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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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Its allready legal here in California. For those outside of the city meetings you most likely won't have the chance to compete as cities are alreasdy drawing up regulations and limitations. What's going to happen is the cities are only going to allow a certain amount of businesses to be open. So here in saxcramento if you aren't already in biz then your fucked as there is a moratorium on opening new cannabis businesses.
Fact is that the cities are going to limit supplies by only allowing a few large commercial grows and regulating that legally sold herb iin the city can only come from a city permitted warehouse.
and the current black market prices might even go up.

If tobacco was illegal, the street price sure as hell would be less than $7 a pack. How do I know this? Because bootleg cigarettes are less than that now. If they didn't have to beat the legal price they would be even less on the blackmarket. So legalized weed might cause the price to increase to just below the legal price, which would steadilly increase rediculously every year as politicians see fit to jack up the taxes. Like cigarettes, whose going to complain? Raise property taxes or jack the pot smokers. Just like cigarettes, its a no brainer for politico.


It's crazy that i can go buy a pack of cigarettes at the store with some tobacco and a ton of chemicals and it's legal. If that can be done to cigarettes, it can be done to marijuana. Cigarette companies are untouchable. It is illegal for me to grow a tobbacco plant. How can you not think it will be possible that the same thing will happen with marijuana?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im not sure where you live but here in cali it is not Illegal to grow Tobacco. If you plan on growing it commercially then you have problems. If I ever need to buy some it sure wont be from them. I would get it from a mom and pop store where I know there are no chems in it.
Its not illegal to grow tobacco anywhere in the US. Or most countries for that matter. PITA? Yes. Illegal, no. :)

Never grown it myself but I believe it takes a lot of land area to get enough tobacco for the year for a typical smoker. And curing is tricky as far as I can tell.

Commercial cigarettes are terrible. 50% "reconstituted tobacco", which is basicly brown tobacco juice from floor sweepings and particle tobacco (shake) and ungodly number of toxic chemicals added, sprayed on paper and mixed with real tobacco.


...I get to do something i love and live a nice life because of it...

Until the DEA busts down your door followed by the IRS looking for their cut. Won't be a nice life after that. At least that's the situation with the current laws if I'm not mistaken.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
In my mind, people who see me as a drug dealer only see me that way because the law tells them to.

I'm not trying to tear you to shreds here... but come on. You're a drug dealer because you are making your money BECAUSE it is illegal. If it were legal, you would have to regulate, pay taxes and maintain minimum standards set by a governing body. You'd also have to COMPETE with people who currently are NOT growing (or not growing big) BECAUSE it is illegal.

Your profit margin is only as high as it is because of the inherent risk in your scenario. You are making a living from the fact that it is illegal.

I could do the same, but that little risk factor of spending 5-10-20 years in prison keeps me from taking that step.

Even if it were never legalized, if everybody on this website started 5k+ ops, what do you think would happen to the street cost of herb?

You could get a regular job, but it won't pay as well for the effort you have to put in.

I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that makes you a drug dealer.


If you think nobody will buy your ultra-primo stuff because they can get some mass-market bullshit at 7-11, you don't understand pot heads.

You can buy a bottle of Burnett's Vodka for $7.99 and some people do. they're still in business. Or you can buy a bottle of Grey Goose for $29.99. People do. They're still in business, too.

If you think that you will not be able to buy ultra-primo at the 7-11, or where ever the Cannabis is retailed, you are fooling yourself and don't understand agri-biz. They will find experts who know the industry to advise them. I could take any non-smoker supply them with seeds or clones and teach them in one year how to grow the finest herb on earth, outdoors in the ground for less then $100 a kilo cured and dried. Indoor growers that can produce the very best will not be able to compete with a product almost identical at a fraction of the price, grown by big agri-Biz, wise up. Just because Cannabis is produced on a large level does not automatically mean inferior quality, after a few years of legal growing quality will not be a problem, I predict. Remember Thai sticks by the ton in the 70's?
And no indoor grower can compete with outdoor grown agri-biz sinsi, grown on a massive scale. You really have no idea what the real costs of producing a legal Cannabis crop will be, but I do understand, as I have worked with Cannabis for 40 years, outdoors and in greenhouses, on a large scale.
Time will tell, but really you have no idea about the true costs involved in a legal Cannabis crop grown by the hundreds of acres.



It's crazy that i can go buy a pack of cigarettes at the store with some tobacco and a ton of chemicals and it's legal. If that can be done to cigarettes, it can be done to marijuana. Cigarette companies are untouchable. It is illegal for me to grow a tobbacco plant. How can you not think it will be possible that the same thing will happen with marijuana?

It is not illegal to grow tobacco in California I have grown it many times, please show me the law against growing tobacco.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
I could take any non-smoker supply them with seeds or clones and teach them in one year how to grow the finest herb on earth, outdoors in the ground for less then $100 a kilo cured and dried.

If any knucklehead can be growing the finest herb with one year of instructions... the prices are obviously ridiculously inflated, right?


Projection of a Rand study puts an ounce of good weed at $38. About $400 a pound after November.

Still interested in supplying the masses? Amazing how many people have it backwards. Read the paper.

First of all they are not talking about Richard Lee's Tax and Regulate bill, they are talking about California Assembly Bill 2254—often referred to as the Ammiano bill.

I read the whole paper and can say they have it all wrong.
They say:
(2) filling most of a 1,500-square-foot residential house with intensive hydroponic production (with artificial lights, best practices, and so on); for their $38 an ounce price.

But outdoors will cost a small fraction of that to produce, less then a dollar an Oz. They have no idea of what they speak of...
They even admit it in their paper that they have no idea of the costs of legal Cannabis because there are no legal markets to make an estimate from.
They predict legal growing under lights, what a fucking joke...



If any knucklehead can be growing the finest herb with one year of instructions... the prices are obviously ridiculously inflated, right?

Yes it is all about the illegality, that is the price support, without herb being illegal, it costs almost nothing to produce, believe me.

And I have zero faith that an increased market will keep the prices up.
The prices are a rip, only dictated by the risk of arrest with illegal growing.



Well-known member
"it costs almost nothing to produce, believe me"
and there's the truth of it right from the man who has grown fields numbering in the thousands plant wise
prices should come down drastically-your getting 15-20 LBs off one outdoor bluedream , no way will it be going for above 1K an Lb after November-and that is a very positive estimate


I think that the other states with grey or black markets will still keep prices inflated for a while. Think about it. A lot of growers will just hook up with connects in other states(or brokers here that distribute to other locales) and distribute that way, keeping the local supply down somewhat.


I believe BigBudBill is correct in the short term, but capitalism has a knack of supplying whatever people want and are willing to pay for.
After a few years to get their experience in cultivation, harvesting, curing and drying, legal agri-business can scale up to meet any demand, be it 100 acres or 100,000 acres.



"it costs almost nothing to produce, believe me"
and there's the truth of it right from the man who has grown fields numbering in the thousands plant wise
prices should come down drastically-your getting 15-20 LBs off one outdoor bluedream , no way will it be going for above 1K an Lb after November-and that is a very positive estimate

I have never gotten 20 pounds from any plant, not clean and dry.
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