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Hazed starting over! Time to convert? Help!


Well damn...... Outta nowhere comes the thread you said wouldn`t happen fer awhile.....but.....

For the record.......Hazed has the green thumb from Hell guys , he`s just down in the mouth for the time being , but believe this......

It`s short lived cuz he`s a survivor and what don`t kill him makes him stronger.....

I wish ALL my growbro`s had half the grow knowledge this guy`s got from growin veggies first and foremost for many many yrs...

Everyone here could pick his brain for knowledge....bet on it.....From adversity grows intestinal fortitude , and this cat`s gonna make it....guaranteed.....

Now get ta work you old fart , and make us proud.....Got my bucket ta set on so handle yo bidness....

ANYTHING you need.....pm`s or here is open....Good luck my buddy.....pullin fer yas....


Hey dont over rate me buddy, Im experienced at growin the cheap stuff, but have learned way more from the pros like yourself!

Gotta get this thing going, and very happy to see you sittin there on that bucket!
The new room is approx 409.5 cf and is setup with a 6" 440cfm fan pulling through two air cooled hoods from a "Y" adapter, wont be needing the charcoal filter.
You think Im good for air movement, or should I add another 440, or my little 240 inline fan?

ETA: and 2, 6" passive intakes.

I have ants and earwigs everywhere, and wont be able to use diatomatious (sp?) earth if I get to much of a whirl wind going, cover spray with pesticide would be last resort (check pic #1 below).
Thanks man!

Don't get sidetracked with a long veg. Get something in flower ASAP so you can get cash in hand quicker.

I think Im ADD when I cant smoke my weed! Your right, and thanks for helpin keep me on task!
Got 50 gallons of coco soaked and ready to go, gotta add light number two, then the fun begins.:dance013:

Farmhouse Cat gave me a heck of a good idea earlier. Im gonna put the questionable plants (few),1 Male keeper, and Mommas outdoors and let mother nature do her thing! This will eliminate the lighting worries.

The area Im in now, if I want to grow outdoor, I gotta bag them bitches early fall to start the 12/12, and with 90+ daytime temps and below 50f at night its really a gamble whether they will finish or not.
Maybe should invest in one of those tent/carport things next year and take advantage of Big Mamma nature! Im actually only about a 20 minute hike from a nice valley that would grow some sweetassed ganja, but ya gotta watch out that you dont accidentally get gunned down by a AK47 deer rifle ;) while hiking,lol.

Back to work, Thanks for the help guys, hope your all havin a great weekend.
I am getting help from all directions, the plants are covered with these baby and adult mantis,
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Ok, I am posting 2 more pics, 1 of a nyd that I just cannot see topping! The #2 is of the plants going in the new room( one thc bomb is not in the pic), the bombs take up some space (big bud variety), those plants will come pretty close to occupying that horizontal 4x4 space. Maybe Im wrong but I think these plants are to big to play the numbers game?

As you can see in pic #1, I have some 3' tall bitches that are actually stocky enough to put out some decent buds, and I don't want to bend/break em to a horizontal screen what do ya all think could they just as well go vert?

Take a look at that plant and imagine a bunch of those tied to a screen(some scrawnier) surrounding a 1k HPS. Im thinking a weed doughnut, what ya think?

I might not get much outta some of them either way, but why not utilize the whole bulb anyway?

BTW Im not a topping type of guy, in real life when/if I have to cut I make "heading cuts" not Bench cuts (AKA topping), I prefer lst.

Let me know what you think!


I gotta bunch of plants that look like the 1st picture above.
them are the ones I was thinking about doing the vert with. the second pic is the ones that needed chopped cause of stretch, come inn. LOL

Took a few tokes off my Sativa (stash) and had the following vision, but in the vision it was made of stones instead of 2x4's, with a fire in the center, and naked ladies dancing around it! ya I know :\
lol what ya think, a cage thats 4' across and 1k do the job?
I think I have the materials, and if not I do have a few bucks stashed, let me know what ya guys think. I would never hold anyone responsible for my own fuck ups, that aint how I am!
Thanks to both of ya!

ETA:LOL forgot the pic!
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Great job Hazed!!

Nice adaptation of the vision, when are the naked dancing girls due in?? That will not be the time for forget your camera!!!

Keep up the astounding work,


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
My set up looks like this around a 1K bulb.


It is about 66 inches at the corners and 52 inches screen to screen.. Each side is 2 feet long.
I don't break any GPW records but it is consistent. I get about .75 GPW.


Active member
i ran 2 600's stacked in a 3 and a half foot diameter circle.got better yields as i went down from 8 plants to 6 plants.


Git er dun Hazed! Lookin' good :) diggin' the mantis! did you bring them in?

Thanks Bonzo! The mantis just crawled in through the cracks along with every other bug known to man.
Just imagine an outdoor grow in the dark of night with a 1000w porch light hangin over it, lol.

Great job Hazed!!

Nice adaptation of the vision, when are the naked dancing girls due in?? That will not be the time for forget your camera!!!

Keep up the astounding work,


Heya homebaked, With my new pimped out grow, the trailer park gurlz will be beating the door down man! Soon, really!:tumbleweed:
I definitely underestimated the job of potting up, but Im getting there, and the girls that are done are just veggin along! Thank you for stopping in, I can use all the input I can get from you guys!

My set up looks like this around a 1K bulb.

View Image

It is about 66 inches at the corners and 52 inches screen to screen.. Each side is 2 feet long.
I don't break any GPW records but it is consistent. I get about .75 GPW.

Hello Ichabod Crane, Thats why it takes you a little longer to setup, because you do nice work!
.75 consistent sounds damned respectable, I think I had one flat grow that was like .67 and was real happy until I factored in, the grow took over 12 weeks!
Thanks for throwin them dimensions in! Im thinking of trying something similar to this grow Aerohead did,

And Im thinking if I need extra support for the plants I could always hang a ring of wire fencing from the ceiling and tie everyone to it.
With the limited root mass some of the plants have I might have to do a little mickey mouse to get em all into a nice canopy. Next round we will work on aesthetics. ;)

i ran 2 600's stacked in a 3 and a half foot diameter circle.got better yields as i went down from 8 plants to 6 plants.

Heya 420ish,
Main problem is, these plants are in all sizes containers, and lanky from being crowded together under that light for almost a month. Got plants in stadium cups, 1 quart pots, 3 gal pots, 2 gallon bags, 5 gallon buckets lol.

Decided the mammas and a few extras will go in 5 gal buckets and live outdoors for a while, maybe put them around a bare bulb later on.
Everything else will be in the doughnut or under that hood, whatever seems right.
Clones and seedlings (Rez's Chemdog IBL BTW) will be under shop lights.
So what do ya figure made the difference in yield on those two grows, was the 8 plant grow to crowded? Curious what the outcome would be with those same plant numbers and a larger ring and 1k lighting.

Hey thanks you guys! I better get to work, I been kind of lazy today.
I will add a few pics tomorrow so ya can see what this noobs up to...Hazed


Active member
my main difference from 8 plants to six was over crowding and not enough trimming.i trimmed the back side aggressivly but didnt take all the sucker branches off.i also over vegged.it was more then 2 cycles with both counts and i kept trying different things each time.be careful when you bring those plants back in,you will probably be bringing pests in with them!


Active member
Busy as fuck right now hazed, but i'll do my best to remember to drop back by with coco recipes for the jacks and the conni. Just have to dig them out of the archives. One of my gro bro's is killing it with the conni in coco :biggrin:. Oh and i'm def subbing for the show :biggrin:


my main difference from 8 plants to six was over crowding and not enough trimming.i trimmed the back side aggressivly but didnt take all the sucker branches off.i also over vegged.it was more then 2 cycles with both counts and i kept trying different things each time.be careful when you bring those plants back in,you will probably be bringing pests in with them!

Good info man, well I figure I will have a lot more canopy than I woulda had under a hood with these skinny bitches. If I screwup bad I figure I will still probably do just as well as I woulda with a flat grow,lol.
Ya I probably will use the old school Integrated Pest Management program when I bring them girls back inside (spray the fk outta them and quarantine for a couple weeks), then will put them in there own room and let em put on some new growth and watch them close before flippin!

Busy as fuck right now hazed, but i'll do my best to remember to drop back by with coco recipes for the jacks and the conni. Just have to dig them out of the archives. One of my gro bro's is killing it with the conni in coco :biggrin:. Oh and i'm def subbing for the show :biggrin:

Great to see ya Mister D, hope your feelin good! I would appreciate the info but there is no rush, I have plenty of other nutes to last a few weeks, even have some old FF nutes around, gotta few clinkers rattling around in the bottles, but we dont like those nasty old salts anyway right, lol. The thread I was thinkin of was one Simon did about jacks, but he was using promix so...
Grab a bucket, I can def use all the help I can get!

It was so damned hot yesterday I cut the HID's and run on floros for the day. Did test that room, and kept constant 88f while outside temp was 92f with 600w running in one air cooled hood.
Sucking that cool air off the floor with them 2 passive intakes really makes a difference, but I can see I probably need to add atleast another 240cfm exhaust fan before going with 2, 1k lights. Runnin lights from 9:00 PM to 9:00 AM should work great.
Thanks again fellas, here is a pic of my new hillbilly light fixture. Gotta go let prospective employers know Im still breathin, catch ya all this afternoon!


Well I thought I had a powder mildew problem, but turns out it was bird sht, haha.
I got appointments all day tomorrow and couldn't hardly keep my eyes open for today, so I'm gonna hit the hay early (midnight).

Tomorrow I will try to get home earlier and at least get the rest of the girls ready to go! Then Wednesday I got the afternoon free, so should be able to finish up with ventilation and flip this crazyness, lol.

Here is a pic of 5 plants 2' from the bulb, let me know what you guys think, I am thinking I can probably put 12 of these plants around that bulb but this will be my first vert attempt so...


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Looks good to me. Get some stakes and spread them a little. Just angle the stacks out to the sides and twist tie them out to the sides.


Looks good to me. Get some stacks and spread them a little. Just angle the stacks out to the sides and twist tie them out to the sides.

Im such a greenhorn, I looked up stacks and found bamboo stakes, and I dont own any of those, lol.

Women tell your children not to do what I have done, in the house of the rising sun!
I added another 440 cfm fan, and the temp was 85f and dropping with both lights running. Might add the other hood and another fan, because I still got a sht load of plants that need to just bloom so we can move on,lol.
Thanks for helping, you been a huge help just in motivating me to get this sht goin!
How much you think these will stretch upright?


Active member
You're on the right track...

Do not plug in 2x1000w to a 20A 120v circuit!

if you are running the lights on 120v (10 amps per ballast) then it's best to use a 20A circuit for each light.

If you run the lights @240v (5 amps per ballast) you can run 3kw per 20A 240v circuit safely. Do not exceed 75% of the amperage capacity (15A on 20A circuit, 45A on a 60A sub panel) for continuous draw applications.


Ugh... Talk about amature hour... Just kidding! Things are shaping up great over your way! :)

LMAO, thanks friend! Hope your doin great man. I will have to swing in and give ya my expert opinion,lol.
You're on the right track...

Do not plug in 2x1000w to a 20A 120v circuit!

if you are running the lights on 120v (10 amps per ballast) then it's best to use a 20A circuit for each light.

If you run the lights @240v (5 amps per ballast) you can run 3kw per 20A 240v circuit safely. Do not exceed 75% of the amperage capacity (15A on 20A circuit, 45A on a 60A sub panel) for continuous draw applications.

Right now I have a 600w and 1000w(running at 750w) on the one 20 Amp breaker.

So You think I should install 240 outlets for these rooms?
I dont know much about electrical, I remember looking in a 200 amp box and seeing over 620 amps worth of breakers, and thats when I just gave up trying to make sense out of it,lol. Hey thanks for the info!

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Can you get to the middle of that circle if you need to. Might be helpful to have a access port to do training and trimming. Or to replace a bulb or fan.

Have you flipped them yet. Smells like money.