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greenhouse seeds


Whats intresting is that he says Neville never left and is still at greenhouse when Shanti said he and Neville left years ago leaving Arjan nothing!
This is the heart of the matter on which the whole argument over GH genetics rests imo as peoples anecdotal accounts of small grows with GH seed realy aren't enough to convince me either way - of the beans being good or bad. no offence meant.
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man, what go around came back round, i' not care about G13 or G13haze, this is not point, for me the one i try in the cup was no good for taste but strong (from barney), stop make big deal of some that not even point. fish for any i write false. so not kno why it win. shame on marketing of who make g13 and g13haze for me I really think is the same, I not kno better of that. so shame on that for me not be g13 expert and kno it different.

back for my points, quote from sam skunkman correct shanti in shanti forum, not forget it for sam to be political correct:

Sam_Skunkman said:
I see you posting about Nevile and the Original Haze, I have a question, what year did you first meet Neville? When did you come to Holland? When did you first see the Haze from Neville? What year did Neville get the Original Haze? If you were not there, how do you know for sure? I was there...

I gave and showed Nevile his first Haze, it was in 1984 and it was seeds. I gave him a clone the next year, my worst Haze, I gave him my worst because I did not trust him, he promised to only make new hybrids with the haze, and not with my varieties as the other parent. He broke his promise and I was glad I only gave him my worst haze, as he was soon making pure haze as well as all my other varieties, so much for a promise from Neville...
The Haze Bros never came to Holland, never gave Neville seeds or clones, the Haze Bros never even grew with clones! Neville got the Haze from me.

Old ED had nothing to do with Original Haze.

"Nevil received seed of from the Haze bros and through alot of trial and error that is where the few Haze selected males and females came from.
I believe Nev and Sam were doing a few things ...but separately and Sam is only speculating about the Haze. The egos got in the way more than anything else. THe only thing that makes me a little skeptical about Sam's view is the point he says he gave Nev his worst Haze for Nev to make seed with. How did he know it was the worst ,had he bred it to other Hazes? Why had he kept it so long, and for what reasons would a good breeder keep a so called bad Haze plant? Why would he agree for Nev to make a batch of seed with it if it was bs? and so on....for me that point seems more ego than reality"

"But the best thing to say to you all is that we at MNS worked on '69 seed that Nev received in the 70s."

I gave the Haze to Neville, not the Haze Bros. They have never been to Holland and never meet Neville. They never made seeds for sale, you could not buy Original Haze seeds until I made them. Both of the Haze Bros are very close friends of mine.
The reason I gave my worst Haze clone is because I did not trust Neville, and I was right. He begged and begged for a Haze clone promising never to sell it pure, and I gave him my worst clone because I wondered if he was telling me the truth, and yes I had bred the clone many times along with my other dozen haze clones and knew it was my worst from progeny trials. I had kept it around because it was from older Haze seeds, and I wanted to be sure it had no use. I still have it. I never said it was bad I said it was my worst, but the worst Haze can still be good....just not as good as the best Haze clone.
And Shantibaba, Neville did not have any Haze seeds from 1969, I did but I never gave any to him ever for sure. And he did not work with haze in the 1970's, he never saw or heard of Haze until 1984, when we talked about them. He did not even grow Cannabis or sell seeds in the 70's so you are just plain wrong. Or someone has lied to you.

I like both Nevilles NH, and Shantibabas, and Arijans SSH's even though none of them are pure Haze or pure Sativa's they are pretty good herb, many people that have not smoked the pure Original Haze think SSH is some of the best in the world, I think the Original Haze was/is better in taste, strength, effects, and potency, at least in my opinion.
Remember that SSH has NL5 genes in it, and I never liked NL's, to Indica for me.

When I met Neville he was selling imported IBL seeds he got from dealers or coffee shops for $.25 each, Mex, Columbian, African, he had not grown any of the seeds he sold, He was not yet a grower, at least indoors not yet, I helped teach him indoor growing, he had no western bred varieties, zero... until he met me.
That changed as he ripped me and many others for their work and sold them as his own...
If you think he was fair, what can I say?
I don't really like wasting my time bad rapping people even if they deserve it, it is not my idea of a good time.
I do not mean to hassle Shantibaba, he was not part of this, it happened before he was around, and I have no hard feelings toward Shantibaba, he has always been a standup guy to me.
All the best Shantibaba,
back to the real point...dont waist your time or money on greenhouse shwag...buy nirvana before greenhouse...and as funny as that sounds its true nirvana wipes the floor with greenhouse...have a great day


tornado = arjan.

I think your times best spent trying to solve GHS dramas personaly and you know theres many.


Trainwreck = Nor Cali

Not Arjan or Greenhouse seeds

I've said it before. 30K will buy you a cup. Does anyone remeber back when they entered BOG and Rez gear at one of the cups? It's funny how Rez has some killer gear and allot of shops in Adam wanted it, but he couldn't place back then. There was allot of stories going around. I am not promoting Rez gear, just stating what happen back then.

I've heard from a good source that samples of strains from small time breeders. That are known to win or place. Are switched so it doesn't happen. Money is what wins that contest. If you think it's not, then your blind. Sorry, but it's the truth.

Oh, if you think all my info is from the internet. Well, your wrong. I've got a close uncle that has been living in Holland since the late 70's and he knows all and see's all. Guess that's what happens when your in the grey and black market over there. Take it with a grain of salt. I don't care.

I too still keep Nirvana seeds around and will always have some around. I personally love the Papaya and K2. I need to try their Rhino next.
Take care,


please close mouth for next quote:
Blue Shark said:
Neville Boam's current Neville's Haze that he sells through Shantibaba at Mr Nice Seedbank and The Greenhouse (of which he is still a silent partner to this day) is of a different genepool than the one that White Label sells through Sensi Seeds.
and more

Stashman of Homegrown420 said:
Whatever you'll saying is speculative to say the least. Yes I have it confirmed that neville is a silent partner in greenhouse he also runs a fish farm in Holland. Shanti also says he works with neville, which is also probably true.
Is funny how 2 older same post was delete from icmag post by other member here.
maybe after pm from shatni?
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Dalaihempy said:
tornado = arjan.

I think your times best spent trying to solve GHS dramas personaly and you know theres many.

yes sure i am ghandi! X arjan! X Dalailama and Budha cross with White Widow Haze. is your only answer for my truth.

i out for now...


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
The cannabis cup has always been the highest bidder wins,lets face it its a corrupt industry that needs a big shake up.
I just wish the big breeders would cut the crap and concentrate on producing good varieties instead of trying to out bullshit each other for a quick buck.
I'm a minnow in the seed world but at least i'm honest and don't bull shit just to earn a quick $£.


Active member
according to rez greenhouse is the worst company in the world,but thats because of some personal issues between the both of them the fact is if you don't mind growing stolen genetics go for it,but i recommend going WITH shantibaba(mr.nice) for pure genetics,definatly not STOLEN...JAH BLES...AND BE AWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS........


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor


Greenhouse Seeds 5 pack - unfeminized - 4 seeds sprouted , 2 males, 2 female
Here's the thread... GHS SSH Grow
Pheno #1, I call it "Bart"...

Pheno #2, I call it "Turps"...

2 females that I'm growing in clone, both good yielders, great taste, excellent
long lasting high. Kept'em both cause I can't decide which to let go. My
friends and I love this stuff, that's the bottom line.

OK, all you sycophants who diss GHS lets see your proof!
Lets see some pics of the crappy plants...

Don't post and dis unless you have proof, that's what I would like to see.

I don't base my seed buying on marketing practices, I would rather buy my
beans from breeders who have wacky marketing than an outright belligerent
arsehole. I'll NEVER buy from him. He lost my business.

Anyway let's see how many of the sycophants can actually
prove what they post.


marijuanamat said:
The cannabis cup has always been the highest bidder wins,lets face it its a corrupt industry that needs a big shake up.
I just wish the big breeders would cut the crap and concentrate on producing good varieties instead of trying to out bullshit each other for a quick buck.
I'm a minnow in the seed world but at least i'm honest and don't bull shit just to earn a quick $£.

I agree with you 100%. The seed business needs a BIG shake up for sure. Let's see what this minnow can do, lol. I agree, if vendor would focus more on the seeds and growers. I think thing would be so much better and less drama.
Take care,
i will pm you my previous screen name if you would like....i did a test grow for them on the ultra haze #1....here is one i chopped today...the last one in my garden thank goodness...


Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
You guys/gals go easy on Tornado as he is a lost soul....He contradicts himself and then says not to focus on his inability to get the facts right...

the pic of Rhino you posted should be coated with resin at that point.....Oh well you just have to grow a lot more of those F2's to find a keeper thats all....


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Upgradeshafted, thanks for posting. They don't look all that bad, does the smoke suck?
At least you've grown it. Thanks again for the pics. NS
yes the smoke is much like mexican brick...much like my very first grow 8 years ago with mexican brick...just fluffy nothing special mexican sativa weed man
only arjan or one of his gimps would compare arjan to these leaders amoung men...arjans arrogance you can see his clan a mile away...always making themself out to be something special...get a clue arjan...your all but out my friend...better make some more youtube videos so you get all the newbie children to grow your wares lol
tornado said:
yes sure i am ghandi! X arjan! X Dalailama and Budha cross with White Widow Haze. is your only answer for my truth.

i out for now...


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
That's too bad, quite a different experience from mine.

May your garden stay green...
and spidermites infest your enemies armpits.

(1)Man,the service sucks.(2)Anyone that uses YouTube as a means to sell children seeds isan idiot(3)The crap shoot as to what the meds finnish aswhen done,compared to what they are advertised as///never the same///. (4) New hired "Breeder"every week,one here one there.Maybe once in awhile theres real work done :bashhead: ,but its more a<McD's fast service seed shop,hold the THC. $40 SSHxOGKA(Rez) true SSH in this cross :rasta:
:rasta: And $45 BoggleGum(Bog),two great purchases for very cheap.I wont spend a dollar with GreedHouse,but would purchase from these genetics again. :rasta:



Rexel said:
Alot of hermie in the feminized the curch / big bang.

I did 10 of each, i know not a whole ton, but no hermies in mine. What was your %?

Grow medium, lighting etc? Maybe you stressed em?


At least when you buy from GHS the seeds (each seed) comes sealed and you know you got what you paid for. Some reputable breeders, like Serious, pack their seeds in such a way that they can be tampered with along the way and you can't be sure of what you are getting. This presents a real problem for me when I order from the same places that sell hacks and F2's.