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How can you tell if your a stoner...


Active member
Thisbuds4u said:
you know your a stoner .......When you have a thread entitled "bump this thread if you high right now" and you seem to be they only person bumping it all the time. :yoinks:

hahahha i know im i stoner because i just got done posting there.


Yeah, I have "stoner" moments alot. I'll look for an hour for my sunglasses to go out, and then find them on top of my head.

Car keys in hand and still searching for them, yep done that alot.


You know you are a stoner when you are working in your garage and go in the house to get something, and you finally get it on the 5th try.

I do it all the time. duh what was i in here for . go back in the garage . oh yeah that is what I needed. go back in the house what did I need again? and so on.



You know your a stoner:

You know your a stoner:

When you go to the store to buy 400 sq ft. of laminant flooring because the flyer you recieved in the mail said it was on sale. You load it on two small carts, get to the cashier and find out the sale was the week before and it is now going to cost almost three times the amount. :yoinks: Umm, I don't want to buy this anymore. Where do you want me to put these two carts? :pointlaug
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stikky budz

Active member
garlic city ~
......or the first time you go into the house you start doing something else and totally forget you were working in the garage :D

fuck,,,,,,,,i did that the other week and nearly killed all my ladies. I drained my N.F.T res,,,,,went to roll a joint,,,,got side tracked by some crap on t.v and didn't remember i was half way through a res change till an hour n 1/2 later.
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you know your a stoner when, you park right next to a car just like yours at walmart. remember to change your ipod from car stereo to headphones, get outside and walk around the other car lookin at it. only to realize after youve spent 45 minutes in the store that your car keys are locked in the car with it still running.

thank god for magnetic key boxes


Active member
The true sign of a stoner is the inability to get up once a bowl is packed. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's let the telephone ring, the mormon stand on the step ringing the doorbell, etc.


Active member
You know yer a stoner...

You know yer a stoner...

...When you put the can of chili in the pot of boiling water to warm up, then hear the BOOM!! 45 minutes later, after the fan noise drowned out the buzzer at the stove.



D'oh! Entire kitchen sprayed with chicken chili


Active member
rsteeb said:
...When you put the can of chili in the pot of boiling water to warm up, then hear the BOOM!! 45 minutes later, after the fan noise drowned out the buzzer at the stove.



D'oh! Entire kitchen sprayed with chicken chili

And I thought I was the only one...I wonder what's tougher to pick up your chicken or my cow?


Active member
I would have to say you know your a stoner when you let all your dishes go moldy and food wrappers decorate the floors of your house. :p


I'm guilty of all of the above ..and more......including the moldy dishes (or I used to..as I'm now semi-domesticated ,,and partly semi-feral..which means if the dishes go moldly..I feel 50% guilty about ...lol)

.....I don't know how many times I've got up urgently and with such purpose, gone to the kitchen only to have brain fade once I'm there..."errr..what the fuck did I want???????????????????" then become concerned, then perplexed for about 2 seconds, with the sobering thought of " I must cut down on my smoking..it's affecting my brain...what if this loss of memory is permanent????", ..the 2 seconds passes, I laugh then go back to the couch and fire up another spliff ..knowing full well that if it was so imporatant it will come back to me and then I'll remember it .....lol.... that's the story of my life.

you know you're a stoner if you leave the house and sure make the kettle is not boiling, the iron is not on and the door is locked, have I got my keys?, wallet? etc ..at least two times...lol..and then when you are a mile away from home, you worry if all the windows are shut????..the thought passes and then you begin to worry if you have enough bud to last you while you are away.

you know you are a stoner if you instantaneously get the most marvelous, inspirationally brilliant idea, thought, crystal clear theory or new invention, rift, lyric etc ..and then, completely forget it about 50 seconds later and no matter how hard you try to get it back, it's gone, kaput, disappeared forever.....then you remember it next day and it seems so stupidly inane that you disregard in a second (I get those every day!..no, tell a lie ..every hour..lol)

you know you are a stoner if you subscribe confidently to the theory of the "there is always one last french fry"..which is : no matter how many starving stoned people are around your house are shoving MacD's burgers and fries down their throats ...and towards then the food supplies they are all gone ..and in turn..they put their hands in there searching for another fry that's not there..there's none left!..all gone..but you know (with complete and utter confidence) that if you really dig down, shake all the bags and cartons, and then really search inside the all bags and cartons again, that there is always one french fry left ......always!....not two, not three, just one......absolutely, infallibly ....that there's always one last precious chip left!....and then you display it proudly like an Olympic Champion ..but in a
disgustingly mockingly manner to your poor starving mates who missed that one last chip.....they look at you with awe .........personally, I think McD's designs their brown paper carry bags with this theory in mind to trap that one last fry to keep me coming back....correct me if I'm wrong!

....Ronald, if you are reading this, you're right......you freaky looking red haired bastard..........

you know you are a stoner if you look at Ronald as you walk inside the restaurant and that freaky looking carrot haired bastard winks at you (well, if oyu are high trippy sativa that is).

you know you are a stoner if you have a conversation with Ronald..and that freaky looking red haired bastard talks back.....( well, if you are high on really trippy sativa that is)

you know you are a stoner if you do an online IQ test...twice..the first time while high on sativa and the second time while buzzed on indica....just to check the potency of each strain and compare them ...lol

you know you are a stoner if your biggest fear in life is running out of bud ......

you know you are a stoner if your biggest fear is getting run over by a car while crossing the road..bhang ..that's it..good bye..so you really make sure to look left then right , then left again

you know you are a stoner if every time you meet someone, you steer the convo towards cannabis..within 40 seconds or less

you know you are a stoner when you can spot another stoner from 40 yards away (speeding past you in a car doing 60)

you know you are a stoner if you have seriously considered being an Indian Sahdu as a full time occupation..( if only I get that lotus stance down pat)

you know you are a stoner if you wear your red eyes proudly and with out guilt..and look down upon those who use Visene as phoneys, weakys and lightweights

I would have to say you know your a stoner when you let all your dishes go moldy and food wrappers decorate the floors of your house. :p

no, that's called not having a domesticated girlfriend!..
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You know your a stoner if you loose your dog and the dam thing is right behind you the whole time. :yoinks:



you now your a stoner when You say something very important and the next second your already thinking of something else...what was I thinking about again????

You know your a stoner when you take the milk to the fridge and end up putting it in a cabnit. or putting the peanut butter in the fridge when it should have gone in the cabnit.

You know your a stoner when you get into your car and start to look back getting ready to take off only to realize you havent even started the car ( please dont drive stoned kids)

you know your a stoner when someone mentions cooking terminologies, the first thing that comes to mind is weed...(ie..baked, fried, toasted....)


you know you are a stoner/grower if you quickly scan every garden, every block of land and every window sill looking for cannabis plants..not so you can rip them, it just gives you a nice warm feeling to know others are growing too


you know you are a stoner when you are looking for your shades.... and you have them on.