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House caught fire


moose eater

Speaking of false positives Moose I've heard stories of people using that fake piss you can buy and testing positive for HEROIN! Not opiates but HEROIN! That's pretty scary.snd makes me kinda mad.these tests fluctuate and are so unreliable Soo much I don't think they should be using
Them period.

Oh! Talk about going down memory lane!I saw My juvenile PO from about 18 years ago was there.she recognized me right away.she was just a kid in her twenties then.i had her cause I was very truant.missed over 80 days in one school year

I don't know for sure that's a good thing, your childhood P.O. seeing & recognizing you in the same office as your recently-acquired adult P.O. Might be one of those otherwise happy reunions with some degree of unwelcome residuals. :)

When I was working in civil liberties as a volunteer board member, we testified re. UAs and the many weaknesses. At that time there were 'some' (false) positive tests for methamphetamine that were apparently a reaction to Sociables snack crackers.

During the Vietnam conflict, the early tests were horrid for false positives, and we can assume false negatives. You can find documentaries re. hosed careers of military aviators, as a result of tests that the pilot(s) swore were wrong.... and may well have been.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Oh! Talk about going down memory lane!I saw My juvenile PO from about 18 years ago was there.she recognized me right away.she was just a kid in her twenties then.i had her cause I was very truant.missed over 80 days in one school year

This reminds me of my Junior year of High School. I was a slacker who did the bare minimum to get by. I somehow managed to get two study halls back to back for my first two periods and I would often skip them and just sign in late in the office. I guess the school changed their policy that year because all of those days ended up as absences lol.


Well-known member
I'm not too worried about seeing my old PO.she liked me too.i know they have a job to do but as long as I don't fuck up I should be ok.its not like I was happy to see her! It's a small town of about 10,000 or so everyone knows everyone anyway.talking about the town my PO is at.not were I live.im not known in that town as a trouble maker.the 500 person town well,some people like me some don't

That's absolutely horrible Moose.some legit heroes probably had their reputation ruined because of that.im more familiar with WW2 but I tend to assume most people were at least smoking grass.is that what they called it in the bush? That's fucked up about the sociables.my mom used to buy them all the time.how the hell do these things even happen?

And lol at you Squall! I pictured you as at least a B student! Either way I was so mad and depressed I didn't do shit.they all knew how smart I was but they didn't have any kind of programs at this school so I flunked 2 grades.all Fs.never did homework.this school is so small its K-12 grades


Well-known member
During the Vietnam conflict, the early tests were horrid for false positives, and we can assume false negatives. You can find documentaries re. hosed careers of military aviators, as a result of tests that the pilot(s) swore were wrong.... and may well have been.

i was given an honorable discharge from the USAF because of a false positive drug test. i tested positive during Golden Flow for drugs i had never heard of. my commander knew the tests were bullshit & gave me an honorable. he told me i could stay in if i wanted to, but i was already tired of the horseshit sandwich they served every day by then...

Green Squall

Well-known member
And lol at you Squall! I pictured you as at least a B student! Either way I was so mad and depressed I didn't do shit.they all knew how smart I was but they didn't have any kind of programs at this school so I flunked 2 grades.all Fs.never did homework.this school is so small its K-12 grades

B student :laughing: Its a damn miracle that I managed to graduate and I'm still not sure how I pulled it off. My school was tiny as well, with about 75 kids in my class. People have told me my whole life how stubborn I can be haha. I've found that marching to the beat of your own drum can be a double edged sword.

moose eater

B student :laughing: Its a damn miracle that I managed to graduate and I'm still not sure how I pulled it off. My school was tiny as well, with about 75 kids in my class. People have told me my whole life how stubborn I can be haha. I've found that marching to the beat of your own drum can be a double edged sword.

I was a pretty good student with decent grades until I was stoned in class more of the day than not. Grades suffered a bit at times then, but had more fun. Sitting in science class, versus sitting out on the middle school lawn on acid, watching bumble bees hovering on dandelions.. You choose..

Had enough trouble with being I.D.ed in early high school as peripheral to drug deals where I'd just left a bag or slip with someone, immediately before things went sideways, that I was a known commodity with the administration and the school's police liaison officer.

Then I inquired with my probation officer, telling him I wanted to quit school in 10th grade. He gave the go-ahead without checking with my mother, saying that if I had a job, then that was good enough. I had a job. I quit.

My mother called him on the phone, furious, asking about his undermining her authority as a parent (good call, from the wrong person), and he capitulated, telling me that I needed to be in school AND have a job.

Fortunately, when I went back to the school, telling them I'd been given a NEW ultimatum, they rubbed their hands gleefully, saying, "OH NO.... YOU QUIT. We're done with you..."

The school & I were both content with that outcome, for different reasons, of course.

Went to the Yukon Territory (Canada) to the experimental school at age 18, where it's debatable that I engaged in any serious student activities, more or less floating on my own, through my own chosen activities.

Took my GED while working for the U.S. Forest Service in SE Alaska, and did well enough they offered assistance to go to college, which I put on hold until I was a couple years older, and had VA and Soc Sec money via my father's account, as a survivor, then went on to get my BA and MSW. My GED was delivered in the mail bag via USFS tri-hull Monarch boat, to the SW side of Mitkoff Island. Smoked a bowl of Moroccan hash in celebration. Graduation party of 1.

Deans list while wired out of my gourd on coke and chronically stoned. I'd mastered the test-taking phenomenon that was modern 'education', often writing 5-6 term papers the last week of any given quarter/semester..

All in all, later/higher education (emphasis on 'higher') was an incubator when choosing what to really do with my future during various turns in life, and the K-12 was an endurance run. I lacked proper dedication to it, or motivation, for that matter, so took the easy outs.

Made money going to under-grad; at one point had 3 part time jobs, internship, 12 credits, and selling lots of dope. One of the few who MADE money in the hallowed halls.


Well-known member
Seems like the smartest people were underachievers.before my dad went to prison around 6 or 7 I was straight A.agter that I didn't care.ugh anyway I know this guy with a VW bus.i think it's a mini.i can't remember cause it's been 18 years but I know it's still there under a cent and tin roof.if I can barter with him o might make se money.who knows.just something for me to hope for .I think it's a Minnie bus which dead head knows how many windows it had?! Lol


Well-known member
Yeah,thTs what I've been told I don't know cause it's been so long but I think it's a Minnie.hopefully I can talk to the guy and won't give me an unreasonable price.i don't know if hell even sell it.been sitting there who knows how long it's been sitting..I do remember it had windows.hopefully I'll bring a j and he'll let me And my buddy look around.hes got a 63 Impala but it's rusted to hell..

So my mom is gonna take a loan and have my cousin come out and help fix the roof if everything goes according to plan.wich is usually never.gotta get this roof before winter storms.fuck


Well-known member
Yeah Ester,I've seen fully restored for over 100 grand.i think it has to do with color though.i think orange goes for more


Well-known member
Hey thanks trout! Got some drywall and other materials finally delivered yesterday.i want that do before and after pics.pllace Is still a mess but it can be done! Yeehaw!!

moose eater

Hey thanks trout! Got some drywall and other materials finally delivered yesterday.i want that do before and after pics.pllace Is still a mess but it can be done! Yeehaw!!

Are your roof and walls dried-in yet, hawk? The dry-wall delivery has me hoping they are.

If so, congratulations on the major step forward!!


Well-known member
Not yet guys.the weather is kicking ass so we gotta take care of animals first.the wind is like 50mph or seems like it.its brutal.whole house is shaking

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Yeah the news called it a bomb cyclone. It got us here in the big valley too. I think there may be more coming, though the sun is shining now


Well-known member
Nobody my age even knows that song moose.then again nobody my age is like me anyway.fuck,we got materials but weather is gonna suck till next week.50 degrees I hear though. As long as my dad doesn't fuck me over. Asshole sucker punched me in the face today.i don't know what's gonna happen first.me ODing or me killing him before he decides to fix my roof.hes a Roofer by trade for over 35 years.i think he's just a sick bastard.im not gonna tolerate being sucker punched.he knows I won't call the cops cause I'll go to jail.for nothing! I can't this hell anymore.he keeps it up he's gonna get a cocktail he won't forget

moose eater

A beautiful tune, done by a couple amazing folks. Seemed appropriate to the more positive weather forecast above.

Are the materials dried-in, to where they won't suffer from the weather, 'hawk?

Most of us can't do much from afar, but medium or heavy-duty tarps are something that can be made to fit into flat-rate USPS Priority Mail boxes fairly easily.

Most common sheet-rock is 4'x8' and don't know how much of it you have. But if it's up on blocks/stickers/dunnage, then you wouldn't need too much material to cover and tuck in the edges. 2-3 layers ought to keep it dry.

Won't go into what was or wasn't happening with your dad before he popped you. I assume there was some amount of back-and-forth before he smacked you. You've been into this with him for a long time. Doesn't seem like the cycle changes much at all, and there's only -one- person you can control in this circumstance. You either take the plunge into the unknown, change environment/association, for what ever unknowns it produces, whether gifts or challenges, or you stay in it, where nothing appears to change.

Distance, and studying of what the patterns are; especially within yourself, as those are the ones you have power over.... Don't drink from poisoned wells. Not 'til they're cleaned up. And some never are.


Well-known member
I actually wasn't there when materials were dropped.our vehicles are 2 seater pieces of junk but I guess it was delivered.i had to call my mom to make sure everything was paid.i don't trust my dad smoking and drinking all fucking day.yeah,I gave my dad a piece of my mind.but I'm not dumb enough to touch him.thats what he wants me to do.so in that aspect I'm doing good.im the victim here.i might be 5'6 but I'm built foret my beer gut.my dad and I have had legendary fights.not that I'm proud of that.damn near makes me wanna cry.yeah he says something,I say something but that don't give him the right to touch me.i came real close to splitting his fucking wig.not to mention what he did to my mother.anyway he's a narcissist ego maniac and he's holding my house like ransom.i think it's my right and duty to take him out.hes gotta go.

And hey if you guys want to talk I promise you I'm an extremely intelligent guy and very friendly.people like me.but I'm in fucking hick country corn USA so I can't help myself unless I wanna walk 10 miles in 50mph just to get milk.no thanks! I'll pass!

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