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So, your going to buy some seeds or start a new strain. here's the best advice


Its all how the info presented.

If you say X strain sucks ass and X breeder does too, thats not constructive. If you post actual details, ask if others have had your experience rather than asserting facts, and stay humble instead of offensive, you are a lot more likely to be received well.

I somewhat asked him to say who it wanst, its not one of the regular shitstorm targets here.


Active member
Maybe, many of you do this but I think its the best advise I would give anyone. It is very simple. Do an advanced search on new car. Then read through that thread and look for active members that mentioned they were in the process of buying that car but never really mentioned it again. Then start sending pm's to these members about their experience. BuyaNew car s the best and most complete forum but you might need to try other places as well to get a good sample size.

After a bad experience with my last new car I was confused. Was it me? Sure there was a couple of unhappy people but 99% was positive. So I started pm'ing. Here are the results.

4 people loved it best thing ever.
5 people liked it. Got something they could work with. 4 of those did not think they were going to keep it around very long but were not harsh on it but not really happy either.
4 people including myself had a disaster nothing good to say and were actually angry.
3-4 other people responded but had started from used car or had something named the same from another dealer

What do these results mean? What would they mean to you? Interested in responses.

All I can say is that it would have probably made me look elsewhere or test another car and compare results. I just did the same thing with my current car and everything was positive but the engine size was much smaller.

I think many people will not diss a car in a thread especially if most of the reviews are positive but pm them and you will get a real ear full.

Sorry in advance to those car dealers with a large good history history.
What The ?:snap out of it:


Active member
The way I understand it...Cannabis has a very complicated gene structure that determines how "potent" it will be. It's not something that can be bred for, because there aren't a complete set of markers.

As a result...breeders breed for the other traits that people love and then hope for the best. Even a well worked strain has different phenotypes. For many strains, it will take a lot of plants to find your holy grail. Once you find her...you MUST clone her, or you'll begin the search again.

If you could breed exclusively for potency...there would be a variety that was feminized and 100% were "an acid pheno". There isn't any...so don't be fooled. There are some strains where you get a higher percent than others. But as far as I know...there is no 100% of popped seeds yields a guaranteed "fuck you up" plant. Remember too...the Sativas are usually stronger than Indicas...but you pay a price with a longer flowering time.

When growing just a few seeds, getting 2-3 of a strain to finish, it's just too small a sample to judge. Many prefer the breeders who give you 15-20 seeds so you're sure to find at least 1 spectacular specimen. It's a gamble...every seed is a little different from the next. Even a selfed, feminized seed can be different than the mother.

The moral is...pick a reliable breeder, one where a lot of people get what they're looking for...what's advertised...and grow enough to be able to get a good representation. If you want stability...got for IBL or landrace. You want variety...with a leaning toward some trait you want...get a hybrid. If you want a LOT of variety...maybe EVERY plant of the F2's will be noticeably different, get a multi-hybrid.

Read through the breeders forums and it will get you started. A few from EVERY breeder will be "hay"...it's the way it goes. Nature apparently stacked the deck on us.

After Cannabis has it's DNA mapped...and research is allowed. Then we'll get the "everyone's a winner...every seed a keeper" strains. GM weed...if that's what you want...a guaranteed trait.

Good luck...


Active member
G/m Geneticly modified:thr product of genetic manipulation.These seeds remain the copyrighted property of the creator(e,g, Monsanto)and any produced seeds cannot be legally saved.
As far as anything GM thers a good article in Urban Garden about GM food Pigs dont want to eat it why would anyonre want to smoke it


over rated? lol it was just made an hour and a half ago?

while I agree the advice part in the title is misleading, lots of people do get seeds through this site and are confused by some misguided praise OR misguided bitching.

i think he ment there is "a thread" on your most disapointed
over rated strains.


Wow how did this thread come to this point. All I was trying to say is do a little digging before buying. I wanted to give people some simple tools to use before they choose and spend the next 6 months of there lives working with their decision. Lets face it there is an explosion in marijuana horticulture right now and no standards to hold breeders. Breeders lose mothers, sub out seed making dont test seeds etc. etc. to keep up with the demand. I do not think every seed should be the holy grail nor should there be one in every pack but I do believe you should get something that works or is somewhat acceptable. By pm'ing people who are good growers and have no apparent bias towards the strain you are thinking about will help cut through the propaganda and bs. I think you will be able to get the best current picture of the strain you want to buy this way. And that the best way to make any buying decision with any product.


yeah... but... you told people to 'do a little digging' and then told us about your bad experience with an unnamed strain.

Did you expect them not to dig? They wanted to dig before you suggested it. Your stance is counter to your suggestions about research.


G/m Geneticly modified:thr product of genetic manipulation.These seeds remain the copyrighted property of the creator(e,g, Monsanto)and any produced seeds cannot be legally saved.
As far as anything GM thers a good article in Urban Garden about GM food Pigs dont want to eat it why would anyonre want to smoke it

That's really funny if you think about it since most pot growing is already illegal anyway. You think anyone will really give a rip?


et tu brute. If they ask me about a specific strain I have specific experience about I will answer. Better yet if I see someone ask about a strain in a thread I have experience with I will answer. But I already have a biased opinion.

"better to seek out those whose opinion is respected but not yet known"
Bobman September 18th 2010


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
Part of the issue is that if you dis certain breeders strains you're gonna get a shitstorm. People are gonna tell you that you don't know how to grow, etc. I had a bad experience with mr nice seeds a few years ago. You think i'm gonna post up a thread about how none of the seeds would germinate and then listen to a bunch of folks telling me I suck and don't know how to germinate seeds? No, I just moved on. It's just not worth posting bad reviews.

Maybe someone he pm'd will tell us what strain he was asking about. Anyone??

pretty much my thoughts - even on things that are common enough that research actually shows said problems (ex; batches of DP blueberry being hermie festivals in a seed packet) you still get the same responses that discount your experience in favor of calling it your fault.

on things where it's against the prevailing wind or personality cult-lite some breeders enjoy, it's just doubly not worth the hassle.

just me, but i leave it to those who ask. if somebody is asking, i'll share negative experiences. if not, i just shut the hell up.

not conducive to getting the most/best information out there, i realize - but i also come here to dick off and have fun - that doesn't really agree w/ pecker wagging that inevitably results.


that is exactly why i started this thread I think you will get your best info by pm'ing the right people