in the game
any indication where he stands on MJ legalization(or otherwise)?