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"gun violence"


Active member
Most folks use cars to get to work, the store and all. They have a purpose. What is the purpose of “a closet full of guns”?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You would go to prison if you killed a crook. They have rights LMAO. Sorry, guns won't stop the GOV from doing as they please. It's a lame excuse to even be used today..


Well-known member
Most of those that see any gun laws that make it harder to get a gun look at it as if their guns are getting taken. All these Kids growing up hearing their parents talk about hurting people that don't have their same beliefs is also a huge issue. kids(any under 21) do not have the mentality to not let their anger dictate their actions.

Making it hard to buy a gun in no way is that taking away your rights to own a gun. WAKE THE FUCK UP !!!
people see it like that because "reasonable restrictions" are ALWAYS the "next step" on the slippery slope leading to gun confiscation. nobody is fooled by this, nobody. when one "reasonable restriction" does not work, they will cheerfully make up another one & beat gun owners about the head with THAT one until they give in...and again, and again. and on the day that they come to get your guns, all you will have to defend yourself will be a single-shot bb gun, and no fucking bbs to put in it. YOU wake the fuck up, WE are not asleep.


Well-known member
You would go to prison if you killed a crook. They have rights LMAO. Sorry, guns won't stop the GOV from doing as they please. It's a lame excuse to even be used today..
you must think we live in England. it IS illegal to defend your home & possessions there, the poor bastards. if someone kicks in the door there, they want you to run for your life out the back door & let the thugs take what they want. it is not like that HERE...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you must think we live in England. it IS illegal to defend your home & possessions there, the poor bastards. if someone kicks in the door there, they want you to run for your life out the back door & let the thugs take what they want. it is not like that HERE...

I do not.. Most states have laws that prevent us from killing intruders. You must use reasonable force even if they are in your home. If you do kill someone in your home you better say you thought they were gonna kill you.


Well-known member
I do not.. Most states have laws that prevent us from killing intruders. You must use reasonable force even if they are in your home. If you do kill someone in your home you better say you thought they were gonna kill you.
not that way here. kicking the door in & coming through the door is all that is required in TN. they don't get to take the first shot or stab you before you can pull the trigger. hell, you don't even have to be at your house. as long as you are legally allowed to be where you are (IR-not trespassing) then you can use deadly force to defend yourself. out for a ride, walking the dog, grocery shopping, pick one. see also-"Stand Your Ground" or "Castle Doctrine" laws if interested, but i doubt that you are. :ying:


Well-known member
LEO here will tell you. if someone is trying to kick in your door, and you have made your presence known to them, shoot them & drag their ass in the door so there is blood on the floor inside of your house. if they know you are home, YOU are what they are after...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
48" of what OUGHT to be embarrassing cowardice.

And it's certainly not the first time a mass shooting was happening while the folks who love to incessantly remind us of how often they "risk their lives for us!!" chose to sit behind a bush and wait for someone to holler the coast was clear.

One of them was oblivious enough that he hollered out for any students to announce themselves, after which a young girl who'd been in hiding did so and was promptly shot by the shooter, per my reading.

Several local cops DID run into the building earlier than the effort to disable the shooter.... and they emerged with their own kids. Again, per my reading.

Cowardly bullies with badges. Able to wield abrupt force when it involves unarmed drug users, but when faced with a threat more serious than a stoner flinging a bag of Oreos at them as they enter, well, that requires a lot of planning... preferably, apparently, from a safe distance ;)
I say the cops that waited did the proper thing, they waited for cops with a pair of balls and a spine to show up.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I say the cops did the proper thing, they waited for cops with a pair of balls and a spine to show up.
My reading sources stated the initial assault into the building to bring down the kid with the AR, was conducted by ICE/Border Patrol, and the Chief of the local PD who ordered the delay on entry, is now looking at filling a spot on their local school board?

I viewed the crosses set up for the public to gather at or near, the memorials, etc. The number of little kids' names on the crosses, the number of crosses, the 2 female school employees/teachers who placed themselves between the kids and the shooter.

The concept that a child of that age has when defining or understanding death, to have some grinning person with a firearm, dropping your friends next to you, and looking you in the eye, saying, 'Time to die."

We, as a 200+-year-old Country, can be SO fucking lost sometimes. It's all too .... something.

How much of a vacuum does a person's awareness or empathy toward others need to exist within, how little conscience, how much hate in their heart, how much pain and resentment, or boredom, for them to look a little kid in the eyes and say that shit?
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don't think that gunlaws will stop shootings on the street or in schools.You have lunatics everywhere nowadays.In Europe you have gunlaws and still it's easy to get a Glock or an AK47 on the black market and since the announcement of the $40B for Ukraine, the European black market will be flooded with weapons.There are already concerns about that.
No law is ever going to be able to stop 100% of the gun violence there are just too many guns in America and too many people that push other people to the edge without stopping to think, "hey this person may have a gun and get triggered (no pun intended) but what I say or do to them. You know the type, the same people that back in the old days when people settled things with their fists, would push someone too far and when he started to get his ass handed to him by that person would beg for mercy and cry out "I didn't mean it, I don't want to fight" aka idiots.

However while no laws will solve all the problems doesn't mean there aren't laws worth passing to try to stop the maniacs before they ever start, History of Domestic Violence? Sorry no guns for you, under the age of 21? Sorry no guns for you until you're more mature. History of mental illness? Sorry no guns for you. commission of an armed Felony, sorry no guns for you. To not pursue something just because you can't guarantee it will stop all gun violence is about as stupid as trying to take away all guns.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My reading sources stated the initial assault into the building to bring down the kid with the AR, was conducted by ICE/Border Patrol, and the Chief of the local PD who ordered the delay on entry, is now looking at filling a spot on their local school board?

I viewed the crosses set up for the public to gather at or near, the memorials, etc. The number of little kids' names on the crosses, the number of crosses, the 2 female school employees/teachers who placed themselves between the kids and the shooter.

The concept that a child of that age has when defining or understanding death, to have some grinning person with a firearm, dropping your friends next to you, and looking you in the eye, saying, 'Time to die."

We, as a 200+-year-old can be SO fucking lost sometimes. It's all too .... something.

How much of a vacuum does a person's awareness or empathy toward others need to exist within, how little conscience, how much hate in their heart, how much pain and resentment, or boredom, for them to look a little kid in the eyes and say that shit?
Yeah we must have essentially the same sources because I heard all the same things you heard. I've also heard people trying to defend the cops say no cop in their right mind would confront someone with a rifle and if they did they would lose. Yet a little old gun toting Grandma in West Virginia did just that, some crazy lunatic pulled out a rifle at some party and start shooting and little old grandma pulled out her handgun and drops the fool. The defenders say there is nothing wrong with a cop wanting to make sure he goes home at the end of the day. Okay fine, go on home and stay there because we don't want little princesses like that. There were other people who wanted to go home, like 8 year old children stuck in the room with that maniac that could hear the police outside their room for an hour that seemed like 3 hours, like a little girl who had to smear her body with the blood of a friend shot dead just minutes before, while the shooter was in a different room so that when he came back he might think her dead too. It sickens me that a little girl had to have the where withall to do that but thank God she did, because the cops weren't doing anything to make sure she came home that night. I can only imagine the mental scars and years of therapy that little girl is going to have to deal with. Yeah being a cop is dangerous sometimes but that's the job you sign up for. If you're too much of a cupcake to handle that then don't sign up.

As for the shooter he was clearly a sociopath, he casually told a friend via an app he was going to shoot his Grandmother over an argument about the phone bill, he did just that and came back a few minutes later and then calmly announce he shot his grandma in the head, about 15 minutes later he sent a final message announcing he was going to go shoot up an elementary school. As for laws not helping this kid had been found to be talking with others about committing gun violence in recent months online but he had to wait until he turned 18 to buy the gun he was going to use. If it's so easy and laws are so meaningless why wait? Why not go buy a gun on the black market, some would say it's easy to do. If the shooter had to wait until he was 21 maybe 19 kids and two teachers would still be alive?
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moose eater

Well-known member
The collective law enforcement profession in the US has, through local forces with legal standing in their respective cases, been to the SCOTUS at least 2 times, and I believe possibly a 3rd, to assert that they have no legal obligation to keep anyone safe.

As much boasting as LEOs tend to put out re. protecting us all by putting their lives on the lie, they're not even in the top 10 occupations for job-related mortality, but by putting out all of this "I'm just a poor pitiful boy scout" propaganda, they seem to get acquitted 90% of the time they fuck up, they enjoy limited or qualified immunity (placing themselves above their masters in a land that supposedly functions on ONE set of laws, and equal protection under those laws),

And they've nearly ALWAYS got an excuse... which they and their sycophants tend to digest at twice the speed of the rest of us.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You would go to prison if you killed a crook. They have rights LMAO. Sorry, guns won't stop the GOV from doing as they please. It's a lame excuse to even be used today..
Besides, now that everyone and their brother has an AR-15 the Government is arming the troops with the SIG Spear / NGSW XM5 so good luck with those AR's everyone. Don't worry though the commercial variant was available commercially to the Public even before the Army got it.


moose eater

Well-known member
Besides, now that everyone and their brother has an AR-15 the Government is arming the troops with the SIG Spear / NGSW XM5 so good luck with those AR's everyone. Don't worry though the commercial variant was available commercially to the Public even before the Army got it.

"Why waltz, when you can rock-n-roll?" :)


Well-known member
No law is ever going to be able to stop 100% of the gun violence there are just too many guns in America and too many people that push other people to the edge without stopping to think, "hey this person may have a gun and get triggered (no pun intended) but what I say or do to them. You know the type, the same people that back in the old days when people settled things with their fists, would push someone too far and when he started to get his ass handed to him by that person would beg for mercy and cry out "I didn't mean it, I don't want to fight" aka idiots.

However while no laws will solve all the problems doesn't mean there aren't laws worth passing to try to stop the maniacs before they ever start, History of Domestic Violence? Sorry no guns for you, under the age of 21? Sorry no guns for you until you're more mature. History of mental illness? Sorry no guns for you. commission of an armed Felony, sorry no guns for you. To not pursue something just because you can't guarantee it will stop all gun violence is about as stupid as trying to take away all guns.
we have laws stacked on top of laws regarding firearms in this country. one idea i could get behind ( most folks here do this voluntarily) is make private gun sales between individuals go through a background check just like new gun sales from dealers. "domestic violence" lol. wives have been known to accuse husbands falsely. just because you are accused does not mean you are guilty, and being found guilty does not mean you actually did it. lots of innocent folks in jail. no one will say "how far" they are willing to go before they STOP, in their efforts to guarantee safety. there IS no way to guarantee safety. how many of YOUR rights do you think should be put to a vote by other people? where does it end, if not confiscation & stripping the right to self defense? a huge % of those " gun safety advocates" are after nothing less than no guns in private hands for any reason, and they won't shut up until they get their way, and oh, yeah... fuck your rights... pursue safety as far as you want, but don't step on other people on your journey. someday YOU might be in the way of what "they" want to accomplish...


Well-known member
i know one (1) person that has an AR-15. actually, he has 4, which he built. does not build them or sell them, because he is a law-abiding stand-up guy. known him since i was 7 years old. not "everyone" has one, but you are right, they are popular with normal people. lots of folks hunt with them, many more target shoot, and they are popular with folks in the shooting sports in "3 gun" competition. pistol, rifle, shotgun. not one out of a million of them are used in crime...probably a lot fewer crimes they are involved in than automobiles. transportation? meh, ride the bus, get a Segway, lol...take your overweight selves for a walk...ride a bike! nobody needs a car, you can have groceries delivered...:biglaugh: that'll cut down on deaths. no drunks riding around, sounds safer already!


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
No law is ever going to be able to stop 100% of the gun violence there are just too many guns in America and too many people that push other people to the edge without stopping to think, "hey this person may have a gun and get triggered (no pun intended) but what I say or do to them. You know the type, the same people that back in the old days when people settled things with their fists, would push someone too far and when he started to get his ass handed to him by that person would beg for mercy and cry out "I didn't mean it, I don't want to fight" aka idiots.

However while no laws will solve all the problems doesn't mean there aren't laws worth passing to try to stop the maniacs before they ever start, History of Domestic Violence? Sorry no guns for you, under the age of 21? Sorry no guns for you until you're more mature. History of mental illness? Sorry no guns for you. commission of an armed Felony, sorry no guns for you. To not pursue something just because you can't guarantee it will stop all gun violence is about as stupid as trying to take away all guns.
The DV loophole is a huge issue that needs to be changed. When you look at the history of mass shooters, 53% of them have DV in their history. You couple that with cruelty to animals, and holy red flag city!