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"gun violence"


Well-known member
Canada has a higher gun to people ratio how come there are no mass shootings in Canada?
uh...this is just a guess, but...maybe most folks in Canada aren't mentally unbalanced entitled idiots? whereas, we apparently have a bumper crop of them. in reality, the numbers say that the US has more guns per 100 people than any other country. we have approximately 120 firearms per 100 citizens here (Canada comes in 7th, at nearly 35 per 100), and that "may" be low. there is no way to verify how many "ghost guns" since there are no serial numbers by manufacturers to check. small machine shops in "good ol' boys" garages are cranking out the 80% receivers every day. other than a finished receiver, the parts to assemble an AR-15 do not have serial numbers, and they are showing up more and more at crime scenes. you can pass a law against them, but as we all know, criminals do not obey laws...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
no more guns,but everyone gets a sword
I want a poleaxe.

You know, the GOP's response sure leans into the fact they only seem to care about life up until it leaves the womb. Then it's a pair of bootstraps and a "good luck, kid". Kinda makes them not Pro-life, don'tcha think?

Maybe we should instead start labelling them Anti-Choice instead. Seems more appropriate somehow.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I want a poleaxe.

You know, the GOP's response sure leans into the fact they only seem to care about life up until it leaves the womb. Then it's a pair of bootstraps and a "good luck, kid". Kinda makes them not Pro-life, don'tcha think?

Maybe we should instead start labelling them Anti-Choice instead. Seems more appropriate somehow.
is rancid fuckface idiots too harsh?


Well-known member
is rancid fuckface idiots too harsh?
nope, not for those like McCarthy, Hawley in Missouri, Dumb & Dumber in Kentucky, Shit for Brains in Florida, or SEVERAL "politicians" in Texas. some of them give "politician" a sour smell, hard to do considering how bad it was to start with. we've got several here in Tennessee too, not picking on Texas. Marsha Blackburn is so fucking dumb that it makes my hair sore to even see her name in the paper. she's the kind that will stick her foot in her mouth, shoot herself in the foot, blowing off her face, (no big loss) and claim "tis but a flesh wound..."


Well-known member
Maybe we should instead start labelling them Anti-Choice instead. Seems more appropriate somehow.
no, they are all about choice. so long as they get to choose for you. can't just up & let folks make up their own mind & live with the consequences of their decisions. God gave mankind free will, and the GOP & some religions have been pissed about that ever since... "what in hell was God thinking? has He gone over to the Dark Side? we have to DO something..." :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

moose eater

Well-known member
Proud that my state of Indiana just passed concealed carry, now I can carry my pistol in my jacket. I hope this makes Gary a safer place.
It won't. But carrying to protect yourself or family, etc., ought to be a right, BUT, with severe consequences for those who squeeze the trigger in moments when it shouldn't have been. Including cops.

Alaska has had no-license-required for a number of years now (ironically established by a Democrat attorney from the urban hub of Los Anchorage).

While I both routinely carry a sidearm and have collected class III weapons years ago, it's also basic honesty to include herein that Alaska has some serious domestic violence, rape, and weapons/assault numbers to accompany those unlicensed carriers of firearms. I suspect it can be shown that our gun violence in Alaska has gone up, not down, following the liberalizing of the concealed carry laws.

Furthermore, written into the statute that resulted from the attorney's intervention back then, a person with a loaded firearm not in plain view must announce the presence of that firearm to LEO whenever approached by a cop or other LEO. That aspect of the law has resulted in a selective enforcement for those who the cop may not think OUGHT to have a gun, but are legally permitted, and so the cop claiming the carrier was slow to announce or failed to announce (whether they did or not) has resulted in arrests and citations. selective e4nforcementof laws is as old as the Sun and causes more problems.

Not to mention there's a few cops for whom I would be very hesitant to blurt out in a nervous voice, "I've got a gun." In fact, I practiced my opening address of this issue for a while before I came up with something that I figured minimized the risks of getting shot inadvertently during a traffic stop by a cowardly cop with qualified immunity to bolster his/her yellow streak and protect their badge.

"Officer, I'm required by State of Alaska Statute to inform you that there is a concealed loaded firearm in this vehicle." And with your hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel & announce that in a -calm- voice before he or she can say ANYTHING.

moose eater

Well-known member
exactly. The gun owners of this country are the only thing preventing the government from doing whatever it wants to do to us
Every gun owner who belongs to the NRA who I personally knew, failed to 'pick up arms in the face of tyranny' during the passage of the extra0-legal and (original copy) unconstitutional USA PATRIOT ACT. In fact, they were some of the easiest to accept it without so much as a peep or a whinny.

Gun Owners of America was a bit different. They're a group that knows there's more than one amendment in the Bill of Rights.

You know who were out in the streets and defacing Federal Marshall's offices when that all went down? Pacifist hippies and their cohorts.

moose eater

Well-known member
I was curious due to reading on another forum of someone else having their gun rights restored after many years. This case occurred in Alabama.
A number of years ago there was an office in the Federal Government (can't recall if it was a door at BATFE, FBI, Marshalls or who) that was responsible for review of such requests, and reinstatement of gun rights. That office's duties in that regard were unfunded at that time. (From what I was told by a firearms dealer I know and did business with back then). So, in essence, yes, you could apply to reinstate gun rights having completed whatever sentence the court had assigned, but there was no one there being paid to do the research or provide the approval. A right gutted by the budget pen at that time.

That may have changed in the past decade or so, but it was that way back then.


Well-known member
got stopped because a brake light was out a while back. officer came to window, first thing he asked was "sir, do you have a firearm on you?" second was "where is it?" third thing was "well, just leave it there..." :good:but i'm white and old. not completely harmless, but...apparently less threatening.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You and I already discussed my idea somewhat.

I'd like to circle back around to it and get more feedback, both positive and negative.

Medicare for All, a Universal Income program, and an end to the War on Drugs will do more to reduce gun violence than new gun laws.

Having said that, I would be ok with more stringent background checks and even reasonable waiting periods. And we absolutely need to close the DV loophole.
I definitely think an end to the War on Drugs would help but I feel like it would take a number of years getting used to that new reality before gun violence went down. As for Medicare 4 all and UBI I still feel like that would be too much of a strain on the economy to be realistic which is why I only suggested Mental Healthcare for all. I'm not against Medicare 4 all or UBI I just them being unsustainable for now. I'm also not sure how UBI would reduce Gun violence, it would improve life for many but the ones it would help the most aren't typically committing gun violence in my opinion.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I definitely think an end to the War on Drugs would help but I feel like it would take a number of years getting used to that new reality before gun violence went down. As for Medicare 4 all and UBI I still feel like that would be too much of a strain on the economy to be realistic which is why I only suggested Mental Healthcare for all. I'm not against Medicare 4 all or UBI I just them being unsustainable for now. I'm also not sure how UBI would reduce Gun violence, it would improve life for many but the ones it would help the most aren't typically committing gun violence in my opinion.
My solutions will admittedly take time to feel their effects. Which is one of it's biggest downfalls admittedly. Likely a generation or 2. But this problem took a long time to develop. It will take a long time to unfuck it as well. It is not a quick fix solution by any means. So the instant gratification crowd will hate it. But I believe with every fiber of my being that my solution has merit. I believe it would work.

Re: UBI, that's to help address the 800 lb. gorilla in the room - Black on black violence, the largest contributor of gun violence in this country. Ending the War on Drugs is the first part of reducing that statistic. A UBI is the second part. I've known far too many good people who have turned to the drug trade to support themselves and their families. Nobody is born wanting to be a criminal. But circumstances force people to make that decision.

And that's not even scratching the surface of the nature vs. nurture aspect of it. When a child grows up in a household and is surrounded by 2 or 3 generations of people who have had to be criminals just to survive, it's the only thing they know. So of course that's the only path they see. Are there exceptions to this? Absolutely. But I'd rather it be the norm rather than the exception. Lifting folks out of poverty has got to be a step to reducing gun violence. Otherwise it won't stop. The violence will just move to whatever trade fills in the financial void that ending the War on Drugs will create. How stupid is it going to look when we (America) end the War on Drugs and killings start over collection of aluminum cans?

Ever fight with your old lady about money? Would an extra $2000 a month have stopped a lot of those fights? Hey look, I just took a chunk of Domestic Violence calls out of the system. Another pretty significant chunk of gun violence I might add. Not to mention that 60% of all mass shooters have a history of DV.

The single largest contributing factor to gun violence, outside of the actual guns themselves. is poverty. That is a policy choice. Eliminate the poverty, and you eliminate a whole lot of gun violence.
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Active member
The last guy was killed. That’s pretty dire consequences. It doesn’t seem to phase them.

moose eater

Well-known member
The last guy was killed. That’s pretty dire consequences. It doesn’t seem to phase them.
Infamy pays, whether dead or alive. In an age of unbearable mediocrity and meaninglessness, I think some of these folks want to make a final name for themselves and achieve some sort of infamy. Not that this has to be the only factor affecting their crimes, rage, etc., but I think notoriety has played into a bunch of these incidents.

But if we barred people with weak egos from having guns, over half of the police forces would probably be without weapons. (After thought) Which might not be a bad thing in some cases.


Active member
Infamy pays, whether dead or alive. In an age of unbearable mediocrity and meaninglessness, I think some of these folks want to make a final name for themselves and achieve some sort of infamy. Not that this has to be the only factor affecting their crimes, rage, etc., but I think notoriety has played into a bunch of these incidents.

But if we barred people with weak egos from having guns, over half of the police forces would probably be without weapons. (After thought) Which might not be a bad thing in some cases.
Infamy for shooting your grandma? Often small troubles become huge obstacles in young minds that don’t know how to deal with them. They lash out. Given the right tool and the wrong upbringing, they can become dangerous.


Active member
Citizens stopped six active shooters, whom the FBI defines as “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area,” in 2021, killing four of them, according to the report “Active Shooter Incidents In The United States In 2021.” There were 61 active shooter incidents in 2021, 12 of which met the FBI’s criteria for a “mass killing,” up from 40 the previous year.



Active member
How’s that social change going? Resulting in fewer gun deaths? What a load of crap. It’s kids with a hair up their ass killing other kids.


Well-known member
as Moose says "infamy pays". not really, except in name recognition. that imbecile that shot Lennon did it allegedly hoping to impress Jodie Foster. yeah, i'm sure she swooned over that, lol. they need to completely quit putting these morons pictures in the news, no names mentioned, nothing. that inspires copycats that only want to be known for something, ANYTHING! want to be famous? go to school, study hard, graduate, work hard & cure cancer, or a drug that prevents transplant rejections. discover a new source of energy to help the planet recover from the abuse she is getting. hell, get a picture of a Bigfoot or an alien craft in which your camera isn't jumping around like you are wrestling a fucking grizzly bear while filming...:smoke: