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Housemate stealing weed!


Lammen Gorthaur
Time for a meeting of the adults in the house. You have to do this right. You know what is necessary. You don't need to shout. You just need to lay out the truth and let the chips fall where they may and include the idea of moving on in your thinking.


this guy is stealing from all 3 of the other housemates?

time for him to go!

IME giving a thief another chance only leads to getting ripped off twice


Lammen Gorthaur
Justice must be done, but it must be tipped with mercy. There by the grace...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

before he moves on make sure he's got no access to your (or roommates) stash or he's liable to help himself to some parting gifts.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~

before he moves on make sure he's got no access to your (or roommates) stash or he's liable to help himself to some parting gifts.

What S4L said mate, it's pretty obvious what's going to happen, so make sure that you and your other roomies are secured before saying anything to the light-fingered prick, Also make sure that your other roomies are telling you straight info and not just jumping on the band wagon of blaming the new guy who stinks :gday:


Active member
Beat him because he stinks

Beat him because he stinks

Beat him up and tell him you did it because he stinks.
Say that his stink is causing you to be homoerotically stimulated and is causing you to lash out. Explain that you must have repressed homosexual tendencies and that his stink factor has brought it to the surface.

You will have to really beat the dogshit out of him though, to make it work. Aften you beat him, tell him he is lucky, because you really want to sodomize him brutally.

That should work, he will move out immediately, unless he is gay and into S&M.


Parker Schnobel
Beat him up and tell him you did it because he stinks.
Say that his stink is causing you to be homoerotically stimulated and is causing you to lash out. Explain that you must have repressed homosexual tendencies and that his stink factor has brought it to the surface.

You will have to really beat the dogshit out of him though, to make it work. Aften you beat him, tell him he is lucky, because you really want to sodomize him brutally.

That should work, he will move out immediately, unless he is gay and into S&M.

You Sir are sick and twisted,and I think you may have the best answer yet:)


thing is my other 2 housemates have noticed their erb going as well so he has been stealing from us all. It isn't just me thats had things go missing

why don't all three of you guys get locks on your doors since all three of you are having your shit taken? seems like the best thing to me, so what, all three of you are gonna let him keep taking your shit until hes not able to stay there anymore

question: what if he makes the rent? what then? yall need to man up and toss this lil stinky bitch out on his ass and stop playin


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I say waterboard them all until one or more of them admits.
Plus, it will rinse off the stinky one.

joe guy

Beat him up and tell him you did it because he stinks.
Say that his stink is causing you to be homoerotically stimulated and is causing you to lash out. Explain that you must have repressed homosexual tendencies and that his stink factor has brought it to the surface.

You will have to really beat the dogshit out of him though, to make it work. Aften you beat him, tell him he is lucky, because you really want to sodomize him brutally.

That should work, he will move out immediately, unless he is gay and into S&M.

You fucking ass hole u ruined my dinner,
Lol guess its my fault I just a guzzle as I read
Ur post and spit beer on my burger n taters
So my top bun is soggy lol
Just jokin about being bitter, but I did fuck my burger.
Jus made a open face style BBQ mess.. But comedy rep on that post


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

here's why you guys have to strengthen your defenses, he's broke & needing to find a new crib. if he steals your car you'd call the cops, steals your cash or bling & you call the cops; but if/when he steals your weed you'll only be able to curse the day you met him.

he's already looking to buy his way into the next crib with your stash, count on it, pigpen sure as hell is.


Throw him out for the bad hygiene habits...give him a nug to go with..or decide the house is hot and you're all stopping weed permanently then get a storage locker for a month and stash all the tools and weed there in a sealed container. Make up strange cop related stuff going on and all of you and your room mates talk about it...let "the imaginary cops" run him off for you..like you were followed to work today and they parked down the street and watched your car all day...strange people walking by the house or cops stopping by for a knock and talk asking about him - of course when he wasn't home...asking about stolen goods and drug dealing...let his own paranoia run him off...stop all smoking on the property...all going religious...many more things to do for fun and profit..


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
I would never change or cater my lifestyle to the next man ..he's winning if u do ..and changing the lock or putting on a lock might help but what if he picks it ? Then u really have no proof cause all he is gonna say is the door was locked ..and it couldn't have been him ..you need to grab a hold of your balls and man up ..unless your scared to hurt his feelings u need to confront him sooner than later ..and if it truly is him stealing ur weed ..he thinks ur soft like pudding bc he keeps doing it ...my 2 cents

@mello & capt ahab tht is some funny shit


New member
Change your door lock or put one on-get a floor safe or simple safe at the minimum-get a nanny cam-catch him in the act of video so you can confront him later +make sure anyone you know that is herb friendly see the video.

.Trusting people is nice but more and more people seem to not give a shit about anyone but themselves...stealing from friends or family is beyond low and as bad as being a rat IMHO

I despise people like this-I bet if he asked you would probably have helped him out no? The funny thing is people like that think they are getting one over on ya yet they are the only person to not realize how pathetic they are.

Physical things can be replaced-integrity is priceless.

Make some ex-lax muffins and leave them out for the goof then pay a pro to come over and come on to him..try to get video of him shitting the bed beside a chick...put that on the net!!

spice A

I think from what i can gauge of his character so far he is just a kid and doesn't really understand how much of a prick he is being. He cant wash him self, feed himself or hold down a job and i think mummies boy is out of his depth living here.

well todays D-day and he's going to get 3 adults telling him whats up.

Thanks for all the advice and... disgusting but quite funny solutions