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House and Garden 2013 MEGATHREAD

Kit Kat

This is a compilation thread for the H&G line, stuff that should go in the OP should be posted here, otherwise discussion is in the House & Garden Nutrients thread.

[size=+2]Quick Reference[/size]

Nutrient Calculators
Feed Charts (Gallons)

How to mix your water

H&G is always mixed in this order:
  1. get some water (RO is best but at lease get the chlorine out)
  2. mix in Part A or your base nute and wait for it to mix evenly
  3. mix in Part B of your base nute and wait for it to mix once again
  4. ph your solution (it will probably have to go up)
  5. add all additives
  6. dont fuck with it.
- Credit: Balazar

Seriously, don't fuck with it, and don't wait until after to do the pH. pH after adding and mixing A/B. If you put the additives in without pH'ing first the high acidity (mine comes down to 3.4-3.8 in RO water) will ruin the additive. I came across a post explaining why but it doesn't look like I saved it, when I dig it back up I'll quote it here.

I find myself having to add half-strength cal/mag through veg and beginning of stretch every other fill or so or I run into deficiencies using coco and RO. If you add cal/mag, add it first, then A, then B. Silica Blast, Pro-Tekt, or another silica product makes for a good pH up and a little silica is always a good thing.

Contact Information



To get samples
Email [email protected] and ask him for a sample card. He'll send you a card to fill out and send a $13 money order or check along with the card back to him. In about 2 weeks, you'll have a nice size, HEAVY, UNMARKED, box on your front porch. I'll include 1 liter each of your NPK nutes, and smaller bottles of the rest of the line. Nice way to sample their line w/o handing over $300+.

Bunz :D

legit as fuck! got mine the other day.


thank you very much for the info bunz!

Bunz, you da man - my buddy did this a bit ago and was absolutely stoked to get hooked up with a full run for his little grow.

[size=+2]Product Line[/size]
Note on the guaranteed analysis, I'm pulling all of these from the Oregon DoA and I'm not sure if they're right, it may need to be updated later.


Soil A & B - Soil A&B contains calcium and is intended for soil gardens that do not contain lime.

Aqua Flakes A &B - The complete base nutrient for expanded clay, Oasis Cubes, Rockwool and Coco. Aqua Flakes A&B is specially formulated for recirculating hydroponic systems.

Coco A &B - Cocos A&B is specifically formulated for gardeners who employ coco medium.
  • Notes: I only have experience with Coco A&B so far, and there are two things I think are unfortunately still necessary - 1/2 strength cal/mag during veg and beginning of stretch, and once stretch stops I would drop the recommended A&B down by 25% at least to prevent N toxicity. I'm currently seeing the signs of it while following the schedule, and the same was happening at this stage during my Kalichakra grow. Maybe this is due to not running the full line?
  • greenthumbdub,

1 Component - House & Garden’s one part base nutrient for soil amended with lime.

Bio 1 Component - House & Garden’s one part base nutrient for soil amended with lime. I don't know what the difference between these two are and their site doesn't really say.

As an aside, the UK H&G site makes mention of Grow and Bloom formulations of some of these bases, has anyone had any experience with them? I'd really like to take a look at the Bloom for Coco and see if they reduced some of the N.



Drip Clean - Use at 0.4ml/g from beginning to end to prevent salt build up in drip lines. Use at 1ml/g to prevent build up in your lines, as well as the medium.


Magic Green - 5ml/1litre (or 19ml/g) concentration, use no more than twice a week. "House & Garden Magic Green is designed primarily to give a boost to mother plants and plants in the very early stages of growth." This may be why some (including myself) are not seeing explosive growth in veg if this is not being used?
  • Guaranteed Analysis [1], [2]: Check the links on this one, Oregon DoA has two different listings as "Renewal Pending", I don't know which (if either) are accurate. Either Nitrogen 0.3%, Phosphate 0.1%, Soluble Potash 0.4% or Nitrogen 0.3%, Phosphate 0.7%, Soluble Potash 3%
  • Notes: Lots of positive anecdotes and reviews from users, I'll come back and link those later.

Algen Extract - 1ml/g through veg, stop once flower starts. A premium blend of Norwegian Sea Kelp containing high levels of active ingredients. Algen Extract promotes vigorous vegetative growth as well as aiding the plant’s nutrient uptake.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.2%, Soluble Potash: 0.4%
  • Notes: Haven't read about a lot of people using this, and those that have are saying they didn't notice much, if anything when doing so.
Amino Treatment - Amount varies with the schedule. The product consists of a balanced complex of ingredients such as small silicate particles which are much smaller than those which you would find in normal silicon. Amino Treatment also contains a unique natural growth and flowering stimulator from an extract taken from plant seeds.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.1%, Soluble Potash: 0.6%
  • Notes: Rather expensive, and another one I haven't seen a lot of use info on yet.
Roots Excelurator - 1.1ml/g from cutting to first two weeks of flower, then stop. If you don't use anything else by H&G, use this. This stuff is absolutely astonishing for root growth and I've not read a bad thing about it yet. (Dig something up though and I'll post it).
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.1%, Soluble Potash: 0.2%
  • Notes: Expensive, but a little goes a long way. I suggest clicking the product link which will take you to their FAQ with more information.
Multi Zen - 3.8ml/g through veg and first two weeks of flower. Multi Zen’s unique formulation helps to aid in the break down of nutrients making them more readily available within the root zone.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.2%, Soluble Potash: 0.7%
  • Notes: I picked this up because it was relatively cheap compared to the rest and have been using it since, but couldn't tell you one way or the other what it actually does.


Bud XL - 3.8ml/g use in the last half of flower (wks 4-8 for an 8 week, 5-10 for a 10 week). Bud XL helps to extract sugars from large bracts, allowing more sugar and energy to be concentrated on fruit and flower production. By doing so, the yield, robustness, and sweetness of the harvest can increase.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.4%, Soluble Potash: 0.2%
  • Notes: Smells sweet, kind of like molasses.

Top Booster - 5.7ml/g for at least 2-3 feedings for one week only during flower after stretch has ended. By giving the plant the impression that the final phase of its life cycle has begun, Top Booster helps induce more aggressive late flowering cycle.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Phosphate 0.7%, Soluble Potash: 0.6%
  • Notes: I just finished using this for a continuous week (week 5) in my blumat res and noticed more swell at this stage than a buddy's previous run using just PBP. Plenty of others don't appear to use it at all.

Shooting Powder - 2.6 grams per gallon in the last three weeks of flower. Shooting Powder helps to induce a second surge of flower production during the last three weeks of the flowering cycle. The impact that this late flower additive will have on your harvest can result in up to 30% increase in yield
  • Drop the EC of A/B to 1.2 (600ppm @ .5) or less before using Shooting Powder. If you don't, you'll burn the hell out of your plants. Only use Shooting Powder on plants thare are already healthy and vigorous, or issues will occur. If in doubt, don't use it. To mix the powder measure out the weight required, then add into an amount of warm water to fully dissolve. Add to your mix after A -> B -> pH.
  • Lots of users have reported mixed results, either heavy fox tailing, burning, or other problems.
  • It undeniably does pack on the weight, but does so by inducing a 'second surge' of flowering which will delay the harvest time, so keep this in mind if you add it to the schedule. I'll be trying it this round, and added two weeks of expectation onto the usual 8 - one for maturation, and one for a full flush.
  • Only use Shooting Powder by itself, do not combine with Top Shooter - one or the other.
  • It is suggested that if you use Shooting Powder/Top Shooter in coco, that coco now needs to be tossed (or composted over the long term) and will be too hot for reuse.

Top Shooter - 2.6ml/g with the same rules as Shooting Powder. It's literally the same thing in gel form. Since it's a gel, you'll need to immerse the metal canister in a warm water bath to be able to soften it up enough to pour and mix. Suggested that this is also mixed into warm water before being added to your res. Do not combine with Shooting Powder.


This is one section I'm hoping we can beef up big time, I saw tons of great info but it was scattered through quite a few threads. This is running a bit long and I'm mentally getting scattered here. ;p

[size=+1]On lockouts[/size]
Did 3 grows in RDWC with H & G. Used their full line as directed with RO water. I always experienced some sort of lock out of one form or another. Tried both their "Hydro" line and their "Aqua flakes" line with simular results.

I do like their "Root Excelerator", "Algen Extract" and "Drip Clean" and "Magic Green".

I am doing a coco/soil grow atm with their "Bio 1 Component" base and remain unimpressed overall with all 4 grows. Not that they weren't successful, just thought they were lacking in something resulting in slight mg problems and even at the "agressive" rates, I showed a P deficiency always at the beginning of week 3 of flower.

I thought it was my strain, which I selected a mom from a 60 seed grow. You know, like a genetic problem. but I am doing about 1/3 of this grow with some Blue Dream clones and I have the same problem, maybe slightly less pronounced.

did you supplement with any kind of cal mag? excess calcium will cause p lockout, ive experienced this problem with h@g, but only supplementing with cal mag a full strength. i know use 1/2 strength every other es change, i dont get p lockout anymore...

[size=+1]On Cal/Mag and RO[/size]
The nute schedule for aquaflakes says to use RO. However I have been doing a side by side RO vs filtered water. So far the filtered water wins for me. I end up adding CaMg+ with RO and no hiccups with filtered water. I use 2 sediment filters then 2 stages of charcoal filters that eliminate chlorine/chloramine. You can build your own setup. The hydro logic ones are way over priced.

[size=+2]Tips, Tricks & Experiences[/size]

OK, my results and opinion on House & Garden nutes is here. For what its worth. LOL

I grew a strain that I am very familiar with. Half the plants got Shooting Powder, half did not.

Normally use Fox Farm nutes and I get a super tasty product. I grow small plants and normally hit 1.7 oz per plant on the average.

The H&G produced the same taste as I get with FF. And the yield was a tad better. Say I hit 1.9-2.0 oz per plant.

Can't say it was all the nutes cuz I bumped up from 600s to 1000s and I am honing my skills in multi topping to make small shrubs with many tops. Which, IMO can increase the yield (strain dependant).

In taste comparison: the plants that got Shooting Powder actually tasted better. I know that sounds very odd and I think it is odd. But thats the way it is. The ones that didn't get SP got a lil more BudXL and a higher rate of base nutes. (Soil A&B)

A second wave of H&G test plants just came down as well. Different strain that is a nute pig. It did very well. Still drying.

I will use H&G again, but I will attempt to do feed water feed. Mixing nutes for every watering is a pain in the arse IMO.

The thing I definitely see with H&G is overall VERY HEALTHY plants. I been using FF nutes for years and work off a custom sched I built over time. The plants still get defs sometimes. I did not see any defs on H&G.

So, even tho it is 200% chemical nutes, they can produce VERY tasty buds. I did a 7 day flush as I think 3-5 days is too short.

FYI: Buying A and B in the 5 gallon drops the price to about $4/L compared to $16/L
You get the A and B for $175. This is for soil as i have been running it outdoors :)

H&G says to store nutes between 44-86F. Your fridge should be kept below 40F to avoid bacteria.
GH told me putting their nutes in the fridge is one of the only things you could to them that could jack them up.
A guy in the hydro store told me you can store nutes in the fridge but you have to leave them out the day before you use them
I saw a message from AN saying that if you store your nutes in the fridge you have to put them back in right away so that condensation doesnt build up in the bottle
Just store your nutes like everyone else - not in the fridge

i've been keeping my moms in perpetual veg with h&g coco; bout 8ml a gal and they are happy forever; i'm able to feed all my strains this mix with no ill effects or defs... if you want them to grow faster in veg bump up the ppm.. that being said i don't know anything about the soil veg line of h&g; the coco and aqua lines you use throughout the entire grow

i too dislike the shooting powder and supplement whatever pk booster i have around; i also add a carb loading product from the 4th week of flower on

I have used H&G for a few crops now (RDWC with Aquaflakes). Here is what I can tell you:

1. I use RO and some times I add a little CaMg+ but never more than half strength

2. Silica blast is perfect for raising the ph to the desired level.

3. Root Excel is compost tea with molasses and humic acid. It works good but you could make your own for less than $10.

4. Shooting powder is strong! go about 200 ppm's under what you want and then add the shooting powder. (which is the same thing as M.O.A.B.)

5. Don't over feed! its just a waist of money. Especially if your using drip clean.

6. Magic Green smells like an infected dirty vagina but it's like green paint! If you have a nute lockout this can save your ass.

7. I flush with strait up RO that has been ph adjusted. I check the ppm's a few times a day. They will go up and then level off. When the ppm's level off I change the water and repeat until they are ready for harvest.

8. I used to change the res every other week. Now I just do every 4 weeks. I have a float valve in the res and I just add nutes to adjust the solution as water is added.

9. It's ok to use an air stone in the res and/or buckets. There is a typo on some older nute schedules and products that states the use of an air stone will fuck things up. I called H&G and this is simply not the case.

10. H&G is better than AN in my opinion. I get the same results for a little lower price. I do use molasses and silica blast but other than that just the complete H&G line.

Currently I am trying to go 100% organic in my RDWC so H&G will get used up in one system while I start a new organic nute system in another RDWC for side by side comparison.

I am finding that with 25ml each of CalMag, Coco A and B, the ppm is around 750, and the after adjusting pH to 5.8, then after adding 20ml of Bud-XL, and 26 grams of Shooting Powder to 5 gallons of Reverse Osmosis water, the PPM became 1255 and the pH was 6.00. That was this AM.

Now, 15 hours later, the 3.25 remaining gallons, which have had two air stones all day, are: PPM = 1234 and pH = 6.27.

Other Reading
House & Garden…..lets chat!!! - Feb 2010 - August 2012, 28 pages
House & Garden Nutrients - Dec 2011 - Current

[size=+2]Unanswered questions[/size]
here's what I know on H&G:
-shooting powder might contain PGR's

-looks like they might have re-formulated products ( check heavy metal sites ) , and noticed a drop in heavy metals on some of there products
( example old registered cocos B : 0.1-0.3-0.6 , new cocos B : 2-3-7 ) ( please remember the fiasco with labeling laws, it's not . __ , was used as a way to avoid the labeling laws of minimum content.. )

-difference between the bio 1 and the 1, is that the bio has some organic material in it, from what I know half salt and half organic ???

-also would like cleared up the thing between the owner and canna. canna made post on there site saying he never formulated there products, IDK, but I would like to know for reference... as people keep saying , before he did house and garden he worked for canna.....

[size=+2]H&G Grow Shows[/size]

I'm starting out with mine 'cause I don't know of any others, but please, submit some to put in the list!

Kit Kat's OG Kush Donuts (1200w vert)


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
here's what I know on H&G:

-NL site here

-coco, I've never seen a need for Ca/Mg

-more concentrated then canna

-shooting powder might contain PGR's

-most acidic nutrient I've ever used ( cocos )

-looks like they might have re-formulated products ( check heavy metal sites ) , and noticed a drop in heavy metals on some of there products
( example old registered cocos B : 0.1-0.3-0.6 , new cocos B : 2-3-7 ) ( please remember the fiasco with labeling laws, it's not . __ , was used as a way to avoid the labeling laws of minimum content.. )

-difference between the bio 1 and the 1, is that the bio has some organic material in it, from what I know half salt and half organic ???

-also would like cleared up the thing between the owner and canna. canna made post on there site saying he never formulated there products, IDK, but I would like to know for reference... as people keep saying , before he did house and garden he worked for canna.....
Last edited:

Kit Kat

Thanks y'all. Updated the calculator with the Canada site (that thing is waaay slicker) and added a Questions section.

habeeb - do you use RO/tap/just-filtered water with Cocos? Seems like the only complaints are people with RO.


Active member
I have a H&G voucher for samples on route.:woohoo:

Hey Vag, did you ever run the full H&G Nutrient line up? If so what were your thoughts?

Also did you find running Aptus additives with H&G Base a better combo? Any need for Epsom Salts or Cal-Mag running this combo? Thanks bud.


I have contacted someone else to obtain samples from, $13 M.O was sent 4 days ago and hoping for a swift return.:bump: This is the guy that contacted me after no response from [email protected]:dance013: I will updated as soon as the semi-freebies arrive ha ha ha. FH


I use coco a+b and have only had to add 1g/gal of Epsom to keep my most cal mag hungry strains green. I'm doing a side by side with all additives and base only to see if all the extra $ is worth spending

Kit Kat

What e.c you guys running in veg for coco

I was following the US schedule, which had me up at 1.5 towards the end. Next time I'll keep it at 1.0-1.2 max.

I have contacted someone else to obtain samples from, $13 M.O was sent 4 days ago and hoping for a swift return.:bump: This is the guy that contacted me after no response from [email protected]:dance013: I will updated as soon as the semi-freebies arrive ha ha ha. FH

Thanks, I'll add his email address in there as well. Did you have to start emailing others or did this person respond instead of Rob?

I use coco a+b and have only had to add 1g/gal of Epsom to keep my most cal mag hungry strains green. I'm doing a side by side with all additives and base only to see if all the extra $ is worth spending

Good to know, do you have a thread posted for the side by side? I'd definitely like to follow along.


Hey everyone! After doing a ton of searches, reading, and cross referencing trying to understand a bit more about House & Garden I decided to take a page from another forum and compile everything I could find into a MEGATHREAD. I'd like this to be an ongoing H&G discussion about everyone's experiences, tips, tricks, and all that fun stuff. I'll commit to keeping the OP updated and fresh as new info comes in, and hopefully we can get a 1-stop H&G shop going here on ICMag. Any and all feedback is welcome, the only thing I ask is that negative posts be substantive (don't just say H&G sucks without some sort of insight into why). Thanks!

[size=+2]Quick Reference[/size]

Nutrient Calculators
Feed Charts (Gallons)

How to mix your water

H&G is always mixed in this order:
  1. get some water (RO is best but at lease get the chlorine out)
  2. mix in Part A or your base nute and wait for it to mix evenly
  3. mix in Part B of your base nute and wait for it to mix once again
  4. ph your solution (it will probably have to go up)
  5. add all additives
  6. dont fuck with it.
- Credit: Balazar

Seriously, don't fuck with it, and don't wait until after to do the pH. pH after adding and mixing A/B. If you put the additives in without pH'ing first the high acidity (mine comes down to 3.4-3.8 in RO water) will ruin the additive. I came across a post explaining why but it doesn't look like I saved it, when I dig it back up I'll quote it here.

I find myself having to add half-strength cal/mag through veg and beginning of stretch every other fill or so or I run into deficiencies using coco and RO. If you add cal/mag, add it first, then A, then B. Silica Blast, Pro-Tekt, or another silica product makes for a good pH up and a little silica is always a good thing.

Contact Information



To get samples

Bunz, you da man - my buddy did this a bit ago and was absolutely stoked to get hooked up with a full run for his little grow.

[size=+2]Product Line[/size]
Note on the guaranteed analysis, I'm pulling all of these from the Oregon DoA and I'm not sure if they're right, it may need to be updated later.


Soil A & B - Soil A&B contains calcium and is intended for soil gardens that do not contain lime.

Aqua Flakes A &B - The complete base nutrient for expanded clay, Oasis Cubes, Rockwool and Coco. Aqua Flakes A&B is specially formulated for recirculating hydroponic systems.

Coco A &B - Cocos A&B is specifically formulated for gardeners who employ coco medium.
  • Notes: I only have experience with Coco A&B so far, and there are two things I think are unfortunately still necessary - 1/2 strength cal/mag during veg and beginning of stretch, and once stretch stops I would drop the recommended A&B down by 25% at least to prevent N toxicity. I'm currently seeing the signs of it while following the schedule, and the same was happening at this stage during my Kalichakra grow. Maybe this is due to not running the full line?
  • greenthumbdub,

1 Component - House & Garden’s one part base nutrient for soil amended with lime.

Bio 1 Component - House & Garden’s one part base nutrient for soil amended with lime. I don't know what the difference between these two are and their site doesn't really say.

As an aside, the UK H&G site makes mention of Grow and Bloom formulations of some of these bases, has anyone had any experience with them? I'd really like to take a look at the Bloom for Coco and see if they reduced some of the N.



Drip Clean - Use at 0.4ml/g from beginning to end to prevent salt build up in drip lines. Use at 1ml/g to prevent build up in your lines, as well as the medium.


Magic Green - 5ml/1litre (or 19ml/g) concentration, use no more than twice a week. "House & Garden Magic Green is designed primarily to give a boost to mother plants and plants in the very early stages of growth." This may be why some (including myself) are not seeing explosive growth in veg if this is not being used?
  • Guaranteed Analysis [1], [2]: Check the links on this one, Oregon DoA has two different listings as "Renewal Pending", I don't know which (if either) are accurate. Either Nitrogen 0.3%, Phosphate 0.1%, Soluble Potash 0.4% or Nitrogen 0.3%, Phosphate 0.7%, Soluble Potash 3%
  • Notes: Lots of positive anecdotes and reviews from users, I'll come back and link those later.

Algen Extract - 1ml/g through veg, stop once flower starts. A premium blend of Norwegian Sea Kelp containing high levels of active ingredients. Algen Extract promotes vigorous vegetative growth as well as aiding the plant’s nutrient uptake.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.2%, Soluble Potash: 0.4%
  • Notes: Haven't read about a lot of people using this, and those that have are saying they didn't notice much, if anything when doing so.
Amino Treatment - Amount varies with the schedule. The product consists of a balanced complex of ingredients such as small silicate particles which are much smaller than those which you would find in normal silicon. Amino Treatment also contains a unique natural growth and flowering stimulator from an extract taken from plant seeds.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.1%, Soluble Potash: 0.6%
  • Notes: Rather expensive, and another one I haven't seen a lot of use info on yet.
Roots Excelurator - 1.1ml/g from cutting to first two weeks of flower, then stop. If you don't use anything else by H&G, use this. This stuff is absolutely astonishing for root growth and I've not read a bad thing about it yet. (Dig something up though and I'll post it).
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.1%, Soluble Potash: 0.2%
  • Notes: Expensive, but a little goes a long way. I suggest clicking the product link which will take you to their FAQ with more information.
Multi Zen - 3.8ml/g through veg and first two weeks of flower. Multi Zen’s unique formulation helps to aid in the break down of nutrients making them more readily available within the root zone.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.2%, Soluble Potash: 0.7%
  • Notes: I picked this up because it was relatively cheap compared to the rest and have been using it since, but couldn't tell you one way or the other what it actually does.


Bud XL - 3.8ml/g use in the last half of flower (wks 4-8 for an 8 week, 5-10 for a 10 week). Bud XL helps to extract sugars from large bracts, allowing more sugar and energy to be concentrated on fruit and flower production. By doing so, the yield, robustness, and sweetness of the harvest can increase.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen 0.4%, Soluble Potash: 0.2%
  • Notes: Smells sweet, kind of like molasses.

Top Booster - 5.7ml/g for at least 2-3 feedings for one week only during flower after stretch has ended. By giving the plant the impression that the final phase of its life cycle has begun, Top Booster helps induce more aggressive late flowering cycle.
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Phosphate 0.7%, Soluble Potash: 0.6%
  • Notes: I just finished using this for a continuous week (week 5) in my blumat res and noticed more swell at this stage than a buddy's previous run using just PBP. Plenty of others don't appear to use it at all.

Shooting Powder - 2.6 grams per gallon in the last three weeks of flower. Shooting Powder helps to induce a second surge of flower production during the last three weeks of the flowering cycle. The impact that this late flower additive will have on your harvest can result in up to 30% increase in yield
  • Drop the EC of A/B to 1.2 (600ppm @ .5) or less before using Shooting Powder. If you don't, you'll burn the hell out of your plants. Only use Shooting Powder on plants thare are already healthy and vigorous, or issues will occur. If in doubt, don't use it. To mix the powder measure out the weight required, then add into an amount of warm water to fully dissolve. Add to your mix after A -> B -> pH.
  • Lots of users have reported mixed results, either heavy fox tailing, burning, or other problems.
  • It undeniably does pack on the weight, but does so by inducing a 'second surge' of flowering which will delay the harvest time, so keep this in mind if you add it to the schedule. I'll be trying it this round, and added two weeks of expectation onto the usual 8 - one for maturation, and one for a full flush.
  • Only use Shooting Powder by itself, do not combine with Top Shooter - one or the other.
  • It is suggested that if you use Shooting Powder/Top Shooter in coco, that coco now needs to be tossed (or composted over the long term) and will be too hot for reuse.

Top Shooter - 2.6ml/g with the same rules as Shooting Powder. It's literally the same thing in gel form. Since it's a gel, you'll need to immerse the metal canister in a warm water bath to be able to soften it up enough to pour and mix. Suggested that this is also mixed into warm water before being added to your res. Do not combine with Shooting Powder.


This is one section I'm hoping we can beef up big time, I saw tons of great info but it was scattered through quite a few threads. This is running a bit long and I'm mentally getting scattered here. ;p

[size=+1]On lockouts[/size]

[size=+1]On Cal/Mag and RO[/size]

[size=+2]Tips, Tricks & Experiences[/size]

Other Reading
House & Garden…..lets chat!!! - Feb 2010 - August 2012, 28 pages
House & Garden Nutrients - Dec 2011 - Current

[size=+2]Unanswered questions[/size]

[size=+2]H&G Grow Shows[/size]

I'm starting out with mine 'cause I don't know of any others, but please, submit some to put in the list!

Kit Kat's OG Kush Donuts (1200w vert)

get ready for the rush of haters !


This is what i recieved from h-g for a sample card and 13$. good deal ,only took 5-6 business days total time. only thing is that on the sample card they ask what type of medium do you use. i wrote coco/soil and they can only send samples for 1 type of medium. alan @ h-g emailed me to clarify sending samples for 1 type of growing meduim ....and i made the soil choice. Hope this helps any that are requesting samples. The email i enclosed in post above works!!


Anyone know when they are going to release their nitrogen additive? Hopefully in time for outdoor season. The Nutrient is a good program for outdoor is just needs a lot more nitrogen.. can't wait :)


2nd bottle on left front is the nitrogen boost. I got a habit , maybe a bad one. i smell the ferts in the bottles. i guess im checking for spoilage. but that nitro boost slightly diffrent than the rest. no n-p-k ratios on any of samples. A funny thing is the n-p-k on the Shooting Powder that came, is not the same as my older packet. Got that one at hydro shop n-p-k on that one is 0-39-25. hmmmm im new to h-g if anyone knows why this is, im interested.....FH:tumbleweed:


I have a big problem... I bought from a local growshop Dna Cell 1, Dna Cell 2, Dna Cell 3, Cocos A+B, Amino Treatment, Shooting Powder, PK13/14, Drip Clean, all of them from House&Garden. I grow in Autopot(cocos + perlite). At my first Grow for a quantity A+B cocos i used a mix rates calculator from H&G AU and EC-meter and for the DNA CELL and the rest i used what was written on the bottle. I wasn't satisfy at all of the results. After 12/12, the plants grew a little bit... and after PK 13/14 the buds almost they didn't grow at all. I'm at the second grow.... after 3 weeks of vegetation some of the plants stoped from groing. I also bought Amino Treatment for this second grow. I was looking on forums but i found few informations about DNA Cell or nutrients scheme with DNA Cell. From the local growshop told me that i'll find on their site Nutrient Calculator from House&Garden. The problem is that i couldn't find a scheme for DNA Cell on this site House&Garden. Till now i grow with organic nutients from Advanced Nutrients (Iguana) with very good results but the problem was that it was blocking very often the Autopot instalation.
Does anybody have more information about DNA Cell 1,2,3 or a Feed Chart ?:tumbleweed:

Kit Kat

I haven't heard of DNA Cell yet nor can I seem to find a feed chart on any of the H&G sites listing it... you may want to shoot the H&G AUS office an email and ask what's going on, or whether they have a chart?


Where am I?
Guys. Please post in the Other thread if possible. So we can keep all the info in one place so it's not confusing. I mean it will just benefit us all Kit Kat you have great Info. I would love for you to add into the big thread please if you guys can. Not saying you guys have to but it would really make things easier especially for people searching for info on H&G they don't have to look at multiple threads to find information you know