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Gypsy is finally home


Active member
ps.. if youre confused by the spouse visa process, CAB ( citizens advice bureau) will help you with all the paperwork for free :)

did you register your kids as British citizens,, then you can bring your kids over minus the wife, if youre really missing them...


New member
Seldom do the words of Martin Luther King Jr. ring so true; "Free at last; free at last; thank God Almighty we are free at last"

May your future be free and happy my friend.

My sympathies for your incarceration and glad tidings at the great news.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes....my kids are registered British, have UK passports and all, but separating them from their Mum, while she tries for a visa, or for any length of time at their age would not be agreeable to their Mother, or myself right now..

She has taken good care of them since they were born, and you might say that they are inseparable...she would be lost without them, so I don't really have the heart to demand that the kids leave her side...

I'm just resigned to work thru the many visa requirements with my wife, one at a time, and aim for around Christmas time before the possibility of her being granted a family visa might happen.
She also needs to attend this seminar in Manila, and get some sort of certification from her own government/immigration that she is clear to emigrate....an exit visa of sorts.

When you are 'put away'(detained) for a number of years, deported and then return to the free world (Manila-London), and have to sort out alot of stuff thats accumulated to get even part of the life you knew before back on track is heavy enough, add into that being deprived of your family, who are still where they deported you from....when I was in jail, at least the wife/kids could visit, and so I saw them every weekend, but here in the UK I only get to see them on video calls is all....kinda lonesome..

Good idea with the C.A.B....perhaps I'll try and get an appointment, and see if they can give this citizen some good advice.
ps.. if youre confused by the spouse visa process, CAB ( citizens advice bureau) will help you with all the paperwork for free :)

did you register your kids as British citizens,, then you can bring your kids over minus the wife, if youre really missing them...


wow didnt realize that it was so hard just to bring your wife to your home as a british subject.

best of luck working through all the bs just to get to live with the partner of your choice.


New member
Coming back to 'Civvi Street Reality'....

It's not all 'Wine and Roses' or 'Strongbow Cider & Tomato Baths'....after 2 and a half years (934 days) banged up in some ex-Marcos era death camp in Manila, then being returned to London, England and trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered life.

I went to the bank and I'm nearly a grand overdrawn, the council tax hasn't been paid for most of that time, neither has the flats service charges, and a 400 quid water bill drops thru the letter box just as I arrived a coupla daze ago....Suddenly the capitalista system smacks you in the brain, and you realize that you are several 'K' in debt....

Bummer....I now have to try and earn a living again and pay taxes not just for being able to live here, but also I have to pay taxes on all the time that I was locked up in some SEAsian country.

Welcome home cannabis brother. The above is why I will remain in this SE Asian country for the rest of my natural life. They are like fucking vultures


Wow when i posted yesterday i had not read further into the thread at that point, and then after further reading i am aware of Gypsy's current plights facing him upon return to UK.

I then click the link to the GoFund me page and see 7 donations made in like 16 days. That's a bit of a disgrace to be honest.. I know it's hard to part with cash but i think anyone that has benefited from this website and/or seeds needs to open their hearts (and their wallets) and give a little donation to Gypsy.

I remember 5 years ago when i was in a much different position in life to the one i find myself in currently; and that pack of seeds i received literally saved my life i think.

So here it is, im going to pledge 200 squid to Gypsy which will be paid in the next few days as soon as i put some $$ into my credit card account. Im a man of my word and this will be done.

Im posting this publicly not because i wanted any credit or kudos but moreso in the hope others would read this and actually take an action rather than just thinking yeah that's a nice idea but never following through. If 1000 people donated just 20 pound each that's 20k raised. Power in numbers!!!

All the best Gypsy, 200 squid coming your way soon. I know its just a drop in the ocean but i hope it can still help in some way

peace brother


Active member
pardon my ignorance , I am old and not very computer literate , Where is the go fund me page , and is there a link for sticky for it ? I also feel that any seed bank or breeder that gets a thread on this site is obligated to donate , because of the free advertising .


Professor Organic Psychology
Welcome Back Gypsy.

The site, and the whole world has not been right while you were detained. I had feared you would spend the rest of your life in that place. So glad to be wrong on that.

You show a lot of heart resisting those trying to force you on the plane to the USA. That was a smart move and you did it right. I would be proud to tell a story like that. I am known to have a temper and might have flattened a couple of those little fuckers.

I sent you a PM, I would think it is rather important. It has a link to some PDF files that my be of interest to you. You say you are overwhelmed with PMs and I don't doubt it. You have a lot of charisma and you really were the voice and the face of the site. For instance I don't know a single thing about skip or old pink. But those pdf files are very interesting and something you may want to have in your computer and in your hand.

Good luck and God Speed getting your wife and kids, but don't forget that the USA still wants you. I would look for the best attorney you can for that sort of law and make sure that your UK Civil Rights are not violated to satisfy their number 1 friend the USA.

Keep telling stories here my friend. I read every one, and always have.


pardon my ignorance , I am old and not very computer literate , Where is the go fund me page , and is there a link for sticky for it ? I also feel that any seed bank or breeder that gets a thread on this site is obligated to donate , because of the free advertising .

Hey man if you go back to page one of this thread the very first post, at the bottom of that post is the link to the Go Fund me page.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I appreciate that the interest that you have in my plight might well be commendable, but questions do arise.

How am I supposed to protect myself from extradition, without the funds and resources of those that might come after me?...I would usually refer to myself as a realist, and it's well within the borders of reality to surmise that if something as powerful as the fed gov-mt was seriously after you or me, then we wouldn't stand a chance...

I will go on living my life, I won't go into hiding from whatever might be after me, I will face it head on, and deal with it as best I can, as I always have.
Welcome Back Gypsy.

The site, and the whole world has not been right while you were detained. I had feared you would spend the rest of your life in that place. So glad to be wrong on that.

You show a lot of heart resisting those trying to force you on the plane to the USA. That was a smart move and you did it right. I would be proud to tell a story like that. I am known to have a temper and might have flattened a couple of those little fuckers.

I sent you a PM, I would think it is rather important. It has a link to some PDF files that my be of interest to you. You say you are overwhelmed with PMs and I don't doubt it. You have a lot of charisma and you really were the voice and the face of the site. For instance I don't know a single thing about skip or old pink. But those pdf files are very interesting and something you may want to have in your computer and in your hand.

Good luck and God Speed getting your wife and kids, but don't forget that the USA still wants you. I would look for the best attorney you can for that sort of law and make sure that your UK Civil Rights are not violated to satisfy their number 1 friend the USA.

Keep telling stories here my friend. I read every one, and always have.

paper thorn

Active member
Hey gypsy, someday when you feel up to it, some of us would like to hear about your time incarcerated. I know a lot of us have questions about the day to day treatment of people in shithole prisons like that.

On the money thing, might make a good movie or book.

Also, while i don't have enough to help much, I know there are some peeps around here that kill it selling seeds.
Many more that make a ton off of their grows, should be some big growers(legal ones) that could properly help.


Professor Organic Psychology
I would hope to inspire everyone to give as much as they can.

If Gyp goes to the USA/Federal Prison we may never hear from him again, and that would be a sad day indeed. I do not know another weed site that has as cool of a front man as ICMag. Most front men are just icons on a computer screen.