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Hawaiian Sativas


See the world through a puff of smoke


Well-known member
G `day Bane

OK so Pakalolo culture is big in Hawaai ...
When did it start ? Who brought the seeds ? Mexicans, Filipinos , Army vets or hippies ?

Seems to me that pakalolo is a 20th century thang .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

I cant remember his name, but Capt. Cook had a 1st Mate who was one hell of a scientist and botanist.
He also had a passion for hemp.
He documented his bringing hemp from around the world onto Hawaii.
It seems it didnt really catch on until the Hippies/Beatnicks from the 50’s/60’s when their LSD labs started getting busted on the mainland. Also coincides with their setting up extraction labs in Afghanistan
One of BOEL’s axtraction scientists told me they didnt find any cannabis on Hawaii when they first scoped out the place.

So while Capt. Cook introduced hemp to Hawaii, its possible that it was not cultivated by the locals.
Really, hemp was cultivated by whites in all ports around the world back then because all the sail righing for sailboats were made of hemp (Vikings prefered horse hair as it stayed strong through freeze/thaw cycles).
Beig that the locals didnt cultivate Capt. Cook’s hemp, it seems to have died out or was weeded out in favor of edible plants by natives who needed to maximize what land they had.
So hemp may have died out on the Island until a couple hundred years later when the Beatniks brought hemp/cannabis there yet again and this time they blew it up with large, coordinated operations.

I know BOEL tried different breeding projects there. I know they didnt care for Colombian on the Island and far prefered Mexican genetics to hybridize into other lines. Then by the mid-late 70’s, they started breeding in more Afghan.

The basis of most Hawaiian lines was Mexican x Afghan.
The earlier sativas used were Jamaican, Thai, SE Asians(Papua), and Swazi. Those got crossed with the Mexi x Affy.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day T

He had a Botanist named Joseph Banks .
There are no records of ganja on his voyage .

Dude , Jimmy Cook claimed Oz in the name of the British flag . We learn about these guys at school ...

Banks was interested in alternatives to hemp . eg Flax .

Newspapers printed in Hawaiian Language used to have advertisements for medical marijuana as early as da 1800's.

Sir Joseph Banks brought cannabis seeds to Tahiti in the 1700's.

@ Bane show me the proof !

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Bane

Yes cannabis was used by Europeans as medicine .
Later days they even bred strains to grow in the US . Cannabis Americana . Britain was ruling Afghanistan / India / Bangladesh / Burma . They had access to hash and tinctures .

Doesn`t confirm Banks brought hemp seeds to Tahiti or that there were advertisements for cannabis medicine in Ha in the 1800s .

Do you have any heirlooms that aren`t crossed to mainland genetics ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
In 77, I used to hang out with an old painter/ Artist named Kenneth R Neizman. think he was about 76 years old at the time. He was know as the Picasso of the Pacific, Ive got one of his paintings on a sail. I hear they are worth something now.

Anyway..... Heres the story I got. Kennny said there was no weed on the Islands. Not at least until the Korean war. He told me in earnest, that he and his brother brought the first pot seeds from Korea after the war. He said they were the first ones to grow

Here is his work


Well-known member
Check out this local Sistaz research:

Pakalōlō Suite: History of Pakalōlō


She documented newspapers like The Polynesian advertising Pakalōlō (or Baka) as medicine. They were publishing articles as early as the 1800's about Pakalōlō.

Sure hippies brought strains in the 60's, Sir Joseph Banks brought connoisseur cannabis genetics to Tahiti in the 1700's -- but there was already Pakalōlō here in Hawai'i.

Mahalo (Thanks) to birds migrations we have 3/4 of flowering plants here in Hawai'i.

Who brought Moloka'i Purpz up upon dakine highest sea cliffs on Earth?


At 0:38 "Contrary to popular belief, there are no landrace strains from Hawai'i"......


See the world through a puff of smoke
G `day Bane

You have an interesting imagination .

I think all your vegetation being transported by birds is greatly exaggerated . Maybe some . But all . No way .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

G'day EB

Think that mr bane man is a bit to much loco from the pakalōlō.


Well-known member
Let's try this again....

There is no such thing as Maui Wowie. Kona Gold is a ghost. Puna Butter is the Easter Bunny. Kauai Electric is Santa Clause. Molokai Purps is an honest man.... They all don't exist.

I've lived here, on Maui, for more than 50 years, and grown countless pounds over the course of more than four decades and I have never ever ever seen anything individual strain called Maui Wowie. What I have seen, many times, is that when anything we grow leaves our shores, lazy people slap the generic name Maui Wowie on it. You name it, Mango, HB, Elephant, Golden Voice, Black Thai, Bloodweed, and many more, once it gets on that plane it becomes Maui Wowie. People are lazy, they don't want too much information, and one size does indeed fit all.

That said, unscrupulous people are out there. As Marijuana tech moves forward there is always the desire to look back to see what have been overlooked. Most of us oldtimers remember some fantastic Hawaiian they got way back when that they got thru some act of god, that stood head and shoulders above the rest. That experience cuts through time, so now, years later, they want to recreate that experience.

Let me tell you, it can't be done. Sorry.

Hawaii is a special place. It's got as many micro-climates here as the entire continental US. Were 1000 miles or more closer to the equator. The soil is some of the best in the world. The weed grown here is stronger than what can be grown there. In Hawaii, outdoor fetches more than indoor. That kinda says it all.

G'day EB

Think that mr bane man is a bit to much loco from the pakalōlō.

Thank You! You got that without my help! My faith in humanity has been restored! I thought if I was to hold back you guys would figure it out all by your lonesome. And you did. With quite a bit of style and flair added in. Couldn't have done it better myself.

But unfortunately those of us that live here are tainted by his particular form of crazy. He just doesn't make us look good. Bane is just another one of his incarnations. This is like number five. And the longest one without banning.... but the safe bet is he won't make it to 50. The seed outfit he runs is a sham. He's hocking strains that don't even exist. All this cut and paste shit is made up! Everyfuckinthing!

The first mention of Marijuana in a police report on Maui was in Filipino camp in Puunene back in 1932. I've seen the report, she claims birdseed was the culprit, cops believed her, no charges were filed. That question of who first brought weed to the islands though will never be answered. Since the Hawaiians killed Cook after they stole a longboat (see how nothing changes?) we can safely assume it wasn't Cook. Bain's better bet was to claim Vancover or La Peruse brought the first beans to Hawaii. They after all, have a record of trading with the Hawaiians, with the bonus of they made it away from our shores still breathing.


It really doesn't matter who brought the first seeds to Hawaii. That line was lost the second something better came along. That's the way this works, out with the old in with the new. A race isn't won by looking backward.

This is what we call progress.


To maintain a landrace without gene loss you need a minimum of 2,000 plants, 1,000 females and 1,000 males, I am not aware of growers in Hawaii growing that many plants at one time in one field, also didn't they grow seedless sinsemilla? You can't maintain a landrace with Sinsemilla. You need 2,000 seeded plants.

Ask your Ohana when the Hawaiians first grew Sinsemilla? in Calif which had many more growers back then they did not discover it until the 70's, it was well known in India and Thailand, even Mexico before that, but seldom seen pre 70's in the USA imported or homegrown, most everything was seeded. I did not see Sinsemilla until the late 60's, from Mexico brought up by a close friend.

I like outdoor Cannabis from Hawaii, but most today are Indica/Sativa hybrids which do have a big problem with high humidity outdoors in Hawaii.
I have a bit of experience with Cannabis in Kauai having helped locals with genetics for a decade, they all preferred NLD varieties that can ignore the high humidity and do well under 11-13 hours of light a day. Indicas flower to fast and mold like hell. They all prefer NLD varieties from close to the equator, they grow big in Hawaii. Thai, S Indian, Columbian, and the like do very well.

She also says it is debatable...

Our 'Ohana respectfully disagrees & believes Hawaiian Pakalōlō has been here long enough to meet Landrace classification for the reasons below:

Hawaiian Landrace Ha’awina

The Hawaiian word for lesson is:


A landrace is a domesticated, regional Eco-type, a locally adapted, traditional variety of a domesticated species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.

Another important term for this Ha’awina is:

Genetic Divergence

Genetic divergence is the process in which two or more populations of an ancestral species accumulate independent genetic changes (mutations) over the years, often after the populations have become reproductively isolated for some period of time.

As Hawai’i is the most isolated island chain on Earth, the potential for any species of plant or animal to exhibit genetic divergence as it adapts to its new lush tropical environment over time, evolving into a landrace, is irrefutable.

Pakalōlō has been a part of Hawaiian culture for well over two centuries, many who live here in Hawai’i and have ‘Ohana (family) who have a personal relationship with Hawaiian heirloom Pakalōlō passed down over Hanauna (generations) would argue Pakalōlō has been a part of Hawaiian culture much longer...

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Rocky Mtn Squid

Stepping back, trying to digest all of these diverse view points, I distinctly remember that weed in Hawaii when I lived there was almost always named by the region it was grown. Funny exotic names were added after you had smoked some and stuffed it in your pocket.

Religiously following articles in High Times only poured more fuel on the fire. Take note, there was no internet back then, so a magazine and the odd book you stumbled upon was your only source of info. Moreover, High Times was in the business to sell magazines. Facts blended in with non facts and myths became the fabric of their ethos.

My boy "R dope connoisseur" wasn't always spot on with his viewpoints. At times he was blatantly full of shit.

Cui bono.

Buds from the north shore of Oahu were north shore buds, or named after which valley they were grown such as Kahului, and many others. We would then ourselves call it Kahului Crip. Buds from Maui were Maui buds, Big Island was called Big Island buds, etc., etc.

Old haole is 100% correct in that aspect. When I use to source buds from Kona or Puna, my friends and I would pin names on them. Local buddies that hung out with us would succumb to the same behavior.

We would all meet up, someone would "bust out" some Big Island bud that tasted like butter, and BAM, Puna Butter was born. My good friend that lived on the windward side in Kaneohe really did call his weed Haiku Kookoo. After all his nickname was Captain Daffy.... :)

I will now share a hilarious story with all of you. In another thread, I once posted a pic of the coca plants that he use to grow in his back yard without cropping his face assuming that the pic was so ancient, who the hell would recognize him. WRONG!!! An ICMAG member PM'd me, informing that he knew him. He was friends with his younger brother, told me exact names, and described the exact location where he lived. I was stunned and LMAO. I then cropped the pic, hiding his face. It's a small planet sometimes..... :ying:

Because of the nefarious circumstances in the way the US Government took over Hawaii -they pointed guns at the Royal Palace, forcing the Hawaiian Monarchy, Queen Liliuokalani, to abdicate and hand over power - plenty of resentment and bitterness exists over this today. Native Hawaiian's go to great lengths in trying to preserve their cultural heritage.

I still remember Captain Daffy explaining to me that even though he loved his country, and respected the US military, he was a Hawaiian first, and a US citizen second.

As oldhaole said so aptly stated, Hawaii truly is a very special place, like no other in the world. And even though there are plenty of other regions that grow outstanding weed, the best weed in the world is grown outdoors, on the Hawaiian Islands....:good:



PS: Reading the salvos going back and forth here makes me sad. It's getting ugly....:noway:. The "aloha" spirit is still alive and well.


Brand new oldschool
Let's try this again....

There is no such thing as Maui Wowie. Kona Gold is a ghost. Puna Butter is the Easter Bunny. Kauai Electric is Santa Clause. Molokai Purps is an honest man.... They all don't exist.

I've lived here, on Maui, for more than 50 years, and grown countless pounds over the course of more than four decades and I have never ever ever seen anything individual strain called Maui Wowie. What I have seen, many times, is that when anything we grow leaves our shores, lazy people slap the generic name Maui Wowie on it. You name it, Mango, HB, Elephant, Golden Voice, Black Thai, Bloodweed, and many more, once it gets on that plane it becomes Maui Wowie. People are lazy, they don't want too much information, and one size does indeed fit all.

That said, unscrupulous people are out there. As Marijuana tech moves forward there is always the desire to look back to see what have been overlooked. Most of us oldtimers remember some fantastic Hawaiian they got way back when that they got thru some act of god, that stood head and shoulders above the rest. That experience cuts through time, so now, years later, they want to recreate that experience.

Great post! I've been hearing all this from real oldschool hawaiian growers for years... the case was the same with all those common nicknames for conoisseur imports like Oaxacan Gold, African Black, Colombian Gold, Thai Stick and so on.

Just generic names for imported weed, often given by dealers or stoners and not a distinctive plant or cultivar in particular. Not all the Maui or Oaxacan weed was great, there were probably hundreds of plants being grown there at some point. Even if you were coming back for more, rarely you would even be able to score buds from the same crop or farmer. So it doesn't have much sense really.

Remember about Mezz Mezzrow, the famous dealer from the Jazz scene who became famous because Louis Armstrong and everyone else wanted to smoke that great Gold Mexican weed he imported back then? Can u imagine some idiot popping up and claiming his family has been growing the original strain Mezz was selling because he obtained a bunch of seeds after Mezz's son found his stash at his old house basement or something like that? Wait for it haha. :biggrin:

Everytime someone pops up and claims to have the legendary African Black, Maui Wowie or Oaxacan Gold I just laugh because they are so full of BS they don't even realize it. Like if that ever was a specific cultivar!! Sometimes I wonder if they sift through vintage articles and Cannabis books searching for catchy names or the most wanted strains!

People will call anything to their plants if that may give them the attention they crave, easy props or potential customers. The scene is sad but what can we expect from an industry which foundation has been built mostly by hustlers and outlaws?

IMO all the people claiming BS about the Pakalolo are those who have an obvious interest on cashing on the stoner legends and mythology we all love. Only the ignorant millennials from IG may probably swallow all their BS and give them their money in return for some random fake ass genetics made in a closet by some amateur who knows nothing about Cannabis or breeding and proclaim themselves as the ultimate heirloom connoisseurs, suddenly coming out of nowhere with a collection of genetics that looks so fake that no one would even believe it. How funny how this guys always seem to have a seed company in order to sell those.

To be honest Bane2000 sounds a bit like that Hawaiian wannabe who used to be trying to advert his seeds all over the forums BTW. The idiot was flooding all the boards with his BS, giving a bad name to the real Hawaiian Pakalolo culture and OGs. It wasn't the first time it happened, nor it will be the last.

Cheers :tiphat:.


My real question was how many years has Sinsemilla been grown in Hawaii according to your Ohana?
How many plants did they grow for seeds of each different variety?

I ask because each year a Cannabis Landrace reproduction takes place with less then 2,000 plants, 1,000 females and 1,000 males all open pollinated at one time in one field you will lose genes each reproduction and after a few years the Landrace is just not the same at all anymore. Cannabis is a Heterogenous Dioecoius Obligate Outcrosser, not as easy to keep the same as tomatoes are.
I would imagine Operation Green Harvest made that hard or impossible? That is what I was told.
I do love Hawaiian grown NLD varieties but the best I saw were NLD seed varieties I gave to friends in Hawaii, but no one was foolish enough to grow 2,000 in one field at one time, that would be like a target for the Helicopters. (NLD Narrow Leaf Drug) varieties. Most growers I knew grew a few plants for family and friends and did not want the male plants to be around their Sinsi plants. The NLD originate on the Equator or Tropics and have high natural resistance to fungal disease that are serious problems for WLD varieties like all Indica's.
I did give friends WLD varieties but they only grew them once and then grew my Thai, S Indian, Columbian, like O Haze and others that do perform well in the short photperiods and high humidity.

Aloha Sam Skunkman!

It is very simple, our 'Ohana (Family) maintained these old school Hawaiian lines by planting a patch for pua (flower) & a patch for 'Ano 'Ano (Seed).

All Kane (Male) plants are removed from da pua (flower) patch so sinsemilla (or "seedless" in Spanish) Pakalōlō can be cultivated for connoisseur use.

Da best breeders are isolated to create mo 'Ano 'Ano (Seeds) for future Hanauna (Generations)

Our Kūpuna (Wise Elders) preserved & protected our medicine through one of da mos intense airborne marijuana eradication programs in America, known as Operation Green Harvest.

We deserve credit for da difficult work done to preserve these strains, long before oldhaole & his gang moved to HI & got medical cards to legally grow trendy mainland hybrids in their backyards.
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Active member
Why didn't you or your great people get invited to the contest last weekend, there were plenty of locals there ? I'm not your cuz. I have plenty already. Good lick with your adventures.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Some people can better not be smoking pakalōlō .Ed Rosenthal wrote in his grower's guide that came out in 1978 that 15 years before nobody was growing pakalōlō on the islands.
Like what EB wrote earlier, its stupid to think that constipated birds suddenly drops cannabis seeds out of nowhere in Hawaii.

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