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Hempy Buckets - DP Durban Poison | G13 PowerSkunk | G13 Gigabud | Afghani

2.9.09 pic update

2.9.09 pic update

I was just feeding everyone and decided to snap some pics to show what is going on. Recently I took 18 clones from everyone basically and they are all in the bubble cloner. The 8 in the jiffy pellets are all rooting, just a little yellowing of the fan leaves. I am hoping to get them into the hempys before I leave. I also have 3 other clones that came out of the bubble cloner and got beat to shit on their first day out (low humidity left all night killed them)

If I get 100% success, that means I will have 29 clones going by the time I get back from my trip. I will flip the biggest and best the day I come back and we will go from there.

Anyways, not a whole lot going on other then the clones and the mamas looking great. I am wondering how long I can leave the moms in the 1 gallon hempy buckets. I just killed the soil AG, took a bunch of clones then cut her because she was just taking up space. No need to have 2 mothers at this point.

Anyways, let me know what you think!

Peace all,



PS1 - Pretty sure it's a boy.

All getting ready for a dinner:


I killed PS1, it was definitely a boy.

I put two more GB clones from jiffy pellets, into gato-hempy's also. Hopefully they will survive the night a little better then the last time I put clones into the box. Won't forget the dome for the beginning this time!

Sorry for the short update, just wanted to get it down. My written journal is filling up fast but no one sees that!

Take care all,

2.23 updated

2.23 updated

Hey folks,

Just got back late last night from a really amazing ski trip to CA. 6 ft of powda in 2.5 days! And I spent most of the afternoons / evenings smoking some WWxNL which was just delicious.

Anyways, I had to rig together an auto watering set-up because I didn't want to have to bother my boy with coming on a certain schedule, taking them all out to water, etc etc. So I used a 160 GPH water pump in a 5 gallon bucket with a digital timer that does down to 1 minute intervals. It was a bit of a bitch because I basically had to do everything the day before I left and I did not have the time to test things. Basically, I got lucky and it all worked out even though I am pretty sure some girls got more water than others.

My boy did a good job taking care of things, everything turned out just fine. Actually, these girls took off like crazy, it is was a daunting task to take care of things tonight.

SO, basically I got home at 1 am, went to bed at 3, got up for work at 8 and worked until 7. THEN I spent 3 hours trying to take control of things. This is what I did:

1) The clone box was amazing. Everything had roots and was showing vertical growth. 3 I left in there because they looked like they could use some more time, I threw out 5 (all AGs, they SUCK at cloning) and the remaining 10 went into Gato-Hempys. They all got a nice dose of week 3 nutes. Now they are all under the HPS in the flower room and thus far are doing well. I am leaving the HPS on 24 hours until tomorrow when I will flip them.

2) I fed the Moms with week 4 nutes. I now have 4 females. 1 PS, 1 GB, 1 DP, and 1 AG. A beautiful sight to say the least.

3) I took 15 more clones: 4 PS, 5 DP, 6 GB. I am assuming about a 10 day rooting process, and then perhaps 10 more days of veg, so that is about 3 week interval. I can potentially pull new clones every 10 days, so I might actually build another DIY cloner. I am kind of just winging it right now until I can establish what sort of space these clones will take up.

4) Changed the bubble cloner res.

Tomorrow I am going to have to LST some of the mothers, they are simply getting too tall.

I snapped some pics of everything I was doing and in hindsight I am wishing I had taken pics of the rooted clones, it was a beautiful sight to see.

Pics in a second. Stay safe everyone,

2.23 pics

2.23 pics

Hey they are:
1) clones before the were put in buckets
2) Everyone ready for some food!
3) Clones in flower box
4) The veg room AFTER i chopped a bunch down

Hey at least the perpetual is moving forward, right ?




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The flower room was flipped this morning. I actually put the big AG mom in there too though because she was taking up way too much space and just looked like she will be a huge producer (really tight nodes from the ground up). I have two AG clones kind of surviving in the veg room right now, and if I want to turn one back into a mom, I will. I will definitely keep at least one until this one comes out to see if the smoke is worth it (I ran it before but in soil and it was under CFL, etc - too many different variables).

I'll throw some pics up right before lights on (can't get the pics to work with the HPS, any suggestions?)

Stay safe,

-sg :joint:
3.1 - update

3.1 - update

Well, a little update.

Things are moving along. Only about 4 days or so in flower so nothing really, but everyone in the flower room is blowing up which is a great sign. Some of the clones struggled a little, but they all look like they will survive and prosper.

The mother room is growing out of control. I don't want to really chop anything down at the moment so that I can choose the best for the next clone run. Just waiting on the current clones to root; they probably have another 6 or 7 days till they will be ready. Then I can take a bunch more and chop the mom's down a lot.

I snapped some pics. The mom's are gnarly to say the least, but hey, it's workin'. I just have the LST the shit out of them to keep them from burning themselves to death. Anyways enjoy ...

DP mom

GB mom

PS all tied up. She looks like a bundle of wheat lol and i'm not sure if it is kosher or not, but it's only gotta last till the next clone run (approx 7 days)

mom/veg room

flower room

all the clones out for reorganization
Oh ya and there have been some Calcium issues with the Moms. Not sure if it is pH lockout or not. I just have the drops at the moment but I just ordered a pH pen so I will know better soon. Either way, Cal isn't taking up, so i have foliar fed with dolomite lime for the moment.

Also raised the pH a tad, but like I said, still kind of guessing till Wed.



in the thick of it
great job! very happy to see how well your grow is going, continue the good work
I love hempy buckets!


in the thick of it
i was working in my garden earlier today and thought what may be a calcium def. problem, and added a little magical to the mix to see if it would correct the slight problem...out of four plants, two have began to form some little spots, and two look terrific. 2 are afghan and 2 are chronic, one of each have spots, and the 2 that are showing the issue are both smaller then the other 2....so I don't really know. I added the magical to all four and am waiting to see any changes. I'll be headed to the local shop on Wednesday and I'll ask the friendly folks there then. The spots aren't too bad so I'm only a little worried right now.


in the thick of it
btw-all 4 started at the same time, have been vegged for the same time and have recieved the same nutes throughout. I'll let you know if the magical fixes it. Either way, I can't imagine the magical hurting anything so I may just continue with it.
btw-all 4 started at the same time, have been vegged for the same time and have recieved the same nutes throughout. I'll let you know if the magical fixes it. Either way, I can't imagine the magical hurting anything so I may just continue with it.

how is your pH? My first thought is that I was just locking out the calcium with too low a pH. I only use the droppers, so until my new pen comes, I am just sort of guesstimating.


in the thick of it
ph is around 6, still using drops too...and I would think that if ph was the problem, then all the plants would exibit the same problems....seeds from the same stock. I dunno. How often are you watering? I get mine every other day and I used that schedule on my last run....had to kill it b/c he was a big old dude (which sucked) I was able to grab a TON of pollen, so not all bad...anyway, when we cut him down, and pulled out of the hempy bucket, the roots were amazing! I could not believe how much they had grown and how white they were. I'm using the same nutes this time and the same feeding schedule, same water supply, same everything.


Just out of curiousity, what ferts are you running in your hempy buckets?

I'm just using the GH 3 part. Planning on switching over to Floranova in a couple weeks.
ph is around 6, still using drops too...and I would think that if ph was the problem, then all the plants would exibit the same problems....seeds from the same stock. I dunno. How often are you watering? I get mine every other day and I used that schedule on my last run....had to kill it b/c he was a big old dude (which sucked) I was able to grab a TON of pollen, so not all bad...anyway, when we cut him down, and pulled out of the hempy bucket, the roots were amazing! I could not believe how much they had grown and how white they were. I'm using the same nutes this time and the same feeding schedule, same water supply, same everything.

I water every other day too. Most of the time I can tell when the res is full or dry in each of them, and they average about 2 days. Strange that it only happened to a couple of them. It is actually only happening to 2 out of 4 of mine also, so I am not sure what the deal is either. So far, things have not gotten worse, I believe the damage is done to the damaged leaves but it does not appear to have gone further. I must be missing something? The difference is in strains so I imagine some react better to certain pH and nutrient uptake than others. Hmm, actuall the two hurting ones are sativa dom, interesting thought ...

Just out of curiousity, what ferts are you running in your hempy buckets?

I'm just using the GH 3 part. Planning on switching over to Floranova in a couple weeks.

FoxFarm, full line, hydro nutes. Everything except Open Sesame actually.

You didn't like GH? Why not? (if you don't mind).

Stay safe,



Is still like GH. Floranova is actually made by GH.

Floranova is a 2 part mix which seems easier to mix (heard its a bit thick though)and is supposed to contain addition nutrients.

I'm almost out of the 3 part which is why I am considering trying their other products. I'll probably switch my system to an aeroponics system for experimentation purposes.


Active member
nice grow man, they look good! question for everyone though, my g13xnycd has leaves that look the same as yours; meaning, the leaves curl inward and up towards the ceiling a little bit, and the darker green tips kind of bend down towards the ground.

Now i notice no one said anything about this, but what is the cause? what is the solution?

my guess is that heat stress/low humidity is causing the leaves to curl inwards and then nitrogen excess is causing the tips to curl downward, anyone know what im talking about or am i speaking nonsense?


in the thick of it
secret-that's really odd that we are experiencing similar issues....is this my partner that I am growing with??
My damage may be an issue of low humidity too. The older leaves have the spots and the new growth is looking nice. I need to get a little more humidity in there some way.
I'm using GH series as well, been fine so far. I also add Karma and Sugar daddy. At my other grow (veggies) I'm using the BC series w/ sugar daddy.
Both sites are under 250w t-5 for veg, then 1000w hps for flower. Both are doing real well so far.

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