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Guarding clone only strains



-=WZ=- said:
Some of yall kill me ....you think that people who have "elite" strains dont give them out? They do they just dont give them to everybody on earth that thinks that they are owed them(especially the people that think they are owed them). It really is not that hard to get good cuts if you make friends pay your dues on these sites or even more then that take some of your hard earned cash and by 4-5 packs of the same strain from some good genetics and you will most likely find something that is really special

Chili_berkster said:
sometimes when we send our beloved elites, they get shitty reviews and the reciever never returns the favor. So kinda, get burnt once and shame on you. Get burnt twice and shame on me. You know who you are. thanks for nothing.
I've done my fair share of sharing. But anymore... the sharing has been with trusted friends only. Not new handles or peeps who think they deserve everything. I learned quick, but some would say not quick enough. They took me for a sucker one day, but bitch never again.

These 2 posts pretty much sum it up for me.....especially Chili's post.


^^ditto jimmy, seems this topic is always poppin up.

cuts get swapped to guys you know and trust. easy as that. for many reasons.

Friendly Friend, aka P4P, and many other nicks ,always comes to mind when this topic comes up. Rez sent him a sourDeez cut(althought it was said it was a fake) to see what FF would do. didnt take a day after he got it he was tryin to sell cuts all over the net.

like anything, there are peeps out there that ruin it for others. step outside your close circle of friends to gift a cut, and get shit on, well its hard to do it again.

Mr. Nevermind

-=WZ=- said:
Very mature and you call me a troll. Trust this you are the one not only looking like an ass , but acting like one too. Is it that hard to respect other peoples request. BTW your story about the cuts changes every damn post so how can anyone not assume.

Still trolling huh? Post about something that has nothing to do with the thread and everything about me? Seems kinda gay you pay so much attention to one dude. My story didnt change, i further elaborated and gave more details is all. Go get a hobby or find something better to do than disecting my posts, troll

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Active member
I honestly dont no anybody who hoards clones......Who is the thread starter talking about anyways..?? Everybody that i know on these boards shares their Elites with other Members they feel they can trust......I get numerous Emails from peeps i dont even know asking me to send them cuts......I really wish i could sent out cuts to everyone But i just dont have the time and Money to be sending out cuts to everyone..There is always a risk when you send out clones so i wont be sending out any cuts to peeps i dont know and trust.......Truth is , Once you pay your dues around here and put in work and show Peeps you can really grow, You will eventually be able to get any strain you want....Just be patient and pay your dues first!!....Peace.~ograskal
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Active member
ograskal said:
I honestly dont no anybody who hoards clones......Who is the thread starter talking about anyways..?? Everybody that i know on these boards shares their Elites with other Members they feel they can trust......I get numerous Emails from peeps i dont even know asking me to send them cuts......I really wish i could sent out cuts to everyone But i just dont have the time and Money to be sending out cuts to everyone..There is always a risk when you send out clones so i wont be sending out any cuts to peeps i dont know and trust.......Truth is , Once you pay your dues around here and put in work and show Peeps you can really grow, You will eventually be able to get any strain you want....Just be patient and pay your dues first!!....Peace.~ograskal

And for the record, I beleive Chemdog has given a few cuts out to a few peeps before....He was actually going to make a trade with me a while ago with some of his Cuts but i never got back to him, so i dont think he is hoarding.....He should really make his own seedline because he is responsibe for the Chemdogs isnt he....I dont think he needs to do a joint project with anybody....Be Patient people.....You will all be smokin ChemDog soon I think......Hurry up and Make some Beans Chem, Everybody is waiting...~ograskal


Active member
not talking about anyone in particular. just wondering what people's take on the availability of clone only strains and how their protected amongst circles, that's all.


I think in the older days if you shared genetics you just helped someone undercut your efforts, price-wise if you are selling seeds. Now with medical marijuana maybe those hoarding could justify releasing the genetics for the benefit of patients. From the cool strains I've gotten from dispensaries I'd say at least some are. There's more strains available than I can ever grow out so I don't worry about missing a few good strains.

Also the more people that envy a strain hoarded by greed just makes that greed more fufilling. Greed can't exist without envy.
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in that case ograskal I will take 10 of everything you have.. hehe.. j/k can't take that from a meduser

but yeah definitely everyone is soo generous here.. I am seriously hearing that "pay your dues"... a lot (=...


Man you poeple love to bitch and whine about shit. . . I love it.
Wipe your fucking tears and get over it - NOTHING IS OWED to ANYONE.

I've caught alot of shit from alot of close peeps for not sharing a few of the ones in my collection that I promised that I would not - offered ALOT of money for a few of them but it's about principles - if you give your word and you break it you aren't worth shit, period. I may have done alot of shady shit in my lifetime but breaking my word isn't something that I will do.

Side from that, I've shared well over 300 cuts to random people and never asked for anything in return, even when the other side would say they wanted to send me anything I'd never accept. The only folks I did trade with were only folks that I trusted - so if I didn't trust you - I'd still send you cuts, I just wouldn't want shit from you.

So to the people that have sent me cuts ... now's your time to feel special! :p
hahaha ... all jokes aside I'm thankful to be blessed with what I've been blessed with and appreciate each and every friend I've made here.

So I'll end my rant with - NOTHING IS OWED TO ANY OF US, get over it and go fuck yourself if you think otherwise.
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Rubbing my glands together
Raque said:
but it's about principles - if you give your word and you break it you aren't worth shit, period.

True words Raque and well stated. Here on the boards our rep is ALL we've got. Mess that up and everyone knows who and what you are. Even if you change your username you'll eventually be found out. Ya handle ya business at your own risk, because someone is always watching to how you act. Act up and sooner or later it will bite ya on the ass when you're least expecting it. At least that's the way I see it.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have given numerous clones to people, most just run of the mill genetics. If I have a mother and can't use all the clones I usually just give them away. I hardly ever sell unless the clones cost me money in the first place. That said, there is nothing wrong with selling cuts. There is work involved in making them and purchasing the rockwool, not to mention the risk. So I agree with selling cuts to a point, but there is nothing wrong with giving them away for free also. I feel if you do good things for people, you usually get it back in some form in the future. Not always though...

I had a bad experience recently. I had a few problems here at my home so I gave all my lights, pots and any equipment I was using to a friend. Also included was an elite clone from around town that has been saved for over ten years. It's an old school Blueberry strain aka 'Prickle Berry' (because of it's unusually prickly stems). It is the best strain I have ever smoked and didn't want to loose the cut. I have given it to friends before, but it was used for one time grows and wasn't kept. Our agreement was he could keep everything he was holding for me, with one clause. He would keep my cut alive and give me back a few clones of it at a later date. I thought this was more than fair.

The time came when I wanted to get my cut back. He gave me a story of how he let it die by pure accident. I was upset but understood as it had been well over a year now. I believed him at first, but then a friend from years ago unexpectedly came to me out of the blue with a couple pounds for me to purchase. Guess which strain it was - my Prickle Berry! I asked him where he got it and he told me - guess who grew it?

I was so pissed I went down to his mothers where I knew he had a grow before and pushed my way in. There in his basement was my Prickle Berry! He wanted it all for himself as not many people had it and it sells like crazy when it is for sale. It made him some good money, but unfortunately for him the gig was up.

I am not going to get into what happened after as you probably can guess. To say the least he wasn't a happy man. What would you have done? Anyways, it just shows how even people you trust can be possessed by the green eyed monster.

I will never again make an agreement like that. Elite strains or strains I have put my heart into keeping alive will only be given to family, and if anyone wants a cut outside of my circle - I will gladly give them one, but only with a trade of another cut. This way I won't feel like a complete idiot when someone tries to get the better of me.


all messed up

Overgrow refugee
I make enough clones for myself and give away the rest because 9 out of 10 won't grow it worth a damn anyhow. There is no need to hoard if you are a decent grower.


Sharing is caring, but I dont think people owe it to anyone to share their cuts if its their hard work put into them.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If i give you a clone it will be yours. I would never put strings on the gift. If I didnt want you to do what you want with it I wouldnt give it to you in the first place. Giving clones with strings attached is a bit wierd. If your going to give it to someone then let them have it. How long is your arm gonna be and how long will your strings stay attached . I say if you give it to someone let them have it no strings so they can make their own dicisions about what happens to it. Or if you cant trust them to make proper decisions then dont give it to them. If I give you an elite you can be sure there will be no strings attached.


Active member
If your worthy anbd have put the time and effort in.
You'll get whatever clones you want.
But bitching won't help.
Growing and making connections will though.
There is a smal group of growers who share there clones with eachother on the promise that no one will give any away to anyone else.
So do the work and then if you don't get those clones.
Then you can bitch about it. lol


best part about this type of thread..............you get a real good idea who ya dont wanna give a cut to.

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