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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Indeed i think we are getting our wires crossed a bit here.

The effect you are talking about is real no doubt unspoken. After 9/11 the skies did clear up when the planes were grounded.

However the many videos and eyewitness testimonies of planes flying in perfect grid formations are also real.

The geo-engineering schemes are real and much discussed as mitigation for climate change.
The will and means to develop and test weather weaponry exists.
Many, many people have warned us about this kind of technology being tested and developed.

Also no-one else wants to touch the NEXRAD towers creating tornadoes? The video looks pretty damn real to me.



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
A Field Guide to the Atmosphere“, by Schaefer and Day, 1981:
Sometimes [contrails] are ephemeral and dissipate as quickly as they form; other times they persist and grow wide enough to cover a substantial portion of the sky with a sheet of cirrostratus (Page 137)

Airborne Observations of Contrail Effects on the Thermal Radiation Budget“, from 1970:
The spreading of jet contrails into extensive cirrus sheets is a familiar sight. Often, when persistent contrails exist from 25,000 to 40,000 ft, several long contrails increase in number and gradually merge into an almost solid interlaced sheet.
Contrail development and spreading begins in the morning hours with the start of heavy jet traffic and may extend from horizon to horizon as the air traffic peaks. Fig. 1 is a typical example of midmorning contrails that occured on 17 December 1969 northwest of Boulder. By midafternoon, sky conditions had developed into those shown in Fig. 2 an almost solid contrail sheet reported to average 500 m in depth.
Here’s a description from 1970, from a local newspaper, the Arcadia Tribune, April 29, 1970:
Aircraft contrails begin to streak the normally bright Arizona sky at dawn. Through the day, as air traffic peaks, these contrails gradually merge into and almost solid interlaced sheet of cirrus cloud – an artificial cirrus cloud that is frequently as much as 500 meters deep.

Mansfield News Journal, August 11, 1957, Page 29:
“Within the past few years, the weather bureau has begun to report the trails as actual cloud layers when there are sufficient trails to cover a portion of the sky.”

From 1955: "An extremely persistent con trail might stay in the sky all day"

The News, Frederick, MD, March 7, 1944
Contrails frequently have a tendency to cause a complete overcast and cause rain. In Idaho I have seen contrails formed in a perfectly clear sky and four hours later a complete overcast resulted

And from the book “Flight To Arras” by Antoine de Saint Exupery, written in 1942 about a military mission in 1940:
The German on the ground knows us by the pearly white scarf which every plane flying at high altitude trails behind like a bridal veil. The disturbance created by our meteoric flight crystallizes the watery vapor in the atmosphere. We unwind behind us a cirrus of icicles. If the atmospheric conditions are favorable to the formation of clouds, our wake will thicken bit by bit and become an evening cloud over the countryside.

All this is probably true but i dont live in a highly trafficked area and theres no reason grids get flown above me and then it gets cloudy...


you can find all kinds of books on your side saying shit trying to be scientific but until you look at who's funding the studies and whos writing the books they are just propaganda to me..

i have a brain and ive seen them turn off and on the chem trails at will along with youtube videos of planes turning off and on there foggers... we are not retarded...

a can watch over head and see them spatter it off and on two three times in a strait line
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes. That was my point about Dr Livingstone. He could only mention the un-classified areas of his work. That is obvious. So he would have been working on other systems yes? This is how technology advances.

How long was it from making a fully operational stealth bomber to actually releasing the info of just its existence? How long in testing before it was secretly deployed?

No i dont have any access to secret information. What i do have is a brain and eyes to see with.

I used to love watching jets flying way overhead as a boy. They would fly up from south England and come up right to the top of the Scottish Highlands (where i was) before heading for the USA, Canada etc.

Care to explain why the contrail was ALWAYS the same, it always faded away in 30 seconds or so and was gone. Always the same, no cloud formation. Year in, year out no matter the season always the same contrail...?

The Air Force paper i quoted from is genuine. They want this technology battle ready by 2025. Thats only 12 years 1 month away!!!

So again i ask. Do you really believe we aren't at least at the test stage?

Who actually watched all the 3 vids i posted? I bet none of the naysayers...

Contrails? I'm sorry I thought this thread was about HAARP and how it can create and control weather? Do you think some how that if you can prove there is a difference between Chem Trails and Contrails that you've somehow proven HAARP is a weather weapon? As for what your brain and eyes can percieve that's all fine and dandy that you watched jets as a kid. Most kids do though, most of them think jets are cool. That does nothing to explain why you think this top secret, hush hush, black ops, weather weapon information about HAARP is on TV, all over the internet, in tabloid newspapers and being discussed on pot sites by stoners. I mean that doesn't seem very top secret, hush hush, black opsish to me. You've agreed with me that anyone actually having knowledge of such things isn't likely to reveal it by saying that's why Dr. Livingston doesn't. So how then beyond rampant paranoid speculation do you explain so many people claiming to know the truth about something they shouldn't know anything about?

There's alot we want done by 2025 like having a manned moonbase to facilitate in launching manned missions beyond the moon, we also want the budget balanced, the debt eliminated and Medicare and Social Security on solid ground by then but guess what, none of that is likely to happen. Just because the military wants something battle ready by 2025 doesn't mean they'll get it.


The 2025 thing is a thesis written by someone in college. It is basically science fiction. Unless they are letting college students in on their top secret super weapons, and letting them write about it.


Active member
If you were NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or the “powers that be” and knew the sun was constantly getting hotter, but did not know the specifics because you listened to conventional scientists with their backwards stellar evolution, what would you be likely to do? Obviously, come up with a long-term strategy to deal with the excess heat. Back in the 1950s, a study was made on such a possibility and came up with three alternatives:
1.Use nuclear weapons to blow holes in the upper atmosphere to let the increasing heat out,
2.Create huge, underground cities to live in until the sun stabilized, or
3.Get the heck off of Earth.

The underground bunker approach was simple enough, as one of the features of HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, was that it was able to probe well beneath the surface of the earth looking for oil and minerals resources, but also identified large caverns that would make excellent cities for them to stockpile and ride out the transition in comfort. Construction of these underground bunkers has been in progress for decades, and Alternative 2 is nearing completion.

Geoengineering: Customizing the Planet
First thing they had to deal with was the sun getting a lot brighter from the combustion of dust and debris, now present in significant quantities in the solar system. They needed to come up with a way to create a “global dimming” effect to block off this bright light. Aluminum, a nice, lightweight and very abundant element, works rather well for that as most of our mirrors today are coated with aluminum (not silver). Nanoparticles, distributed in the tropopause (about 7 miles up24), would increase the albedo of the Earth and turn the upper atmosphere into a partially-reflecting mirror.25 This has the result of “global dimming” on the surface.
Next problem is the x-ray bursts. The Van Allen belts protect the Earth from most particulate radiation that comes from CMEs, but that magnetic field barely slows down x-rays. Fortunately, back in the 1950s a technology came available that had to address a similar problem—the Cathode Ray Tube, or CRT. CRTs were a large x-ray emitter, pointed right at the person watching the screen. To get this technology out, they had to develop something to block x-rays but not interfere with the picture.
They tried lead, but after being bombarded with x-rays for a while, a lead film turned brown and messed things up. It was OK for the sides of the tube, but not the picture screen. Searching around, they found a couple of oxides that did an excellent job at blocking x-rays and stayed viable for a long time without browning out. That was a combination of barium and strontium.
They also expect huge particulate radiation from both the CMEs and the solar heat-up, so they looked for a way to increase the magnetic flux in the upper atmosphere, which as been popularized now as “magnetic reconnection”—not a natural phenomenon. Aluminum, barium and strontium are paramagnetic and what was really needed was a ferromagnetic material… how about another popular metal, like iron?
Might make the sky and rain turn a bit reddish on occasion from iron oxide, but you could just say the people who saw that were crazy. And so what if thunderstorms got massively more violent from the conductive metals in the atmosphere (super-cell storms). People don't pay attention to things like that, right?
So they developed a technique to disburse aluminum, barium, strontium and iron in the stratosphere using the 10,000+ aircraft28 that are in the sky, every hour of every day. All they had to do was develop an aerosol and fuel additive, and “let 'er fly” to “git 'er-done.” Couple the aerosol dispersion system with a GPS (Global Positioning System) and you can even control precisely where the chemicals get dumped, without the pilots ever realizing anything is happening.
Now if you look at chemtrail fallout in snow, ice and rain… what do you find? Aluminum hydroxide, barium oxide, strontium oxide and iron oxide. The same elements listed on climate modification and geoengineering patents. What a coincidence.
As to the question of “global warming”… yes, the planet is heating up. However, due to the global dimming created by the chemtrail project, that heating up actually turned to a bit of cooling for a short time, causing conspiracy theorists to say the whole global warming thing was a farce. But if you've been outside lately, it is obvious that the sun is significantly brighter than it used to be, particularly at the higher elevations. And the chemtrail sunscreen is failing, though they constantly double efforts to reinforce it.
The experts are well aware of the sun becoming brighter and hotter, but you can't get the sun to pay “carbon taxes” for causing global warming. But if “man” is the source of the global warming, then you've got yourself one major cash cow with carbon taxes, environmental research, cleanup, breathing taxes, drinking taxes, waste reclamation taxes… to paraphrase Carl Sagan, “billions and billions” of bucks.
The initial geoengineering work was to block the solar changes and was just a temporary solution until the solar transition completed. But, like good humanitarians, the globalists saw a different picture… what if they destroyed the natural cycle and introduced an artificial one? One that they were the sole supplier for? And the only way you could survive was to pay through the nose.
The globalists have always profited on the pain and suffering of others, and this is no exception. They did not bother to put much research into the “side effects” of dumping millions of pounds of these elements in the atmosphere—they only considered the immediate need to protect from the solar transition and figured they could take care of the side effects later on. But here was a major opportunity in the form of disasters, pain and suffering.
A couple of the major side-effects were drought and superstorms. One cannot tip the seesaw, without having extremes.
Drought occurs in the areas that are being heavily seeded, as these nanoparticles in the upper atmosphere form condensation nuclei for rain—but there are so many nuclei, they never condense sufficient water on them to get heavy enough to fall out of the sky, at least not right away. They just stay up there as water vapor, drifting with the air currents, creating drought conditions below. Given enough exposure to moisture over time, they will condense sufficiently to form rain. Due to the significantly higher volume of nuclei, will have a much higher “rain density” than a natural storm, so when it rains, it pours—the superstorm. This creates an unnatural dichotomy; upwind you will have drought, downwind you will have excessive rain.
Also, nanoparticle vapor could be knocked out of the sky with an application of RF energy to shake things up a bit and cause condensation and rain. Thermal vibration causes collisions, and collisions have the tendency to merge particles. Experiments along this nature has been conducted by Arco Power Technologies over the years for weather modification that resulted in HAARP, which had all the tools to do this. These metals in the upper atmosphere made it incredibly simple to control the weather, planet-wise. If you control the weather, you control the world.


I think the time is right to give a listen with an open mind to these "whistleblowers" and people who have actually worked in the military projects, they too are waking up.



Alright suspect, where are the tests proving these particles exist in large quantities. I can't believe I am still doing this. I feel like I'm being trolled. Also, who are all of the whistle blowers who have worked in the military projects? Also, I want to say that I am trying to go about this with an open mind. All I'm finding is a bunch of b.s. A youtube vid with less than 10,000 views and like 5 comments that exposes the great dark conspiracy of the NWO *FOR SURE* *INDISPUTABLE* Give me a fracking break. Conspiracy theorists discredit themselves by believing anything a person with a youtube account and a decent understanding of propaganda techniques like these http://mason.gmu.edu/~amcdonal/Propaganda%20Techniques.html
Don't forget to stop by the Dutchsinse store http://www.cafepress.com/dutchsinseonline, and donate to his propaganda film fund...what was it like a $3,000, then a $5,000 then an $8,000 fundraiser?https://twitter.com/dutchsinse/statuses/244106319831912448


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Dr Livingstone is the whistleblower!

He says we have the power to create, destory, move, weaken and strengthen hurricanes!!! He just cant get into specific details.

I feel like i'm explaining television to a caveman. Yes we beam all kinds of things around with precision and 100% accuracy. Yes aluminium and barium aerosol is a force multiplier for electromagnetic energy. This actually mimics nature's cosmic rays:


This is also why the climate change models the "scientists" cling to for every bullshit prediction they make are fundamentally flawed...

Have you guys researched Tesla and his work regarding the ionosphere? It is critical to understanding this technology.


The whistleblower who said we don't do any weather manipulation anymore? That word...I don't think it means what you think it means.


Active member
You're right unspoken, it would be very convenient if I could post all the various sources and articles, videos, podcasts, radio shows, etc. where I get my information. This article didn't provide what you were looking for. I'm so sorry. What helps though, is trying to see the big picture, so many wrongdoings this is just one.


Believe me, I don't think the govt is a saint. I know there are plenty of wrongdoings. It's just in this thread we are talking about this specifically...I think...whatever "this" is..


Active member
i like "climbing the ladder" metaphor. the first rung is to get the asleeples to realize ( open their peepers) that a dark global elite have managed to overthrow the governments of many nations. this malevolent elite is staging war against the ppl of planet earth. sandy being a weapon augmented by man is a specific example of a larger overall theme.

man made natural disasters.

war on healthy food.

poisoning us with our air, water, food, educational systems, religious systems.

twin towers were actually three towers, two airplanes. all evidence of man made catastrophe was dumped in the ocean. 3 billion$ of gold disappeared. no investigation whatsoever into the building 7 and its missing gold. nothing struck building number 7 to make it implode into a fiery apocalypse, yet it did!

9/11 was subsequently used to justify invasion of iraq and weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. the war in the middle east has rapidly expanded and ww3 looks imminent!

the absence of investigation into these crimes necessarily implies the dark cabal control the msm and governments of said afflicted ( dark cabal controlled ) nations.

the truth is so big, so pervasively evil that the asleeples reject the notion without seeing it as self evident truth.


Poopy that video you posted was made up and obviously fake. LOL
Some of the other videos are interesting.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
fair enough.

Hummm I thought he might have meant this: I could be wrong lol... We don't need chains to be enslaved now a dayz... headband 707:woohoo:

SafetySee also: Nanotoxicology, Fine particles, and Regulation of nanotechnology
Nanoparticles present possible dangers, both medically and environmentally.[47] Most of these are due to the high surface to volume ratio, which can make the particles very reactive or catalytic.[48] They are also able to pass through cell membranes in organisms, and their interactions with biological systems are relatively unknown.[49] A recent study looking at the effects of ZnO nanoparticles on human immune cells has found varying levels of susceptibility to cytotoxicity.[50] There are concerns that pharmaceutical companies, seeking regulatory approval for nano-reformulations of existing medicines, are relying on safety data produced during clinical studies of the earlier, pre-reformulation version of the medicine. This could result in regulatory bodies, such as the FDA, missing new side effects that are specific to the nano-reforumlation.[51]

Whether cosmetics and sunscreens containing nanomaterials pose health risks remains largely unknown at this stage.[52] However considerable research has demonstrated that zinc nanoparticles are not absorbed into the bloodstream in vivo.[53] Diesel nanoparticles have been found to damage the cardiovascular system in a mouse model.[54]

Concern has also been raised over the health effects of respirable nanoparticles from certain combustion processes.[55]


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Contrails? I'm sorry I thought this thread was about HAARP and how it can create and control weather? Do you think some how that if you can prove there is a difference between Chem Trails and Contrails that you've somehow proven HAARP is a weather weapon? As for what your brain and eyes can percieve that's all fine and dandy that you watched jets as a kid. Most kids do though, most of them think jets are cool. That does nothing to explain why you think this top secret, hush hush, black ops, weather weapon information about HAARP is on TV, all over the internet, in tabloid newspapers and being discussed on pot sites by stoners. I mean that doesn't seem very top secret, hush hush, black opsish to me. You've agreed with me that anyone actually having knowledge of such things isn't likely to reveal it by saying that's why Dr. Livingston doesn't. So how then beyond rampant paranoid speculation do you explain so many people claiming to know the truth about something they shouldn't know anything about?

There's alot we want done by 2025 like having a manned moonbase to facilitate in launching manned missions beyond the moon, we also want the budget balanced, the debt eliminated and Medicare and Social Security on solid ground by then but guess what, none of that is likely to happen. Just because the military wants something battle ready by 2025 doesn't mean they'll get it.

If HARP didn't have anything to hide then why can't anyone interview them or get into the buildings? It's one thing to say we are doing no wrong here it's a whole other ball game when there is not FULL DISCLOSER! lol Unfortunately we are a pretty easy race to fuck with headband 707:comfort:


Andinismo Hierbatero
Believe me, I don't think the govt is a saint. I know there are plenty of wrongdoings. It's just in this thread we are talking about this specifically...I think...whatever "this" is..

what is going on here is quite simple: you have a group of people that have no discriminatory intelligence, that is, they are like the kids who find out the government lies about the facts of cannabis, so they assume they lie about all drugs and so they try stuff like heroin or cocaine and end up with problems.

same thing as in this thread, the argument is basically "government lies, so they can manipulated weather at will"

clearly illogical obviously.


If HARP didn't have anything to hide then why can't anyone interview them or get into the buildings? It's one thing to say we are doing no wrong here it's a whole other ball game when there is not FULL DISCLOSER! lol Unfortunately we are a pretty easy race to fuck with headband 707:comfort:

Only problem I see with this is that you (yes you!) can go into the buildings. Also that study you posted is basically about industry byproducts.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yeah i think HAARP (Alaska) open days is kinda like being given a look around a WW1 biplane and expected to think its the cutting edge. Like i said Tesla was behind this. Its actually technology from the early 20th century...

Hypersonic (rail guns), electromagnetic and plasma based weaponry is the new big thing.

Just have a look around their official websites: This is where we are at...





Kiss My Ring
chemtrails are force multiplyers for the HAARP weapon also. they are spraying nanoparticles to bounce magnetic resonance off the ionosphere. a weapon.

[SIZE=+1]North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]We continually witness bizarre meteorological occurrences as powerful electromagnetic devices manipulate both the jet stream and individual storm fronts to create artificial weather and climatic conditions. Black operations projects embedded within these aerosol missions are documented to sicken and disorient select populations with biological test agents and psychotronic mind/mood control technologies.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]Part of what is happening in the atmosphere above us involves the Pentagon's secret space weapons program, designed for strategic, operational and tactical levels of war. NASA missions will soon be transferred to Pentagon control.1 The Air Force Space Command declares that, in order to monitor and shape world events, it must fight intense, decisive wars with great precision from space.2 Air Force Secretary James G. Roche has stated: "Space capabilities are integrated with, and affect every link in the kill chain."3[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]A glimpse into new death technologies under construction is in legislation introduced by Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinch. His unsuccessful Space Preservation Act of 2001 was intended to ban space deployment of:4[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* electronic, psychotronic and information weaponry[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* high altitude ultra low frequency weapons[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* plasma, electromagnetic, sonic and ultrasonic weapons[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* laser weapons[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* strategic, theater, tactical or extraterrestrial weapons[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* chemical biological, environmental climate or tectonic weapons[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* chemtrails (this item was stricken from a later version, suggesting duress)[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]In their quest to remain top dog in the kill chain, the purveyors of perpetual war have deliberately dimmed earth's life-giving sunlight,5 and reduced atmospheric visibility with lung-clogging particulates and polymers.6 This ecological terrorism has severely compromised public health, according to thousands of testimonials. Years of mass appeals to legislators, media and military officials for information, and for cessation of catastrophic atmospheric degradation, have fallen on deaf bureaucratic ears. Public awareness of what befalls us remains as murky as our skies because those "in the know" are muzzled by national secrecy laws and Americans have no authority to challenge matters of national security. Left to gather clues, we know this much so far:[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]1. At least part of the aerosol project has been dubbed Operation Cloverleaf,7 probably due to its multi-faceted operations, which include: weather modification, military communications, space weapons development, ozone and global warming research plus biological weaponry and detection testing.[/SIZE] http://rense.com/general59/aerosolandelectromag.htm..




the whistleblower had a decent overview. why is this information so hard to fathom?
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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Its hard to fathom as first we (the people) must lose the bonds and shackles the relentless propaganda have wrapped around most peoples brains. That is in no way meant as in insult it is just the reality we face. Decades of dumbing down have worked, especially in the USA and UK... yes i have been there :D

Luckily lots of people are also more individualistic in nature and the propaganda is much less effective.

The sleeping monster that is mankind is waking up slowly but surely.

9/11 just made people wake up faster and was a wake up call to many in the US military also...

Lets hope there is a peaceful coup and a return to constitutional and natural law as the other option is a full blown civil war. Which would be very messy indeed.