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H3ad goes Coco


New member
I am scared of the K, seems a bit high, I can tell you prolonged high doses of potassium in coco lead to some unpleasant consequences. If you try it just watch the plants, it won't happen in the beginning, would be something that came up mid flower.

Also I would honestly keep looking, that is a lot of CA, not sure using calmag+ as a base nute is going to be beneficial long term (hope someone jumps in here and explains why that much edta chelated iron in the root zone is detrimental, I don't know exactly why it is, but it makes me a bit nervous)

There are a lot of different 3 parts out now that are pretty much spot on the GH ratios.

Hi there, Sorry, but how exactly am I supposed to use the cannastat calculator? could you guys explain it?


Active member
Plug in the typical analysis of the nutrient bottle (%) into the calc. Then decide on dilution rate (x mls per gal) and then you get a ppm read out of each nutrient. So then you can work out if it suits your growing style and adjust


I believe I have read the whole thread, and I am sure this has come up, but what ec are you guys feeding in veg? I am assuming most hand water veg plants?


Ripped since 1965
My well water is 0.3 ec / 150ppm so I get:
3/4.5 M&B + 1/4 Tsp epsom + 1mm protekt per gallon = 1.0ec 500ppm
6/9 M&B + 1/4 Tsp epsom+1mm protekt per gallon = 1.4ec 700ppm

Don't give the sprouts or clones 6/9 till they have enough roots go 3/4.5.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Heres your cliff notes. 6/9 ro water. Set it and forget it. Some times I reduce concentrate by adding more water. 6/9 is around 1.2 ec so I usually water it down to 1.0

Big thanks to Head for the work. Made a huge difference for me making life much simpler.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Coo, head laid all that out for ya, I was simply saying what I do as Ive tried all those variations and came back to 6/9 all the way thru the cycle. Just adding straight water the last week or 2 to reduce ppm. But if u feel like ur one of those fellows that can taste the micro then cut it out as head has laid out. gl


Thanks for this thread and information. Been trying 6/9, RO, 20-30 ppm of Mg (Epsom), for about a month now and it's been totally perfect the entire time. Great thread!


New member
new to coco and after searching i came across this forum and thread. not super new to growing but i am still learning as i go. i have tons of questions daily. as far as this formula goes. i actually just purchased my nutes last week and will be receiving them today so cant use the GH. for veg i have a lot of dutchmaster left so i wanted to use that up before getting anything else. i have been mixing A and B with some cal/mag and a bit of rhizo. for flowering i wanted to try something new so i purchased some grow more bloom and micros. i also purchased their hula bloom, mendocino honey and avalance. if anyone is willing to try to help me formulate a regimen that be great or at least let me know if its even worth the try. thnks in advance to all who respond.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
new to coco and after searching i came across this forum and thread. not super new to growing but i am still learning as i go. i have tons of questions daily. as far as this formula goes. i actually just purchased my nutes last week and will be receiving them today so cant use the GH. for veg i have a lot of dutchmaster left so i wanted to use that up before getting anything else. i have been mixing A and B with some cal/mag and a bit of rhizo. for flowering i wanted to try something new so i purchased some grow more bloom and micros. i also purchased their hula bloom, mendocino honey and avalance. if anyone is willing to try to help me formulate a regimen that be great or at least let me know if its even worth the try. thnks in advance to all who respond.

I cant help u with using ur nutrients to tailor a formula that offers the same ratios as h3ads here, I will leave that to someone that knows how to use the nutrient calculator as I haven't used it.

I can say that with any quality nutrient like the ones u chose u are usually so close in ratios that if u follow the simple rules of getting some run off, using a feed ec of 1.0-1.2, and ph of around 5.8 u will probably be in pretty good shape. But I like to know that im giving them exactly the right ratios cause coco will release more K and hold on to ca and mg, that's why coco formulas are altered to these ratios.

If ur good at reading plants needs as they show them, then u can steer the availability of ca, and mg, by using a slightly higher or lower ph. that's some of the key info I gained from this great thread that made my life so much easier by being able to know im giving plants exactly what they need and knowing if there is a deficiency, how to correct it easily.

Not having to worry about my nutrients has really made growing a lot easier. Now u can concentrate on other aspects such as environment and training, to get the most out of ur grow.


I used hubolt countys three part with @6\9 (micro&bloom) with good results. The GA of most three part nutes areabout the same so you should be able to use the formula. Hope this was helpful


this is a good topic , i have grow during 4 year in coco , somebody know the coco brand is U-gro , there is trichoderma and different coco , chips , powder , and fiber


Active member
U guys supplement calcium at all w/ 6/9? I usually rotate epsom at (1gram/gal)... And calcium (liquid calcium) from nectar of the gods per reccomendation from a buddy. Plants seem happy... Just curious how necessary it is to be supplementing with the cal... I am using tap (150ppm).

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
U guys supplement calcium at all w/ 6/9? I usually rotate epsom at (1gram/gal)... And calcium (liquid calcium) from nectar of the gods per reccomendation from a buddy. Plants seem happy... Just curious how necessary it is to be supplementing with the cal... I am using tap (150ppm).

I use ro and never supplement mg or ca. Im pretty sure h3ad stopped doing so as well. Ive found that if they show a def, it is directly related to environment, or getting the ph out of wack by under or over watering.


Agreeing with mm but ill add 1 other thing...recently when ive been seeing a cal deff. Ill give a good flush with same ec I was currently using.( I water with no run off till I see a prob then I flush with 20 % run off and things seem to get better). I think salt build up is the last thing id add to the list mm mentioned and the last thing id check in that list as well. The safer way is to prob flush every week or 2.

Fresh Start

Active member
Agreeing with mm but ill add 1 other thing...recently when ive been seeing a cal deff. Ill give a good flush with same ec I was currently using.( I water with no run off till I see a prob then I flush with 20 % run off and things seem to get better). I think salt build up is the last thing id add to the list mm mentioned and the last thing id check in that list as well. The safer way is to prob flush every week or 2.

You could use a lower fertilizer EC (concentration) if you are not watering till 10% runoff. I think the 6/9 combo is a 750 ppm solution.

For a lower solution:
In 5 gallons- mix 6/9 @ 4 gallons instead of 5. This way the ppm goes down (more water in the solution) to 600. I think with minimal runoff 500-600 ppm at scheduled intervals should do the trick.


I'm half way through reading this thread. So glad I have found it. Thank you H3ad! It's a great model to try to follow for a newb like me instead of this wild guessing game I have been doing with all these different products and feeding charts out there. I am definitely switching to coco after I use up the rest of my pro mix hp and trying out this formula.

Thinking I should even switch to H3ads peat formula for the remainder of my peat growing.

Would I want to cut out my Micro around week 5 in peat just like you do in the coco on a 8-9 week strain?

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