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Greyskull The Upcountry Country Grower


Active member
Great looking buds! If that plant PM's you over there it would never make it in Puna. Like your set up. Stink the neighbors? Latters


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
btw, what up yalls for staying tuned.
joesy, sub, spicoli, dusty... the list goes on and on and im too lazy to open more windows to get them all.
this rip is for you all!!! hahahahahaha

drinking coors light, starting the grill, smoking a fat j, just puffed a bong hit of oil... listening to the soja

wish you were here to really really see how its doing now. i love the last 2 weeks.... i wish it was always the last 2 weeks. easy feeding. and you can kinda start counting the number of chickens you might be expecting...
gonna take the standup out to wailea tomorrow morning....

Sometimes the first bus isnt the bus to be on JW... :respect:

thanks all fo rthe kind words stay tuned maybe i'll learn something....


Active member
guess your right skull, might as well wait on the short bus so i can ride with you.

Old Soul

Active member
Whats up greyskull, good to see you still killing it bro. I hate it when cuts dont live up to expectations, although I set the bar pretty high. Keep on doing your thing bro. much respect.


Active member
nice bro always looking clean over there. been having a hard time keeping my shit clean lately lol at least i can pull something off to smoke. Maui no ka `oi :)


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i really dig all these local crosses you are running...i agree though, the garden has no room for junk. if the flowers aint dank, move on...

really enjoy your scene. id love to see some dried, cured flowers


passing the gas
did you bust a typing finger while trimmin?? harvest update, yo???
something for us freezing night bastards on the mainland....


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor


the latest "full" crop got me 1.25 & some change. All super duper dank. The best Id done I think looks wise. was mistaken for indoor numerous times by guys who know their shit. its always nice to get compliments on the stuff i grow. I lord over my shit... it better come out pretty fucking good hahaha.

im impressed with the sunshine mix + fox farms combo with the canna additives. i just wish the yeild will go up... ive made a conscious effort to refrain from pruning too many branches and make sure to focus on clearing out the plants from the inside out so i leave sites to turn into money errrrr bud. hopefully ill be able to increase my yeild up to at least 4z per 7g container... which x8 pots should be 2lbs at the end of the day, every 75 days (63 to bloom 10 to dry 2 to deliver), about every month/month and a half, becasue i am going to start doubling up my blooming action and stepping up my game to an 8 + 8 flip flop outside. I am legally allowe 21 plants right now... so if im showing 16 im within my numbers. My veg plants will make up the rest of the allotted ### during sunny days.

i know I am going to be busy alll the time. but really, im going to be on a work schedule. and thats cool. its gonna be worth it. if i can get 2lbs per lots of people are gonna have nice life long vacations of maui. and my local braddas, they gonna get to smoke the finest herb. like upcountry kings should be smoking. plus theres some cancer being battled with the bho im producing ... it feels really good to be able to grow & provide like this.

now i just have to get my garden in order. dedicated moms are building (since i been slacking and not keeping them like i should have been. damnit) and the room was just reorganized. im thinking i am 4-6 weeks away form being able to start the flip flop in bloom. i may be pushing it at 6wks maybe 8wks is more realistic. anyways, thats the plan - to kick more ass and take more names.

recently added a few new gals to the garden for testing purposes...
Legend OG
Unknown OG
i also have some Joe Rogan cuts going to but they havent rooted yet.

I am most excited about the Daywrecker. Super excited.
I should probably be more excited about the Legend & Unknown OGs, but im kinda of feeling "uhhhhhh lets see whatchugot". I love OG. LOVE IT. but having too many variations of the same thing seems... uhhhh... redundant. But we'll see what the flowers show me at the end of their initial test runs. I ONLY KEEP THE BEST. or what i think is the best thru my iddy biddy microscope lol
with the 8+8 I can legally have 5 more total. I can make sure a few others are kept going (o-dubb is now a permanent resident of the island!!!!), but they better be worthy for me to go thru the trouble. NO KA OI or DIE!!!!!
Heres how things are ranking for me right now....
1. Valley OG
2. Shunkdawg
3. ChemD
4. HP13
5. *Daywrecker
6. O-Dubb
7. *Legend OG
8. *Unknown OG
9. *Joe Rogan
10. A-dubb
* = testing

The SourDubble will be exiting my garden when the next wave of cuts is done. something wrong shes not the same. maybe ill resource later. whatever... bummer. she used to be the best ever. the most resinous. the most aromatic killer shit ever. with the taste of mana from heaven. and now, its not. its like she got whored out and got tired or something. I know its not scientific but thats what i feel its telling me when i look at it. or maybe i dont have the ability to dial it in any more. so its got a departure date planned. unless something radical & magical happens. i appreciate the opportunity to have her here, and really wish things could have worked out. i am not closing the door on her but shes got to open it if that makes any sense.

I am sure my SDF friends will be looking at my list sideways. A-dubb @ the bottom of the list!!!!!! it could change.... im giving it 1 more bloom to change my direction. its highly medicinal herb. NO QUESTION. Its just id rather smoke the other buds - i leave the adubb jar untouched. Its just not my thing. Different Stroked for different stroked.
Apparently I dont like medicinal herb huh hahahahaha. Im fucking retarded.... all that said i have hopes i can bring out more aroma & flavor the next few times so she can be deemed a resident.

but, like with people, not everybody makes in on Maui when they move. Thank good ness. Some get 6mos and cant take it and leave. Some stay a year before they gotta turn tail and run. Some try really hard last 5yrs and then decide its not for them. Then theres the lifers..... its a small rock and not room for everyone. NO KA OI

thats all for now....


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Best read I've had in a while.

GMTA it would seem.

Here's a roof idea.

Budz in bondage.jpg

Dog kennels rock.

North wing medical branch.jpg

Been using SS#4 but just dropped one into a 5g. DWC bucket To see if I can double the yield I get from Sunshine mix.

No Ka Oi indeed,


Gregskull I'm so stoked that I just found this thread man! I wish I had the freedom to go outdoors and get results like you have. Beautiful location and a nice, clean and tidy setup that keeps pumping out harvest after harvest. Now that's the fucking dream for real.

One thing that always amazes me about outdoor growing is how robust the plants become. Such thick and strong fan leaves that seem like they would slice you like a razor if you brushed past one too quickly haha.

Grow on brother!


PS. Love your "big HPS in the sky" analogy.


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
I just read 15 pages (pats myself on the back ) lol
I really like ur OCD I'm the same I hate messes and not staying organized
Ur taste pallet seems very similar to mine ..It's og Kush , sour diesel or nothing ..IMHO

I'm surprised ur getting only 1.25 with all that hard work and the sun ..I kno ur using super dank strains so yield might be low ..I hope it bumps up and works out for u ..


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Best read I've had in a while.

thanks for the kind words weez

Weez that roof is fucking awesome!!!!!
I was just talking tonight about getting a second kennel,,, your roof is spectacular. its finished looking!!!! I LOVE that shit yes.
Hit me up with the details if you can please (like basic how to add that roof style to my kennels hahaha).

Gregskull I'm so stoked that I just found this thread man! I wish I had the freedom to go outdoors and get results like you have. Beautiful location and a nice, clean and tidy setup that keeps pumping out harvest after harvest. Now that's the fucking dream for real.

aloha thanks for checking it out
i figure not many people have the opportunity to be where I am and do what I am, whatever that is hahaha so since ive been so blessed i figure i better take advantage of it and not screw it up.
i am so amazed that i am churning out the quality i am outside. its the perfect microclimate for the genetics. whoda thought? not me lol

any pics of the mountain madness x raspberry kush?

great thread btw

sup dude.
i hate to tell you this, but i don't even have any of the seeds i made. i sent in like 1000 of the cross. and i gifted a bunch to folks. but fuck if i didnt give away my own archive pack too. im fucking retarded hahahaha

thanks for the kind words.

I just read 15 pages (pats myself on the back ) lol
I really like ur OCD I'm the same I hate messes and not staying organized
Ur taste pallet seems very similar to mine ..It's og Kush , sour diesel or nothing ..IMHO

I'm surprised ur getting only 1.25 with all that hard work and the sun ..I kno ur using super dank strains so yield might be low ..I hope it bumps up and works out for u ..

man i have been shaking my head like a motherfucker. see, last run i did in coco i grew 9 plants in 3g (11") pots fed heavy. a few **** hairs shy of 800gs... roughly 88g per plant. considering i flowered them at 20-24" tall, pretty stoked.

now i changed medium (from coco to peat moss), base food (coca a/b to fox farms grow big/tigerbloom), and container size (3g to 7g err 11" to 15"). i thought bumping up to the bigger container would ensure an equal/greater yeild. i did dial back the food to a lighter ec range. The quality was the best id done though by far ever... oldhaole thinks i overpruned a little too much. hahaha how fucked is that i might have cut off my 1/2 and threw it into the compast pile? man that sucks. so this time i pruned soooooo carefully. we'll see how things go. cmon 100g plants!!!!

fuck you read all the pages? damn thats awesome.
clean and orderly is the way. so sayeth the sheppard so doeth the sheep hahaha
i read that clutter can actually cause people to have anxiety... somethign about a primal instinct and there might be something that can eat you hiding in the mess hahaha
so the less bullshit i have on my mind the better i can enjoy my high. hahaha

Lookin good Grey, Hawiian outdoor, can't beat that!

hey thanks for stopping in and dropping some kind words.

any words are welcome good or bad
but i orefer the good hahahaha

awesome thread greyskull:)

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Veg N Out

You'd do better if you built some raised beds. Pots don't yield good. Ever.

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