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"gun violence"

moose eater

Well-known member
But, how many school shootings have occured in all of Europe this year? Hint: It's a lot less than America...
As Tudo stated, and I'll add my version, the United States doesn't have a gun problem, as much as they have a lack of respect for human life, and especially anyone who they believe is sufficiently different from themselves to warrant lesser standing where basic rights such as 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' are concerned.

'We' often act with firearms similarly as we do to the masking issues and mandates; "it's mine/my right, and I'll do as I please," failing to take into account others who are put at risk by our flaunting of questionable interpretations of those 'rights' with nearly zero focus on responsibilities.

An AR 'sporting rifle', with or without modifications to the trigger mechanism, on semi-auto, can fire pretty darned rapidly, albeit with less accuracy. Of course, when you're standing in the presence of a sea of 9 and 11-year old kids, accuracy is less of a concern.

There are full-auto and select-fire weapons that actually fire more slowly on full-auto than you can squeeze a trigger on a semi-auto AR-10 or AR-15; the M3 and M3 A1 Grease Guns (9mm in the collectible, rarer, and sought after 'tanker model' and .45 ACP in the standard version) and the various Sten submachineguns (9mm) both come to mind, with cyclic rates of 250 and 350 rds./minute, respectively.

But look at how we've handled protests in this Country? Look at how we've handled 'foreign relations' when other sovereign nations didn't want to abide by our mandates? And then we act surprised that others, when under duress, stress, etc., with all the other issues that we are contending with, flip out, make horrendously poor choices, and fuck up others lives in the end?

Like an actively alcoholic parent telling their children that they should follow their example and remain sober, while the kids can see quite clearly how full of shit their parent is.

You can't effectively or successfully preach peace while blowing up other people who dislike or disagree with us, or simply won't give us our way.

There's a message problem in this Country, from glamorizing military-like weapons, to dismissing the value of those who aren't like 'us'. And until our skills toward honest self-assessment get way better, we're not looking really good to a lot of the rest of the world. We're known internationally, as a Nation, for our being boisterous and violent. There are polls from not too many years ago that make this fairly clear, including polls conducted in parts of the EU.
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member 505892

People use cocaine all around the world, but the astronomical rate of mass shootings in USA is not the same all around the world.

The easy access to such powerful weapons, due to saturation and lax laws combined with the culture of everyone thinking they NEED such weapons are obviously huge factors.

moose eater

Well-known member
People use cocaine all around the world, but the astronomical rate of mass shootings in USA is not the same all around the world.

The easy access to such powerful weapons, due to saturation and lax laws combined with the culture of everyone thinking they NEED such weapons are obviously huge factors.
Somewhat ironically, as of the period of time that I was collecting class III weapons, the only crime that we knew of that had been committed with a properly (federally) licensed class III full-auto weapon, was an off-duty cop who wasted his wife with a sub-gun.

Unlicensed (often illegally converted) class III weapons were another story, and back then they were EASY to produce, as there was no restriction back then on CHEAP full-auto AK-47 and other parts kits being imported from re-unified Germany, China, Eastern Europe, and those kits were often applied to home-built (illegal and unregistered) select-fire weapons.

They were also selling machined 'muffler tube' with templates or 'jigs' soldered or welded onto the tube, to readily make the tubes into unregistered Sten sub-guns; the WWII British "2-pence gun" that they so infamously air-dropped to the French Resistance back then.

In fact, outfits like SARCO and others were importing those AK and similar kits by the pallet and containers, as well as selling videos and jigs via Shotgun News and other media outlets for converting an MAK-90, AKM, civilian AK-47 (semi-auto), etc. into select-fire weapons. And if I were to wager on the number of such weapons stored in the US today, going back to that era and before, it's likely there are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of those illegally converted machineguns in the US.
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See the world through a puff of smoke
But, how many school shootings have occured in all of Europe this year? Hint: It's a lot less than America...
In the Netherlands we have stabbings at schools almost everyday and still you can buy knives.Journalists and lawyers get shot by mob members.


School shooting at Columbine High School in 1999, where 12 students and 1 teacher were shot.Since then nothing changed.

member 505892

I think it's some kind of psychological feedback loop.... more people are getting shot so people feel like they need to be protected so buy weapons and on and on.... from the outside looking in it seems pretty obvious that that is never going to correct itself.

It will either just have to be accepted that even more shootings are par for the course or SOME KIND of strategy (possibly very drawn out and complex) has to be implemented to just get people to not feel unsafe without a gun.

It's definitely a combination of things.... won't be 'solved' just by trying to confiscate weapons or handing out more and training people.... but for sure, i think, has to start by making it harder to get certain weapons, and then somehow incentivise people to destroy some of the current saturation.
Of course there will always be weapons out there, and i believe there's many cases where they should be allowed, but it's cultural.... the big ship takes it's time to slowly turn around.
I think that's best case scenario.


Well-known member
I think it's some kind of psychological feedback loop.... more people are getting shot so people feel like they need to be protected so buy weapons and on and on...
if you look at FBI statistics, the murder rate had actually dropped up until 2019 (excluding 2014 through 2016, sociologists still not sure what caused that), and had been dropping for years. but if you got your "news and information" from social media, you didn't get that message. we are under a 24 hour a day news cycle assault, which is pushing the notion that the country is going to hell in a hand basket...which, in some ways, truly is a possibility. but, in 2011, murder rate was down 17.4 % per 100,000 people versus in 2007, continuing a trend which changed in 2014-16, but is now dropping again. a steady number IN-RE killings per 100,000 is still going to show more deaths as the population increases. the dirty south, as usual, led the way. call it good news or whatever, murder still lags quite a ways behind suicides as a % of "gun" deaths. myself, i don't care how you kill yourself, just as long as you leave others out of it...i normally carried only when my wife was with me, but we've been seeing more car-jackings locally. want my truck? make me an offer...

moose eater

Well-known member
if you look at FBI statistics, the murder rate had actually dropped up until 2019 (excluding 2014 through 2016, sociologists still not sure what caused that), and had been dropping for years. but if you got your "news and information" from social media, you didn't get that message. we are under a 24 hour a day news cycle assault, which is pushing the notion that the country is going to hell in a hand basket...which, in some ways, truly is a possibility. but, in 2011, murder rate was down 17.4 % per 100,000 people versus in 2007, continuing a trend which changed in 2014-16, but is now dropping again. a steady number IN-RE killings per 100,000 is still going to show more deaths as the population increases. the dirty south, as usual, led the way. call it good news or whatever, murder still lags quite a ways behind suicides as a % of "gun" deaths. myself, i don't care how you kill yourself, just as long as you leave others out of it...i normally carried only when my wife was with me, but we've been seeing more car-jackings locally. want my truck? make me an offer...
The COVID-19 uncertainty and added stress from lockdowns for folks who simply didn't know how to contend with distancing, guarding against an invisible grab-bag-outcomes virus, or modifying the ways they do things in general, contributed to a lot of the up-tick in rates of violence, shootings, road rage, and a host of less-than-admirable behaviors. That time frame seems to be key in the increase in those behaviors.

Hell, my daughter's an RN, and she phoned one day back then asking how she could disinfect a box that contained a new sofa she's bought!! Folks were unprepared, somewhat ignorant, and understandably unnerved.

I started regularly carrying a pistol back around 1980-1981, when receiving death threats and other manner of intimidation while doing political activism; at that time, doing non-binding public opinion petitions telling the rednecks in the Alaska State legislature to leave the 1975 (Irwin) Ravin Decision alone, which established that the State's Right of Privacy (article 1 Section 22 of the State of Alaska Constitution) should be applied to adults possessing small amounts of cannabis in their homes.

And I'd been all about pacifism and love beads, until I encountered some folks with a twisted sense of entitlement in 1975 after informing an acquaintance re. the persons responsible for ripping his house off while he was hosting a party, and I decided that while I, indeed, respect Gandhi and MLK, et al, pacifism was clearly a path that sometimes involves greater injury. That, and the final scene in Easy Rider, Kent State, the 70s, rednecks who thought it was funny to frighten or accost transient hippies on the highways, etc. I found they understood and respected weapons more than they did problem-solving sorts of conversations.

member 505892

if you look at FBI statistics, the murder rate had actually dropped up until 2019 (excluding 2014 through 2016, sociologists still not sure what caused that), and had been dropping for years. but if you got your "news and information" from social media, you didn't get that message. we are under a 24 hour a day news cycle assault, which is pushing the notion that the country is going to hell in a hand basket...which, in some ways, truly is a possibility. but, in 2011, murder rate was down 17.4 % per 100,000 people versus in 2007, continuing a trend which changed in 2014-16, but is now dropping again. a steady number IN-RE killings per 100,000 is still going to show more deaths as the population increases. the dirty south, as usual, led the way. call it good news or whatever, murder still lags quite a ways behind suicides as a % of "gun" deaths. myself, i don't care how you kill yourself, just as long as you leave others out of it...i normally carried only when my wife was with me, but we've been seeing more car-jackings locally. want my truck? make me an offer...

I don't watch much of ANY news, especially social media news.... or stats, idk much about any of those stats, all i know is you have school shooting after school shooting, gun crimes coming out your (Americas) ears.... we have guns down here, far less, and much more tame ones but we have practically zero gun related crime and absolutely zero school shootings.

Not trying to toot our collective horn, i'm anything but a nationalist, just saying, to the layman, it's obvious that it's not only because of the saturation of weapons, it also has to do with the culture.... and that's also not a knock on American culture per se, just a fact that something is off in regards to weapons and the psychology of living in a country that weaponized....

Yeah, if people don't die one way they're going to die another way.... but kids getting their heads blown off IN SCHOOL is a pretty America centric issue (from what i can tell).... life is tough, but there are just some things that should not even be on the table, and kids getting massacred at school by other kids is one of them.

Anyway, i feel myself getting angry just thinking about that, and the people who immediately jump to the first thought of themselves and protecting their weapons (not you, just general meatheads and the coward politicians), so.... :ying:


Well-known member
you are right, it IS the culture. we have an (unfortunately) significant % of our population that is WAY too entitled, and believes that violence is the way to GET their way. when you have parents that think nothing of threatening teachers over little Billy's grades, while Billy is too lazy to study & too busy staring at their phone to pay attention in class, this is what you end up with. kids take parents leads, think they have "earned" something when they haven't done shit, and fly off the handle when the world won't kiss their ass and give them their "due"... in a nation where people give others the respect that they want for themselves, everyone could own class 3 automatics, and carry them in public for exercise...

member 505892

you are right, it IS the culture. we have an (unfortunately) significant % of our population that is WAY too entitled, and believes that violence is the way to GET their way. when you have parents that think nothing of threatening teachers over little Billy's grades, while Billy is too lazy to study & too busy staring at their phone to pay attention in class, this is what you end up with. kids take parents leads, think they have "earned" something when they haven't done shit, and fly off the handle when the world won't kiss their ass and give them their "due"... in a nation where people give others the respect that they want for themselves, everyone could own class 3 automatics, and carry them in public for exercise...

I disagree.... having the weapons everywhere and being accepted as the norm, it makes it all too easy for anyone who's having a psychotic episode take it out on the innocent public.

It's not alarming, so it goes unnoticed.... if someone was seen walking down the street with a gun on their waist down here they would be rounded up pronto.
The weapons being a part of the culture ARE part of the problem.... the psychology of thinking it's a RIGHT to be armed to the teeth IS part of the problem.


Well-known member
I disagree.... having the weapons everywhere and being accepted as the norm, it makes it all too easy for anyone who's having a psychotic episode take it out on the innocent public.

It's not alarming, so it goes unnoticed.... if someone was seen walking down the street with a gun on their waist down here they would be rounded up pronto.
The weapons being a part of the culture ARE part of the problem
i see folks every day, in every store, carrying. here in TN, if you are not legally barred from owning a gun due to mental problems, age, whatever, is now covered by "constitutional carry", no permit needed. not supposed to carry where alcohol is served, nor into banks, police stations, courthouses, or anywhere that posts a sign barring it. to carry OPENLY requires an "enhanced carry" permit. it costs $350, when you can concealed carry for free with no license. not sure i understand their rationale on that... "psychotic episode"...how would you combat it if that same person was driving through a school zone, and decided to plow through a bunch of children waiting to board a bus? or jump onto a city sidewalk & drive until the bodies jammed under your vehicle dragged you to a stop? ban cars? lol... good luck with that. only guns get singled out as the tool used in a crime.

member 505892

i see folks every day, in every store, carrying. here in TN, if you are not legally barred from owning a gun due to mental problems, age, whatever, is now covered by "constitutional carry", no permit needed. not supposed to carry where alcohol is served, nor into banks, police stations, courthouses, or anywhere that posts a sign barring it. to carry OPENLY requires an "enhanced carry" permit. it costs $350, when you can concealed carry for free with no license. not sure i understand their rationale on that... "psychotic episode"...how would you combat it if that same person was driving through a school zone, and decided to plow through a bunch of children waiting to board a bus? or jump onto a city sidewalk & drive until the bodies jammed under your vehicle dragged you to a stop? ban cars? lol... good luck with that. only guns get singled out as the tool used in a crime.

I'm getting tired, but weapons are symbols of aggression, cars are transportation.... of course you can't make laws to protect people from every single possible situation.

I'm not going to argue with you, i don't have the desire, but your username is 'armedoldhippy' so i'm imagining weapons are deeply ingrained into your psyche.... they are not 'just tools', in some instances YES, but in 99% of cases NO.
The fact that people even feel a need to walk around showing off their weapons, or even conceal them shows that the citizens have FEAR.... if they didn't have fear they wouldn't need them.

Cars get people from A to B, they have much more purpose than weapons.

I've never claimed to know all the answers for the problems that infuriate me, but i am certain that having guns everywhere is a MASSIVE part of the problem over there.


Active member
‘Swallow this balloon.”
‘What’s in it?”
“An ar-15”

No comparison. It’s a straw dog argument. The choice on the street would be full automatic. Those are banned. They don’t have them. They use what is bought at the store.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
School shootings happen primarily in the US because guns are still legal and the Deep State wants to make them illegal. What other means do they have to make guns illegal besides coordinated psyop events?

(Answer: None)

Without these events, the Deep State would have no pretext to alter the 2nd Amendment. It's simple, really.

Hence the coordination of Fakenews and activists activated.

Plus, it sure did take attention away from real NEWS that Hillary, Obama, and all their cronies are now known to have committed one of the largest frauds ever perpetrated on the American people and will likely be facing charges of Treason (which can carry the death penalty).


Well-known member
2 people dead, 19 people hospitalized in Nebraska (Lincoln, i think) yesterday, after a dimwit drove into a crowd. oddly enough, those killed were in the car. nothing mentioned in the news yet about if the wreck killed them, or the crowd after the car stopped. (this calls for a "lol" but i'm not going there) gotta do something about irresponsible people owning and driving "assault autos". if you can afford one, i guarantee you that some money-hungry hack will sell you one, no background check or license required to buy...and thousands of people every year buy them and give them to CHILDREN, for Gods sake! what is our country coming to? :shucks:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Most of those that see any gun laws that make it harder to get a gun look at it as if their guns are getting taken. All these Kids growing up hearing their parents talk about hurting people that don't have their same beliefs is also a huge issue. kids(any under 21) do not have the mentality to not let their anger dictate their actions.

Making it hard to buy a gun in no way is that taking away your rights to own a gun. WAKE THE FUCK UP !!!
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