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Guerilla Underground Thread


Boreal Curing
Helluva thread MountainBudz. Do you order your perlite??? I can't find shit at Lowes or walmart except them lil $5 bags. As you know there not much choice at those 2 stores for Mary growing supplies. I'd like to be near a hydro store to get some heavy stuff like soil and bigger bags of stuff like perlite. I'm doing a few container grows kinda close and guerillin the rest. Just wish I didn't have to order everything especially perlite....I can live with the walmart and lowes soil.

Any garden center should have all that in bigger bags. Garden centers or nurseries are in full swing. Up here, grocery stores cordon off a chunk of parking lot for garden supplies.


Elite Growers Club
Any garden center should have all that in bigger bags. Garden centers or nurseries are in full swing. Up here, grocery stores cordon off a chunk of parking lot for garden supplies.

Yea I've already checked walmart and lowes they just have lil $5 bags of perlite. Hell I'm 1.5 hrs each way to get there. I'm out in the boonies friend. I order almost everything. I prolly should just order the 4cuft bag of perlite.

What are you guys using to spray on your plants for bugs and stuff????


Elite Growers Club
I don't spray, but I might if an issue arises. I do lay snail and slug bait though.

What kinda bait and were you get it my friend. I'm gonna be putting out a lot of plants soon and I have a test plant already outside the bugs/snails everything is hammering it.....Ibechillin recommend some spray but I'm just wanting a few more options. I gotta get on this bug/snail insect issues before it cleans me out. That's my 2nd worst fear next to security. I've went to great security measures and will always have that at the top....but I gotta spray bait anything and everything to try and keep on the insects now. Thanks Tycho


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Helluva thread MountainBudz. Do you order your perlite??? I can't find shit at Lowes or walmart except them lil $5 bags. As you know there not much choice at those 2 stores for Mary growing supplies. I'd like to be near a hydro store to get some heavy stuff like soil and bigger bags of stuff like perlite. I'm doing a few container grows kinda close and guerillin the rest. Just wish I didn't have to order everything especially perlite....I can live with the walmart and lowes soil.

Hey wv, yeah I order my perlite online, from Amazon. Can't think of the brand right off, but you can get huge bags of some good coarse perlite for little of nothing on there. Plus if you are a prime member, you get that fast and free shipping.

Honestly I don't add supplemental or extra perlite to my outdoor grows, I just use the bales of promix or my new favorite "Berger", which comes in bales like promix and actually has a few lines of they're own soiless mix designed specifically for cannabis. Really good stuff.

This year I saved a ton on my soil. Last year I ran around 70 10 to 30 gallon grow bags with soiless mix and compost, as well as organic amendments. I dumped them all into a huge pile and let it sit over winter, that is now the soil I am using for my outdoor grow hole mix. The pile has had plenty of rain run through it to flush put any salts that was left over, hell I used 95% organic nutrients anyway last year. Since I am thinking about it, Earth Juice makes an organic water soluble fertilizer line called "Sea Blast". It is cheap and a little goes a long long ways, you can buy large bulk bags for a good price and the stuff literally kicks ass and is basically all organic.

I also wanna point out, that I have not seen many people on here speak of foiliar feeding. If you dont foiliar feed, then it's time y'all give it a shot. I foiliar feed between feedings, I just load my 5 gallon sprayer on my back on a day that I have most all my watering and feeding caught up, and I make rounds spraying each plant thoroughly... You will notice a difference over night, guaranteed... Everyone should always incorporate a good solid foiliar feeding program into they're routine. I feed through the leaves all the way up into the first month of flower, then I start backing off a little bit, imo it increases over all growth by at least 20% in the end, which of course, increases yield ;)... and we all want that.

As far as spraying my plants, yes I know a lot of people will be against my choice of spray, but I have always used and always will continue using liquid sevin for a good solid proven insecticide. Yes it is toxic, but as long as your not spraying nothing on the actual buds around mid flower on, you will be good. Around here in South Eastern Ky everyone uses sevin religiously, have used it in our gardens since we were kids, I remember when it only came in dust "Sevin Dust" and we used to just take the fresh tomatoes out of the garden and rinse the dust off and just gobble them down... no one freaked out or worried back then about it like they do now days and me and all the rest of us that was raised on it, well we are all okay.

Once flowering picks up however, I switch to BT or insecticidal soap.

And if you don't ever wanna deal with bud rot again, get you some FLINT made by Bayer. Extremely costly, a small bottle I believe I have over $300.00 for it. It is the best thing to ever happen to me and the toxicity is very low compared to other chemical fungicides. I have fought bud rot for over 16 years, using every organic method you can imagine, organic sprays, non toxic sprays, extreme daily maintenance, seranade, regalia, green cure, you name it, I've spent thousands on it. Till I bit the bullet and tried FLINT. Yes it cost a big chunk up front, but if I had done this to begin with I would have saved literally thousands and made literally thousands as well from all the bud I had lost along the way to botrytis.

Hope this info helps! :tiphat:


Elite Growers Club
MountainBudz thanks a lot man I'm in your backyard almost bud. Is Sevin Ok for real young seedlings less than a mounth old, the bugs and stuff are hammering me ?? I usually foliage feed with maxi crop seaweed or something in the seaweed or kelp family. What are you using??? I've been up around Chicago the past 15 yrs I've mainly done indoor grows. But I'm back in the old southern Appalachia Mtns were I was born and raised....I'm gonna pick up some Sevin and a few other sprays to keep these bugs off. I always used Ocean Forest indoors but I'm not rich and can't afford it outdoors. I've been getting the organic harvest or whatever Walmart and lowes have. I can't find pro mix or Bayer, Kellogg or nothing unless I order....I use amazon too. I'm gonna have about 15 -20 container plants some 30gal 20 10 maybe a few 5gal buckets. I usually add marine cuisine, American pride, Mykos , dolomite. Perlite, river sand to my container plants.....plus I've got in mind 50-75 guerilla spots that I'll probably add a lil stuff too....maybe top dress a lil later on. Glad to get some info from somebody in my neck of the woods MountainBudz. Thanks allot guys hopefully we all come out with a good safe season!!!
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Boreal Curing
What kinda bait and were you get it my friend. I'm gonna be putting out a lot of plants soon and I have a test plant already outside the bugs/snails everything is hammering it.....Ibechillin recommend some spray but I'm just wanting a few more options. I gotta get on this bug/snail insect issues before it cleans me out. That's my 2nd worst fear next to security. I've went to great security measures and will always have that at the top....but I gotta spray bait anything and everything to try and keep on the insects now. Thanks Tycho

Safer's Slug and Snail Killer.
in the field.

I use beer at home. Works well and they drown.


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Well-known member
Speaking of slugs:

At what size do slugs cease to be an issue for you guys?

I have my seedlings under upside-down 20 or 24 oz clear plastic cups. By the time they outgrow the cups, I'd say they're between 6 and 8 inches tall with 2 sets of leaves generally.

Once I remove the cups will the seedlings be big enough that slugs and snails will leave them alone?

If not, I'm gonna have to go with either the old beer trick or some sand around each plant.


Boreal Curing
Not sure. I use bait once when I put them in the ground then forget about it. There could be no slugs for all I know. But I'll know for sure this time because a new spot has them for sure. I saw them on my gear after I was done planting.


Active member
really depends how bad the slugs are in your area.

in my old backyard I've lost plants up to half a meter high within one night, only a piece of stalk without any nodes/buds remaining. and that was with bare soil(sand) around the plants, and beertraps, also regularly went out at night to gather slugs.

however my current guerillaspots I'm barely bothered by slugs, I've even stopped using pellets, only protection I use are collars with coppertape just to be sure(I doubt they're really needed, but it's a small effort).

beer traps I would only use if there are a lot of slugs. they work really well, but there's the risk of atracting slugs from a wider area(and cover it with something with smaller holes, I've found dead frogs in my beertraps too).

also, time of year matters. in that same old backyard slugs were worst during spring, when there wasn't that much other green for them to eat. later in summer, when it was often sunny(and so the bare sand around the weed/vegetables was dry), and there was plenty of green outside the vegetable patches for them to eat, slug damage was a lot less(except around endiveplants, endive itself is safe due to the bitterness, but slugs hide underneath it during the day, then at night munch everything around it).


Boreal Curing
35c today.
We had a long cold mofo winter. Now I have a feeling it's going to be other side of the coin. I'm glad I'm done planting.


Well-known member
Damn your done Tyco. I haven't even put anything out yet. I am putting them outside to get used to the sun on Friday. I do it over 6 days or so with netting.

I don't amend the soil when I plant. I plant where the thistles or the wild berry bushes grow. I also plant field edges along streams. I do love to plant in the corn the most. It is easy digging and the ones around here use mostly organic methods. They use manure and also plow under cover crops. They do spray and the last time is mid to late June. If you can avoid the sprayer and by luck stay out of the silage rows you can have a nice harvest.

I have some interesting things to put out this year.


Well-known member
Hoypare that is an amazing crop picture. There is no way that could happen where I live. If the law didn't get you the thieves would.


Elite Growers Club
Damn your done Tyco. I haven't even put anything out yet. I am putting them outside to get used to the sun on Friday. I do it over 6 days or so with netting.

I don't amend the soil when I plant. I plant where the thistles or the wild berry bushes grow. I also plant field edges along streams. I do love to plant in the corn the most. It is easy digging and the ones around here use mostly organic methods. They use manure and also plow under cover crops. They do spray and the last time is mid to late June. If you can avoid the sprayer and by luck stay out of the silage rows you can have a nice harvest.

I have some interesting things to put out this year.

That's what I'm gonna be doing in a week or so is slowly get them in the sun. Then I got some 30gal containers to mix up along with some 20,10,5 gal. Also gonna hit the guerilla trail soon, hopefully in 2wks I can have plants big enough to plant!!! Good luck man


Boreal Curing
Damn your done Tyco. I haven't even put anything out yet. I am putting them outside to get used to the sun on Friday. I do it over 6 days or so with netting.

I don't amend the soil when I plant. I plant where the thistles or the wild berry bushes grow. I also plant field edges along streams. I do love to plant in the corn the most. It is easy digging and the ones around here use mostly organic methods. They use manure and also plow under cover crops. They do spray and the last time is mid to late June. If you can avoid the sprayer and by luck stay out of the silage rows you can have a nice harvest.

I have some interesting things to put out this year.
I started early only because I just couldn't hold off. I did for a while by planting a bit of lettuce, but that only fueled the urge to pop seeds. lol. So the plants were ready early and stinking up the room so I moved them out to the greenhouse. They were getting big so I started putting them out May 15 expecting frost to claim half. It's been beautiful weather with no frost, so they're all good and the autos starting to flower already.

Soil PH in Raspberry and Nettle patches is 6.5 and loose so that's perfect. I dig my holes when I start popping seeds (mid April) with a drill auger and amend with lots of nutes when I do. So it's like making super soil in every hole without having to haul it. By the time a month goes by the soil is cool enough to accept seedlings, and local animals have had time to investigate and find nothing to eat.

What are you putting out?

Hoypare cities are an inspiration. I mean look at that! It's like a Terracotta Army.
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