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Menage A Blue DoobieDuck


Very interesting phenotype! There is actually a large indica going right now at a dispensary I go to with purple edges. I'm excited to see your grow as I was considering picking up a few clones soon from a similar plant :D


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ICMag Donor
A one picture update is not common for me but all I can squeeze in today. I encourage you to look at my journal here. Doobies Journal
This is a great smelling little plant very early on.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
This plant is in the worst spot in my green house, I now find out with the sun moving North. My first year growing in the house remember. It is closest to an upright that shades it for a couple hours, a couple is all, in the afternoon..but that makes a differance. We got a lot of summer left! I have bent it over and topped it and training it low now. I'm sure, if female, it will produce some nice buds and colas for images and that's what I'm all about. Here is todays pic..thanks for your views and posts..DD


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Boy you do have those girls trained low. Gonna be some bushes. Things are coming along nicely. :good:

GreatLakes THC :joint:


That's a really nice looking plant, I'm a sucker for colorful plants. I hope she keeps the colors going all the way through flower :)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
GreatLakes, Amberman many thanks for your posts, Bun1 welcome to IC Mag. here are some pix captured in todays early morning lighting. The plant is a female I believe and bushing out nicely, although the slowest grower still in my patch. Thanks everyone for your views and posts..DD




in this last image it is the furthest plant, left of the chair on the left.....



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Csedge this plant has gone completely male, not just hermie with occasional sacks but full blown male,,it was yanked, sorry to disappoint, I rather bummed myself...DD


ICMag Donor
that's too bad DD, i had high hopes. looked like a female too. i guess the plant was just a little too freaky to be grown. one of the coolest plants i've ever seen though.

the other menage a blue seeds were good and did not hermi if i recall?


May your race always be in your favor
Soory about that DD, But on the other note, love your green house set up.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
that's too bad DD, i had high hopes. looked like a female too. i guess the plant was just a little too freaky to be grown. one of the coolest plants i've ever seen though.
the other menage a blue seeds were good and did not hermi if i recall?
Ready and Pearl thank for your condolances..Reddy the others I grew out were fine. Why this hermied I have no clue..I wouldn't think light issues as it is outdoors! DD


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
.....this plant has gone completely male, not just hermie with occasional sacks but full blown male, it was yanked, sorry to disappoint, I rather bummed myself...DD
Amberman if you saw this from the past page you would understand why there are no more pix...just a hole in the ground now...sorry Brotha. My journal has all the other girls in it..DD


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ICMag Donor
Puma welcome Brotha..I'm not seeing what you're trying to show. I did not have any mites, still do not. I had some mites indoors years ago in my Malawi Gold landrace sativa but none since. Our outdoor humidity levels are dry desert..no mite could survive outdoors here I don't think. This plant was yanked due to its being a male. Smiles...DD


hello Doobie:wave:
thanks for the welcome but i must strongly disagree the plant in the pic above has a bad case of mites there is no doubting that fact...

you can see the WEBBING and the MITES plain as day, umm not so much in that smell pic but in the big pics you have in the first post there CLEARLY visable....


hey Doobie:wave:
its no biggy bro im not trying to start anything i just thought it was wired why no one else pointed that out...

any ways i do have a Qestion i have a cross of CHEM D * MENAGE-A-TROIS and was wanting your OPINION on how you think this cross will do....umm i was a little saddened when i read where you said the other MANAGE's did not have that wonderfull blueish hue to them.....ohhh and very sorry she turned out to be a he, that does happen at times..
peace brother:wave:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Puma then we agree to disagree Brotha. The webs you are seeing are spider, gossemer webs, I have those still in my mite free crop.
Here's a enlargement of the section of leaf from the images you are refering to for you to evaluate. I see the dots you claim are mites. I'm not sure what they are, I'm baffled? Possibly dust in my camera or on the lens but some are globs, much larger, than others. They are also very white, some blurry and some sharp, as if on different sections of the glass at differing distances from the film plane. Yet there are none in the darker out of focus area but that is common? Maybe someone else would like to chime in for us? Thanks for your concern. DD

Your cross..should be excelent..peace out...DD
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