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"gun violence"


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My solutions will admittedly take time to feel their effects. Which is one of it's biggest downfalls admittedly. Likely a generation or 2. But this problem took a long time to develop. It will take a long time to unfuck it as well. It is not a quick fix solution by any means. So the instant gratification crowd will hate it. But I believe with every fiber of my being that my solution has merit. I believe it would work.

Re: UBI, that's to help address the 800 lb. gorilla in the room - Black on black violence, the largest contributor of gun violence in this country. Ending the War on Drugs is the first part of reducing that statistic. A UBI is the second part. I've known far too many good people who have turned to the drug trade to support themselves and their families. Nobody is born wanting to be a criminal. But circumstances force people to make that decision.

And that's not even scratching the surface of the nature vs. nurture aspect of it. When a child grows up in a household and is surrounded by 2 or 3 generations of people who have had to be criminals just to survive, it's the only thing they know. So of course that's the only path they see. Are there exceptions to this? Absolutely. But I'd rather it be the norm rather than the exception. Lifting folks out of poverty has got to be a step to reducing gun violence. Otherwise it won't stop. The violence will just move to whatever trade fills in the financial void that ending the War on Drugs will create. How stupid is it going to look when we (America) end the War on Drugs and killings start over collection of aluminum cans?

Ever fight with your old lady about money? Would an extra $2000 a month have stopped a lot of those fights? Hey look, I just took a chunk of Domestic Violence calls out of the system. Another pretty significant chunk of gun violence I might add. Not to mention that 60% of all mass shooters have a history of DV.

The single largest contributing factor to gun violence, outside of the actual guns themselves. is poverty. That is a policy choice. Eliminate the poverty, and you eliminate a whole lot of gun violence.
I agree in general with much of what you're saying and yeah those things should go a long way towards gun violence related to crime but you're not going to greatly improve things for that 800lb Gorilla until we solve systemic racism. I know a lot of conservatives don't like to hear that but it's real whether they want to admit it or not I'm not sure how much those things would solve crime. People living on drug dealing make a hell of a lot more then $2000 per month if they're doing it right. Making drugs legal doesn't necessarily stop black market activity though I mean we see that in states where marijuana has been legalized. Also ending the war on drugs doesn't mean that all drugs will suddenly become legal it would probably be more of a shift from incarceration to rehabilitation. Closing the DV loophole is the part of your plan that would do the most for solving gun violence in my opinion especially with these mass murders I don't know the numbers but a very higher percentage of mass shooter have a history of domestic violence and closing that loophole could have a fairly rapid effect although I'm sure for many if they couldn't get a gun they would find some other way to express their aggression. Another thing that would help a lot, especially with school shootings is to raise the age where you can purchase or own a gun to 21. I saw a report recently where they listed all the big school shootings of the past 20 years a nd they were almost all between 17 and 20 years of age. So if we could stop people from getting guns until they are 21 and do a better job of recognize the violent tendencies of these young people and get them in some form of treatment that could have a very immediate effect in reducing gun violence. Plus there is more support for that sort of approach even among the gun owning crowd then there is for banning certain weapon types. There's a false belief among people if you get rid of assault rifles the mass shootings will stop but there is not much support for that one of the worst mass shootings was VA Tech and that was all handguns.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Infamy pays, whether dead or alive. In an age of unbearable mediocrity and meaninglessness, I think some of these folks want to make a final name for themselves and achieve some sort of infamy. Not that this has to be the only factor affecting their crimes, rage, etc., but I think notoriety has played into a bunch of these incidents.

But if we barred people with weak egos from having guns, over half of the police forces would probably be without weapons. (After thought) Which might not be a bad thing in some cases.
Yeah I definitely think that's true, there's nothing I've heard to prove it but I can't help but feel that with this latest shooter he targeted that elementary school because he wanted to do the most shocking thing he could do and cause the most pain possible.


Active member
I agree in general with much of what you're saying and yeah those things should go a long way towards gun violence related to crime but you're not going to greatly improve things for that 800lb Gorilla until we solve systemic racism. I know a lot of conservatives don't like to hear that but it's real whether they want to admit it or not I'm not sure how much those things would solve crime. People living on drug dealing make a hell of a lot more then $2000 per month if they're doing it right. Making drugs legal doesn't necessarily stop black market activity though I mean we see that in states where marijuana has been legalized. Also ending the war on drugs doesn't mean that all drugs will suddenly become legal it would probably be more of a shift from incarceration to rehabilitation. Closing the DV loophole is the part of your plan that would do the most for solving gun violence in my opinion especially with these mass murders I don't know the numbers but a very higher percentage of mass shooter have a history of domestic violence and closing that loophole could have a fairly rapid effect although I'm sure for many if they couldn't get a gun they would find some other way to express their aggression. Another thing that would help a lot, especially with school shootings is to raise the age where you can purchase or own a gun to 21. I saw a report recently where they listed all the big school shootings of the past 20 years a nd they were almost all between 17 and 20 years of age. So if we could stop people from getting guns until they are 21 and do a better job of recognize the violent tendencies of these young people and get them in some form of treatment that could have a very immediate effect in reducing gun violence. Plus there is more support for that sort of approach even among the gun owning crowd then there is for banning certain weapon types. There's a false belief among people if you get rid of assault rifles the mass shootings will stop but there is not much support for that one of the worst mass shootings was VA Tech and that was all handguns.
The automatic was popular in the 1920’s. Gangs were big. Some control is possible. Think of them as WMD’s.


Well-known member
Yeah I definitely think that's true, there's nothing I've heard to prove it but I can't help but feel that with this latest shooter he targeted that elementary school because he wanted to do the most shocking thing he could do and cause the most pain possible.
little kids were not going to charge him & shove his rifle up his ass. and most elementary teachers are women, also not likely to go on the attack. he went for the softest target he could find, that's how cowards operate... damn near ANY high school classroom he went into with a gun, (okay, not home economics maybe) they would have gone for him the instant they saw the gun. and he might have been dead when LEO showed up...in spite of the "rules," nearly every guy i knew in school had a knife in his pocket. :shucks:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor

moose eater

Well-known member
48" of what OUGHT to be embarrassing cowardice.

And it's certainly not the first time a mass shooting was happening while the folks who love to incessantly remind us of how often they "risk their lives for us!!" chose to sit behind a bush and wait for someone to holler the coast was clear.

One of them was oblivious enough that he hollered out for any students to announce themselves, after which a young girl who'd been in hiding did so and was promptly shot by the shooter, per my reading.

Several local cops DID run into the building earlier than the effort to disable the shooter.... and they emerged with their own kids. Again, per my reading.

Cowardly bullies with badges. Able to wield abrupt force when it involves unarmed drug users, but when faced with a threat more serious than a stoner flinging a bag of Oreos at them as they enter, well, that requires a lot of planning... preferably, apparently, from a safe distance ;)


See the world through a puff of smoke
Don't think that gunlaws will stop shootings on the street or in schools.You have lunatics everywhere nowadays.In Europe you have gunlaws and still it's easy to get a Glock or an AK47 on the black market and since the announcement of the $40B for Ukraine, the European black market will be flooded with weapons.There are already concerns about that.


Active member
Let’s blame LEO for an 18 yo with a gun. If only they had risked their lives.
Reminds me of the early days of Iraq. Join the military. Get benefits. Do nothing . Then retire young. Tour Granada. Then we started a war.
Those volunteers are todays cops.


Well-known member
Don't think that gunlaws will stop shootings on the street or in schools.You have lunatics everywhere nowadays.In Europe you have gunlaws and still it's easy to get a Glock or an AK47 on the black market and since the announcement of the $40B for Ukraine, the European black market will be flooded with weapons.There are already concerns about that.
pretty sure all participants there already have handguns and rifles. average nut job on the street has no use for, or way, to operate anti-aircraft weapons, anti-tank missiles, etc, which is what we are sending to Ukraine for their defense. another "a miss is as good as a mile" moment...anything you might want is already available on the black market. fucking pitiful...:laughing: yeah, i'm sure that you are "concerned".


See the world through a puff of smoke
Those anti-tank missiles could be handy to blow up police cars or the club house of one of your enemies if they'ren't already blown up by wrong use :ROFLMAO:

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Don't think that gunlaws will stop shootings on the street or in schools.You have lunatics everywhere nowadays.In Europe you have gunlaws and still it's easy to get a Glock or an AK47 on the black market and since the announcement of the $40B for Ukraine, the European black market will be flooded with weapons.There are already concerns about that.
But, how many school shootings have occured in all of Europe this year? Hint: It's a lot less than America...


ICMag Donor
It's Texass. If they told those "officers" that there was some kid peacefully selling nickel bags of pot they would have run in there after kicking the doors open, guns blazing. Had there ultimately been 2 kids smoking a joint together in the rest rooms they would have been charged with "organized' crime.

This is not a gun issue. It's a psycho issue. It's a fked up society issue.
I have had to defend myself from 2 home invasions in my life and had I not been armed I might not be here to tell about it. In another example also dear to my heart, I wonder, if even a small percentage of the 6 million Jews who were led into the gas chambers had guns....
That's all I have to say about it

Green Squall

Well-known member
@moose eater "Officer, I'm required by State of Alaska Statute to inform you that there is a concealed loaded firearm in this vehicle." And with your hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel & announce that in a -calm- voice before he or she can say ANYTHING.

I'm guilty of mindlessly watching "Alaska State Troopers" years ago and specifically remembering this happening. While the Trooper was understandably nervous, they seemed appreciative once everything was sorted out. If I remember, it was a big ass revolver. Looked like a Ruger Blackhawk. A damn respectable firearm for sure.


As for gun the control debate in this country, everyone's allowed to speak their mind, but I wish they would have at least have a very minimal and basic understanding of what they're advocating for. I just read a lengthy op-ed in the local paper and this person mentioned "automatic weapons" at least half a dozen times. It was quite frankly an embarrassing spectacle. Some might call this semantics, but ffs, its not. It honestly blows my mind how many people think so called "assault rifles" are fully automatic and can "spray bullets."

With that said, I'm fully in favor of certain gun control measures, but not the banning of specific firearms.


Seed Whore
Gun laws or gun bans won't change anything. Cocaine is banned and illegal as well.
The best solution is to take anyone using a gun causing physical harm to the gas chamber.

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