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About ready to give up on growing completely...


Active member
Have you got ventilation??? I mean air in-out,some clip fan, because If you have the Lights 24/7 in a closed tent, no ventilation en ejem..... the CO2 soda bottle is going to work great, you know....

You´re the man:headbangeLOL

Sorry, not taking the piss but.....LOL


Active member
You moving the air in that tent?


I take sunshine mix #4 add pureblend pro 2ml/4l +water....add enough water so that when you squeeze a handful....next to no water comes out.....Fluff up your mix.

Fill 40 cell tray with mix....tamp it down with another tray bottom...use pencil to poke holes....drop in seeds..backfill....quirt each seedspot with a shot of water from spray bottle...put on a dome....put it in cloning chamber that is warm with a single cfl...open lid once a day till first seeds pop...just don't overwater....

Im not a big fan of miracle grow....I find it a touch hot for seedlings.....even when growing normal ornamentals.


New member
You moving the air in that tent?

While I do have an oscillating fan in the tent, I don't bring air in from the outside due to my grow tent being in a basement so if hooked up my carbon filter and exhausted air out, it would only bring much colder air inside. So I keep it zipped up with my DIY 2 liter bottle CO2 system.

To touch on the coco vs soil. I haven't had a single seed damp off sing switching to soil. I just didn't find coco to be forgiving at all. Even when 40% pearlite / 60% coco mixed for extra extra drainage.

It appears that I did overwater my seedlings and now their leaves are droopy. They're not yellowing or anything yet, so I'm hoping they pull through.

Question - if you over water, should you let the RH fall to say 30% to help things dry out? Or will that cause the stoma (sp?) to close up and further drown the plant since it can't breathe?

Thanks guy!



you can let the RH drop to 30% for awhile and it wont stress them much, if at all. It may help dry them out a bit, but I'm not sure on that one. I'd just point the fan at the soil maybe and let that help to dry em out a bit. Glad your still trying, everything will fall into place for ya in you keep at it. Good luck man, you should start a grow journal or grow diary, I would love to check out your grow and see how things progress.



New member
you can let the RH drop to 30% for awhile and it wont stress them much, if at all. It may help dry them out a bit, but I'm not sure on that one. I'd just point the fan at the soil maybe and let that help to dry em out a bit. Glad your still trying, everything will fall into place for ya in you keep at it. Good luck man, you should start a grow journal or grow diary, I would love to check out your grow and see how things progress.


My grow journals thus far have been:

Birth..... DEATH!

Sounds like a pretty awesome death metal song! :headbange


Active member
Измените ваше имя пользователя и Google для информации ... нет недостатка в информации ... или советов по этому вопросу

Change you user name and google for info ...no shortage of info ...or soviets for that matter


New member
Hold on.. Hold on... Hold on!!!

Everyone who first starts out thinks they need to support the plants from every direction. Relax, the plants are fine by themselves. We cause the problems, not the other way around.
Simple process:

1) Start seeds in potting mix in 9 oz plastic cup- put plastic film over cup til they come up.
2) Dont water until soil is DRY.
3) Transplant into 3 gal pot when 3-4 leaf sets are grown.
4) Dont water for a week (use damp soil at transplant)
5) Feed only 1x per week to 18"-20"
6) Change lighting to 12/12
7) Feed 1x per week/plain water in between to 4th week.
8) Weeks 4-7 add Bloom Booster to reg feed.
9) Water only after week 7
10) Cut down week 9-10 dependent on genetics.
11) Dry 1 week
12) Smoke them.

Anything else and you are thinking too much.


Well-known member
I have problems when they are tiny also.
It is so simple, little water , little light. NO co2 , NO nutrient until plant is bigger. It gets so much easier when they get a little bigger.


Active member
hey man. dont give up.. it takes new growers a few rounds to get used to it.. unless the grower did research and understands growing before he actualy grows..

but dont get down on yourself.. id say 75% of growers.. end up having a few shitty harvests or a few fails.. but if u LEARN from your mistakes.. it makes you a better grower..

dont be afraid to allow the plants to droop a tiny bit before watering.. especially because they need time to grow roots.. seed plants shoot out a tiny root.. then grow up.. u get your first set of leaves.. from there it takes time to develope the root system.. while thats happening you wont see much happening above the soil.. put it this way.. what u see above soil.. is double to triple wats underneath the soil.. when u start seeds.. as long as u get yourself a PH meter or just use 1.. and keep your ph correct for what medium your using.. you should be allset.. if u need anything. just keep asking. people here will help u..


Active member
Hold on.. Hold on... Hold on!!!

Everyone who first starts out thinks they need to support the plants from every direction. Relax, the plants are fine by themselves. We cause the problems, not the other way around.
Simple process:

1) Start seeds in potting mix in 9 oz plastic cup- put plastic film over cup til they come up.
2) Dont water until soil is DRY.
3) Transplant into 3 gal pot when 3-4 leaf sets are grown.
4) Dont water for a week (use damp soil at transplant)
5) Feed only 1x per week to 18"-20"
6) Change lighting to 12/12
7) Feed 1x per week/plain water in between to 4th week.
8) Weeks 4-7 add Bloom Booster to reg feed.
9) Water only after week 7
10) Cut down week 9-10 dependent on genetics.
11) Dry 1 week
12) Smoke them.

Anything else and you are thinking too much.

id say.. 11 and 12.. are a lil off.. but other then that.. this is perfect.. i say.. dry for 7-14 days or as slow as u can.. trim them.. and then cure..

especially for new growers.. do not wet trim.. not unless u have the perfect environment to keep them from drying out to fast.. if u dont have a area for drying thats environmentally controlled.. then id say dry trim.. toss into jars.. and u can start smoking after the dry.. but its not going to be as potent as a few weeks of curing.


Well-known member
If you have been having damping off issues, I'd also recommend cleaning all of your equipment with some type of disinfectant. Molds are a real bitch once they've taken hold

Also, it's been mentioned already, but I always flush new coco like crazy! I don't risk it anymore. Sometimes the salts are low, sometimes they ridiculously high. Any time I've ever had problems in coco, the culprit was almost certainly due to the coco needing a good flush.
Practice makes perfect. We all kill plenty. Just when you think you have it figured out something else happens. Keep spending your money and your time and you will learn what best fits you. Best hobby by far. Good luck