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GROW CONTEST WINNER: 30 Sour Bubble Trees, 20 Gallon Smartpots, 10K Sealed!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Aeroguerilla- I have to move the plants around for watering, raising the lights and other task so a fixed screen is not in my future. I feel I do a decent enough job with this slow moving girl and my hands.

Third Coast- It is! It is not getting any cooler either.

Ido- thanks man, I actually had the AC running for a few months though before the transformer took a shit. On the short list for an upgrade is a 2.5ton Mr. Slim P series. Will be nice to have some extra cooling, I will add 4K to flower and if one goes down and I can make do, backup AC! The P series are pricey but they handle low outdoor temps simliar to the excel.

czachtb2- Yup Michigan here

Bog- Good to see you made it here! Always nice to have you and your wisdom around. Bog I am experiencing that as well, I think 85F canopy temps are a little to hot. I am still dialing this room in this round I learned a few things that's for sure. Your welcome for the thread sir I am always trying to represent in my opinion the best indica smoke out there, everything you release is near perfection, keep it up! 58 days is pretty much perfect for this clone as well, I feel the earlier I pull it the more paranoia it has, this shit can put you down. I think a little later calms her down and I love the colors.

I agree about chocolate and lime to, my clone always smells like chocolate after it is hanging for a couple days and around day 14 the sour comes back nicely everytime. Yes I am trying to push this plant to its limits in the yield department. It isn't the biggest yielding plant but it is quality and you can never have enough quality, it nevers sits. My next two rounds in this room will be straight sour bubble as well, she is the perfect plant for dialing in the new setup since she is so hardy, room for mistakes.

Alright IC we are nearing the end of flower, todays is day 51 12/12 +/- for transformer error. Everything seems to be right on schedule. I learned some things this round for sure, it was ncie to get a mono crop through this room with all the lights in place finally. Things I learned or will do differently next time.

1. Richer soil mix
2. EWC tea rocks
3. Keep temps a little cooler, 80-82F canopy and co2 a touch lower, 1200-1300ppm. Still playing around with this but this is what I am going to go with and see what happens, trial and error.
4. These aircooled hoods non aircooled suck, they direct heat down and make some nice hotspots, not allowing me to get the hoods as close as I would like. Next round I am going to duct one side of each hood and hook up suffcient fans. No glass no air going all the way through but creating a vaccuum on one side of the hood to suck the heat away. The heat will be ran and dumped right at the AC intake.
5. Turn down my fan that blows air from veg into flower, it is causing positive pressure in the room making it harder for the ac to blow cool air in the flower room, so more cool air goes to the veg area. Also cover a couple ac vents in veg to force more airflow into flower.
6. Don't get caught with your pants down, get a backup AC/heater.

So by working on those 6 issues next round will be that much better, and honestly loosing 10 days in early flower do to low light and no ac will be a major factor to doing better yield wise.

Otherwise I am very satisfied with how everything is going, no matter what I get it will be enough to get out of the hole on this build and get me out of the red and in the green.

Getting pure RO water, fall is here, and temps have been turned down, time to pretty up ladies! They are still stacking new calyxs and swelling. They are dense and greasy, and the smell seems to be very strong this round, sour as hell. I will start harvest at day 56, and since it will pretty much be me trimming this room I better get started. I need to get everything trimmed and drying, room cleaned and changes made, and bang this baby back into 12/12.

I have 28 sour bubbles in 20 gallon smartpots in a new soil recipe, simliar but new amendments and amounts. They won't be as big as these I don't think, they still have 2.5 weeks to veg out but I guessing they won't be. If there is any space leftover I have a 20 gallon deathstar mama I just trimmed way back and I am going to blow that up.

Also currently in flower I have 10 smaller plants, mostly 3 gallon containers. They are on shelfs scattered here and there getting side lighting where they can. I always run seed plants in side lighting. I have 4 Jedi kush f2's going, a couple different deathstar phenos most likely leaning towards thier mom, and two shorter phenos leaning 95 sensi star or SFV ogk. One short pheno is like a head of lettuce, so bushy and full, I love it. Ranger rick made these seeds, he used his keeper Jedi Kush female and 5 different jedi kush males.

Along with those I popped 5 of my Sour Biesel seeds and 4 ended up being female, they are farther along in flower, like 4 weeks. They are looking good, awesome structure. 2 sour bubble 3 gallon plants are in there at 2.5 weeks themselves, they will be recieving pollen from reversed ecsd and deathstar.

It feels good, I started working on the design, parts, building, and all that mess 11 months ago, finally I am seeing the results and it can only get better from here. It was a hard ass grind, I tooke on a lot of living expenses and took a SHIT ton of risk.

Long post, my girlfriend just commented, "are you really typing!?" I guess I am making the keyboard smoke! Sorry for any typos.







Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Next round, still getting situated in their new pots, also they got another topping and a major super cropping.


The 7 seedlings and the to small SB plants. These are catching all the side light, after i start harvesting they will get their own light. The plants with flowers are Sour biesel, the middle front plant is the jedi lettuce pheno lol.


Here is my favorite sour biesel seedling this run so far, but i don't think she will have the sour funk my keepr thus far has. I am collecting a pool of females from the plants made by this male for a f2 generation once I have what I think I need. Also starting a pool for the other male being tested. The stems on this pheno are hard an oak tree.

stellar grow bro
wish you would have put adjust-o wings in there to avoid hots pots and they dissipate heat better but looking really nice


Just had a look through the thread, it was inspirational, nice work Pure, that sour bubble is really pretty.


Active member
great large room full of SB! :yes:

i can imagine how much work it took to get a room like that running... good work. Do even better next time. i would air cool those hoods and get the canopy temps to 76-78f way better for Indica strains than 80-82f. That will no doubt bump up your yield. I would put money on it!

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
When you said fall is here, for a second I was wondering what the f you were talking about. It's 101 where I'm at and muggy to boot.:toohot:
Then I seen the ladies coloring up. Beautiful looking ladies man. I do feel sorry for your trimmin hand though.;)


ghost in training
Those are huge bahemiths! What does one yield or expect to yield?

Anyway they look happy as can be. Are you using co2 in veg?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Adrift- Me to, thanks.

Gp73lpc- thanks

organic clover- yup! They have been considered lately.

Mantas- thanks, she is a sexy girl

Desert dan- thanks

Mr. Cleancut- I am with you on that one, once I get these ladies out of their and trimme dup some upgrades will be made that is for sure.

Third Coast- I live by my rooms schedule, the sun, moon and earths rotation I could care less about lol My trimming hand will be very sore but who can bitch about getting paid?

cody2white- Thanks and yield I have no clue. I would consider 15 a success being this is my first run , but even a little less I will be happy with. I did pull 7.8oz off a sour bubble in a 10gallon pot last run, I am hoping to average 8oz+ per plant. Once dialed in I am hoping to hit the 1gpw and yield 22. It will be an uphill battle. Thanks they are pretty happy, and yes veg gets whatever co2 the flower gets.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Hey thought I would share this here since this is the only thread I am maintaining, a little off the beaten path but I think most would find it interesting. I have been spraying an ecsd and a deathstar with collidal silver for about 4 weeks now total. I started 2 weeks before 12/12 and have continued until as recently as today. I think I will be stopping the spray soon since nuts are poppin out.

I will be applying both of their pollens to their own clone of sour bubble. The sour bubbles have been in flower for 2.5 weeks now and by the time these start dropping pollen they will be nice and ready. I plan to bombard the sour bubbles with as much pollen as possibel and as many times as possible. I will apply the pollen form these plants at least three times, I want to make sure I get enough beans to sort through.

This is my first time reversing and the results have me excited. My current ecsd x sour bubble cross is awesome but my the sour bubble males so far aren't touching my female keeper. I expect this to blow my female/male crossing out of the water.

The deathstar cross to my sour bubble clone has me most intrigued. The deathstar has an awesome structure and my sour bubble clone has a solid foundation. Also the but of indica in the deathstar might help speed flowering time up compared to my sour biesel. My good friend Rangerrick ran Jedi Kush (deathstar x sfogk) and it came out excellent, I think with this cross we should see something excellent. Both clones are over 20% THC so whatever comes out should be potent. Also both are very flavorful, so who knows what could happen. I can hardly wait to findout, once I harvest deathbubble beans you can gurantee I will be growing out a nice amount to see what came of the cross. I will also be making a female/male cross of deathstar x sour bubble bx3 so I have somehting to work with should I find something worthy of a breeding projecct.

Anyways, here is some reversed ecsd, she is flowering in 3/4 gallon organic mix under t5's, I will feed her next watering. Looking rough due to the silver be plastered on her, the silver does some weird shit to the plant.




Now some Deathstar:



Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Excellent thread bro! Just read thru all of it :) Great read, and beautiful trees you got there!

Running a few Sour bubble crosses outdoors this year.

Those crosses you got in mind sound like some potential ;) good luck on your breeding process! I hope everything turns out great!

I'll be sub'd on this for sure, can't wait to see the update on the flower room!

edit: forgot to add,

Did you ever consider recycling your soil? I see that you grow organically... would be a lot easier to just remove the base of the root ball, throw in some EWC and some amendments at a lighter rate, since the herd is already there and transplant the other plant into it. Maybe do 1 or 2 of these to try it out and see how it works compared to the new soil ;) Just a suggestion


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Hey IC quick update. I am currently on break from day one of trimming, today is day 56. I usually let them go a bit longer but because of the amount I have I can't wait to start trimming until they are all ready or the end of it will be over due. I won't have a camera until tomorrow when the girlfriend gets home from a vacation (must be nice...), once I have it I will be taking photos throughout the harvest and get you all up to date when I can. Just know I won't forget about you.

Even though I lost 1/12th - 1/6th of my total flowering time in the stretch it seems like the crop will be quite heavy. I harvested a 7.8oz sour bubble last harvest and these seem to be heavier for sure. Right now it is just me trimming which is a mind blowing task, most I have ever done is 8# by myself but I will be blowing that record out of the water this round. I used to really really hate trimming until a few years ago when I became legal. It took alot of stress away from the risky time. I may however hate trimming again after this lol, we shall see. Luckily I have a nice comfy spot, snacks, and lots an lots of new movies. You just can't really bitch about trimming #'s all day. After this is all off the line and cured I am taking my first vacation since last July. I will finally have some lining in my pockets again for in case shit happens and feel good about enjoying my hard work a little.

So see you soon with a mouth watering update!


Active member
mass trimming is one of those good problems!! have you thought about investing in a good trim machine to help remove the fans..than you just have to touch up the closer leaves later really cuts down on time. enjoy the vacay shiet i would love one right now but i just took one 2 months ago so shiet BACK TO WORK!! lol...


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Yesprop- seriously it is a really good problem. I have 2 spinpros but I prefer to hand trim, the spin pros make the tirm pretty shitty for hash. Not that I love making bubble either but I have a hard time throwing stacks down the drain. Also the hand trim is just so much nicer even though it is a bitch. I do have drying racks form my spinpro days but I also find I like hanging nugs better. I have spent some time this week re-watching all the twister trim machine videos, damn I want one of those. Once I get ahead I might go ahead and get one, it will pay for itself in the long run. Just a dream right now, that and a soil mixer!

Edit: Just noticed it has been almost two hours since my last break, damn I am so Union, true blue baby!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Thanks Tony, keep it in your pants!

Well still trimming away, on break again. It is taking me 5 hours per plant, holy fuck. Sour Bubble is pretty easy to trim since she is so dense, just put your fiskars up against her meaty self and snip. Also zero larf on these girls, no BS to mess aorund with is nice. These have to be smashing indoor sour bubble records all across the galaxy. No plant has ever taken me 5 hours to trim so yield should be awesome.

Doing 2 plants a day is not a good rate for me, I can't spend 2 weeks chopping the room down, 4-5 days is much more ideal. Soon in 5 days or so the first stuff I trimmed will have to be de-stemmed and start the curing process, along with me still having to trim nugs plus water all the other girls. Anyone who says growers are lazy can suck a big one.

I am figuring at 6.5 harvest per year (8 week cycles), will be lessoned by the trim job, (13 weeks) at the current rate. That is 1.5 harvest/year lost due to trimming potientially. Of course all numbers aren't exact but rough estimates. I think it will be well worth it to by a twister trim machine, especially if I plan on adding 5 more lights to this flower room and 2 1K flip/flop rooms. So yeah, I am going to get a twister. Probabbly not this harvest, but after the next one for sure it is getting got.


well maybe the ole lady will let me come give u hand and if i have to bring everyone let the kids play in the pool and the ole ladys can get some sun or help just let me know,,,peace


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Hell yeah man! lol It is a serious load, overwhelming but I don't have a choice, got to get errr done even if it means 18 hour days. Reading over twister reviews again, brings back spin pro memoris. Maybe I will just get one of the medium sized units in the 1-2k range, and only use it for smaller stuff. I can't beat my colas up like that. I am actually trimming in the basement near the pool area. The gf is on vacation but will be home tomorrow and she plans on helping some to, she is my all star trimmer whenever she is around she boost morale.

This was my first time harvesting this clone from seed, brings back memories. Also included, the morale booster.


I don't mind sitting there doing it but it can't be taking two weeks, to unproductive. My normal right hand man is 2 hours away now with no vehicle and a crop to watchover as well so flying solo right now. I have a trainee coming to, my basically 2nd mother (hate saying "god"mother), she needs the work and I need the help.

Ok time to end lunch break, just spent it eating taco bell, getting way to blazed on some day 74 cured 2 months sour bubble, and reading up on trimmers that I have already read every piece of existing information on three times. Back to reality....lol
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