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House caught fire


Well-known member
Ok.your right.but if I pack my bag and wonder off into the sunset I know I will never have a normal life.my mom is gonna give me the house.ive got my car there.VW Passat fully loaded.and your telling me to just give it up? If I leave I'll end up living in the cemetery and train Depot like my bum friends.

I really appreciate everything Moose.but I need to try and run this out.i think my mom will come to make sure they get the job done.shes dumb though.didnt get shit in writing.no contract.i need this house.otherwise I get jack shit but bills when my parents die.doubt my brother and sister have a clue how probate works


if it smells like fish
Gofundme works well ,but best when setup by a friend looking for help for someone..Not as well as doing it yourself ..IMHO..Seen 8k and up appear quick for some folks I have known..Make sure to put a lot of god stuff in..Praise god,I am just having faith tested .that kind of stuff..A friend got 15k ..but him and his family needed it,not a scam....Good luck..There is indeed some good folks out there willing to help..Best of luck...Yeehaw


Well-known member
Ive asked for go fund me help.nobody cares enough about me to help.fucking whores can get fake tits no problem. It I can't get even a family member help me get started on one .I curse Nd hope my family burns in hell. Delete this thread if you want.think I'm done here.not because of you guys you have all been awesome


Well-known member
No actually don't ban me.id probably lose S4l PM's he sent to me.i wanna go back and read them.sorry


Active member
Ive asked for go fund me help.nobody cares enough about me to help.
It I can't get even a family member help me get started on one


I get that forum rules might prohibit against posting link. IF you have go fund me raiser going on.. writing about it so that readers might find it might help? search on go fund with shithawk == 0 result.

I have small amount on kiva org that I use to fund loans to people in poor and undeveloped countries. For me.. this project ticks several key check list boxes for me..

1) person has a plan on how the money is used to make life livable. Local bank has also checked the plan.

2) money is not 'free money' it is a loan to be payed back (or to be payed foreward). I get no intrest on my money, loaner pays intrest that is used to cover the expenses of local bank. (this also helps the economy because banks and employees live in that undeveloped country)

3) there is a controlled pay back (or pay forward) schedule that makes sure that money is spent as planned and person keeps on schedule ( trust and verify )

From what I have read.. due to circumstances.. you have few paths for future and you have not prioritized between these or checked how realistic these are. I do understand that looking at big picture is hard when shit keeps on hitting the fan + there is struggle to make it through each day.


from what I have gathered .. key issue regarding long term livable situation is employment. ( as employee or as self employed ).

In a very small town this can be extra hard as fewer (total) positions .. few people leaving their jobs so small turn around and fewer open positions in week/month/year.

.. so.. assuming your house was intact .. could you live ok life there ? is it realistic to find a job there? ... if not .. I would explore on on options regarding moving out. ( po. what places are possible, what would be good&bad sides for each possibility, budget & plan for moving . are there cheap accommodation in given city? like half way houses etc? charity organizations that provide affordable living?).

Danger is that as you put time, money and effort into fixing your current place, you get more and more committed to it and leaving comes harder and harder >> you get entrapped to searching for a job

non US person so not thoroughly familiar with your system.

PS. keep away form alcohol and other depressants or addictive substances & people who use them. sorry for nagging but this (alcohol) sound like root of many issues in your life.

PPs .. streng for you to make it through each day.. day by day.. :tiphat:

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I have good intuition with these things, and man, you cause yourself all of this unhappiness. Stipulations on stipulations on stipulations.. They'll never be met.

If I were you, I would be HAPPY.

I would be happy that I was still above ground. I would be happy that people were taking care of me because the elements would surely fuck me up otherwise. I would be happy to know these terrible awful people were even planning to leave me such a considerable inheritance despite our shaky history. I would be especially happy to know that problems have solutions. You can be a peaceful, productive, progressive problem solver, but not on this path that you are on.

I wouldn't be wishing for my mother to burn in hell. Or to be dead myself. Or for some fantasy of ninja vengeance.

I know what goes on exactly where you are. Fuckin' dismal. If I had to guess I would think you were taking pills, like everybody else down there. I've seen a lot of good people lose all of their "goodness" taking those things. I call them "personality pills", because that's what they'll take from you.

I know it's boring down there, but you could come up around this area once your free of this probation shit, work 40 hrs at a temp agency day one, get picked up $16-20 starting full-time if you are worth half a shit, rent a nice little place along the river somewhere and perhaps casually do real drugs and boff some silly rich girls instead of popping sleeping pills out in a cornfield by yourself.

You should just express your gratitude for the house or inheritance or whatever and fuckin play nice with your parents. Be the bigger man.

You can't be so closed minded and fatalistic about things or you just become irrational and unapproachable by default. You seem to have forgotten or simply never seen exactly how much worse things can actually get.

Sorry but I'm out of nice things to say.


Well-known member
Well I appreciate everything everything that you'd said but I don't live in some "ninjutsu fantasy" but whatever.thanks for your guys help.im very aware..you too bobby.your good people.but believe me.im one of the top ninjutsu experts in my state atleast.just can't see I'm not on ninja warrior? Silly.most ninja were spyies and farmers.you let media fool you..
Hell Gypsy says he met Frank Dukes.but I guess I don't know jack shit after 25 years.Frank Dukes is a liar and is proven one just like plenty before him


Boreal Curing
Here's a thought. Since you want an easy way out of your conundrum, why don't you go back to jail for the winter. 3 square meals, warm bed and your house should be fixed by the time you get out. That's easy.

People have given you great advice and you seem to think it's all too hard to do. Shit doesn't fix itself. The end of your problems are inevitable. They will absolutely come to an end whether you do anything or not. The question you need to ask yourself is, do you want to be in control of the ending. If you're not in control, you won't like how it ends.

I suggest you re-read this thread a few times and look for the answer to your problems.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
When you come around - out of some drunken/stoned stupor - and your only view is the drain that the gutter feeds which you are lying in - you still have an option - either to go down that drain - or pick yerself up - dust yerself off - and start all over again -

Which is easier?


Well-known member
Premium user
OK, I call bull shit. LOL Love ya hawk and I have contributed here but I have fought with plenty of [what would, today, be called] ninjas and none of them EVER whinnied or cried. You have done both in this thread. The Eastern fighting arts all focus on mind control WAY before any body control. By the time one gets close to master, the mind is very different than most regular guy type people you meet. It's easy to spot. Very calm and within.

So, I am calling bull shit on this ninja thing. LOL No offense bud, love ya and wish I could help ya.

Plus, a 'ninja' could silence your Dad in one swift move without ever leaving a mark. There would be no fights or arguments. He would walk up to you.... then he would wake up on the floor without a scratch or a bruise. I have seen this action a thousand times.

OK, enough on the bull shit call. LOL

I saw one suggestion to go back to jail. Is that so bad for you? Some people don't mind jail. One guy I was in with described it as "High School, without the chicks". LOL My buddy Nunzio HATED jail. He was 63 when I met him in 1973 and he has already spent 37 years in during his life for counterfeiting and bank robbery. Old 40's gangster friend of mine. He introduced me to Leo "Lips" Moceri, the guy who killed Jimmy Hoffa. Talk about 2 mellow and 'within' guys. Never would have guessed these guys killed people like flies

So, jail is an option, if you're the type.

For me, living in the middle of nowhere... I would simple dig a hole and bury my problems. But, that's me. I like closure. Most would probably rather go to jail. I'm not a jail type. Not real big on confined spaces.

However, I'll bet you're not going anywhere.... I am guessing that you actually love this shit. Otherwise you would be gone by now. People like you feed on this kind of life. I know that kind of person. I have one living inside me. You're lonely and really have no one who understands you. You're better than most but most see you as less and it's frustrating. You would love for someone to love you. I love you, bud.

Get the fuck out of there and go do something with your greatness. Make a mark. Make something happen. Anything. Right now, you're just part of someone else's happening. Go make your own. And, if you say you can't go because of your felony probation, I'll come up there personally and kick you in your ninja balls. LMAO WALK to your PO's office and tell them what's going on. THEY will relocate you. Done.

Oh, and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family. Give your Mom and Dad a big hug from the Ringodoggie. I am more of a hate person but I have heard that love will conquer all. Not for me. Might be for you.

And, thanks for allowing me to vent/rant in your thread. LOL



Bobby Boucher

Active member
There it is. It escaped me, but Ringo hit it on the nose.

Love. All of these good people I’ve known who lost themselves might have kept their lives together if they knew how much they actually meant to those around them.

The logistics of telling someone how much you care for them all the time or congratulating them on each of their achievements is just cumbersome and unrealistic. You just have to know that we would if we could, because we really do care.

FWIW, I love you too. You gotta be wrong though, and quick. You can’t keep thinking this way very long and expect life to not get any worse.

Focus your mind on all the reasons there are to be happy, and you’ll be happy.

That’s the fuckin ticket.


Well-known member
....Focus your mind on all the reasons there are to be happy, and you’ll be happy.

That’s the fuckin ticket.

:laughing: what this is all about is the silent/internal Practice of Gratitude, it works, it just does and it's scientifically proven to have many beneficial long-lasting effects.

...... just do it!

........ even if it's the worst day of your life, always end the day with a silent heartfelt and humble prayer to the Creator, "Thank You for the gift of life" 'cause life is a gift, especially life in the human form.

Oh yeah, I LOVE YOU TOO!:huggg: