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Gypsy is finally home


What about getting your story on Locked Up Abroad?


Submit Your Story for a Chance to Be Featured on an Episode of Locked Up Abroad

Have you ever ended up in a foreign prison? Have you ever been kidnapped or taken hostage while traveling overseas? Would you like the chance to tell your story?
If yes, then we would like to hear from you! National Geographic Channel's critically acclaimed Locked Up Abroad is coming back for another season and we are looking for stories.

If you would like to take part, please submit a brief outline of your story to [email protected]. If selected for the series, we will pay you expenses and associated fees.

Please bear in mind we'll need independent proof the events took place.


You must be so happy about being able to spend your birthday a free man. You probably are happy enough that you feel like dancing. But do you feel this happy?



One thing that I would love is if you can make more of them Afghan landrace seeds like you where selling a few years back. Not a whole lot out there for Afghan landrace sure some but they have been bred into something a little different. I wouldn't mind Pakistani landrace and all too.

I'm very disappointed with Greenhouse Seeds Strain Hunters they claimed that they would sell landrace seeds but no just more pollyhybrids. I do plan on trying Ace and Mandela but still they are selling hybridized landraces.

You damn sure can get a lot of business selling pure landrace at least from me but they will be hard to find as even a few people from Thailand and one guy from Argentina have bought Dutch seeds just that I've seen but I'm sure plenty good landraces exist.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
One thing that I would love is if you can make more of them Afghan landrace seeds like you where selling a few years back. Not a whole lot out there for Afghan landrace sure some but they have been bred into something a little different. I wouldn't mind Pakistani landrace and all too.

I'm very disappointed with Greenhouse Seeds Strain Hunters they claimed that they would sell landrace seeds but no just more pollyhybrids. I do plan on trying Ace and Mandela but still they are selling hybridized landraces.

You damn sure can get a lot of business selling pure landrace at least from me but they will be hard to find as even a few people from Thailand and one guy from Argentina have bought Dutch seeds just that I've seen but I'm sure plenty good landraces exist.

I would love to be able to travel the world as before, gathering potentially interesting seeds from remote locations, and getting them into the hands of those that would appreciate them. For decades that is what I did. Of course in recent years, due to my incarceration, my activities have been considerably stymied, but there are still growers and breeders out there looking for something exciting to grow, as there will most probably always be. And rest assured, I will still be on the lookout for anything that may be interesting.

What drives me these days is trying to get the results of my SEAsian breeding project (my kids & wife) back to the UK. I have helped to make some very vigorous hybrids in them, and long to see them bloom and grow, after already missing most of nearly 3 years of their young lives..


New member
I don't know you Gypsy but I can seriously relate to what you have been through. It changes how you view everything. I was incarcerated for 2 years in one of the worst jails in the state. I've been out for a few years now but defiantly changed my life beyond description. I came home with nothing but a trash bag of jail clothes. I lost everything and was betrayed by the people I loved most. The whole experience is nothing like anyone would think. There is no separation in there depending on crime. I bunked beside several brutal murderers and a whole list of the worst of the worst. Like you, I did meet several really good people there, I still stay in touch with them. Good luck to you and a very happy late birthday!!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I don't know you Gypsy but I can seriously relate to what you have been through. It changes how you view everything. I was incarcerated for 2 years in one of the worst jails in the state. I've been out for a few years now but defiantly changed my life beyond description. I came home with nothing but a trash bag of jail clothes. I lost everything and was betrayed by the people I loved most. The whole experience is nothing like anyone would think. There is no separation in there depending on crime. I bunked beside several brutal murderers and a whole list of the worst of the worst. Like you, I did meet several really good people there, I still stay in touch with them. Good luck to you and a very happy late birthday!!

Welcome to ICMag.com VAKush..
Many of us have been and will sadly end up behind the wrong sort of bars, it is a very humbling experience to suddenly have to live along side others who have committed really heinous crimes , particularly against women and children
Whenever a new inmate was brought into that detention jail, some of us would try and find out why they were in there with us, by checking the media/google, and some of the stories were really shocking. What was worse was having my kids visit me knowing that these monsters were around them, because visitors were put in the same areas as the inmates, no matter what they had done.

All I could do was to watch my visitors like a hawk, making sure that there was no interaction between these sex-criminals and my family. Sexual predators were not kept segregated, as they are in most western jails, and this really revolted me. I wrote letters complaining about this to the Warden to no avail. So one or two of the inmates took the initiative on one or two occasions to show their disapproval to these perverts.....violently.


New member
That is the best way to say it. It is truly a humbling experience.
As time goes by the memory of that hell starts to fade as if it were just a nightmare you dreamed. Its a place only monsters and predators should ever see. Its really sad how you are treated the same as all the monsters and predators for a plant.
Keep your head up things do get better and the memory will fade faster than you think.


Organic Dank Land
Happy Bday from the other day. Once again, soo glad your back. Love this forum, it has become my second home. After overgrow went down I felt lost. Then we had icmag and I had a home again, love it here and so glad your free again. I wasn't able to donate seeds for your cause, but once my breeding project is worthy to be released upon the public I would still to contribute.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Glad you're home safe and sound gypsy! Now it's time to enjoy life cheers. Peace and puffs.


Cloud Dancing

New member
I cant imagine what you've been through during that 2 years.. Being locked up in a 3-rd world country its a one of the worst thing that could happen to a man.
Big respect to you that you get over it, enjoy your live now and never come back there !


seeker of greater knowledge
hey gypsy I'm very happy to hear that you're free it's definitely an experience having your freedom take it away from you God bless you and the fam


Active member
Welcome to ICMag.com VAKush..
Many of us have been and will sadly end up behind the wrong sort of bars, it is a very humbling experience to suddenly have to live along side others who have committed really heinous crimes , particularly against women and children
Whenever a new inmate was brought into that detention jail, some of us would try and find out why they were in there with us, by checking the media/google, and some of the stories were really shocking. What was worse was having my kids visit me knowing that these monsters were around them, because visitors were put in the same areas as the inmates, no matter what they had done.

All I could do was to watch my visitors like a hawk, making sure that there was no interaction between these sex-criminals and my family. Sexual predators were not kept segregated, as they are in most western jails, and this really revolted me. I wrote letters complaining about this to the Warden to no avail. So one or two of the inmates took the initiative on one or two occasions to show their disapproval to these perverts.....violently.

I have family who works in the jail in my town. Close family. Anyway they have to segregate the sex criminals because when they get found out they get beaten and often raped


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Welcome home homie. You've been gone to long for something that never should have been.

Glad to see you reunited with the family and that your ordeal is completely over (hopefully).


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