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Government WILL Ban Guns Soon....

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Game Bred
i think if the founding fathers had any idea the strength of the yellowstone caldera they would have outlawed super volcanoes


weed fiend
The people posting the meme photos and cartoons are great. I get so many of those on the ol' social media, glad to see more examples here. Very clever.

if Obama winds in November your guns will be taken away and there's nothing you can do about it. Well, you can hope they don't come to your house and sit on you and take your stuff

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What the fuck?


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Unread 09-14-2012, 11:16 PM
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Welcome to the short version of the thread. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
apparently you don't read well. i had a long drawn assed post telling you that you're not understanding the whole fucking point. that we all know you can pretty much kill a civilian who trespasses, depending on the state of course. that's not the god damn point. i'd say about 95-99% of the population have not had a armed assailant trespassing, or breaking in.

everyone has been saying they need guns for protection. the government will have to pry em from my cold dead hands type of mentality. well, when they come, whether it's for your guns or some other reason, the link was to tell you what is legal when it comes to what LEO can do. not some moron who's trying to rip your backyard crop. we all know what you can do to him. i'm showing you what LEO is limited to with the link. nothing more. it's not the authors opinion, it's an author taking case law precedents and explaining it. if you don't understand that, it's not my fault, and i'm sorry ya don't.

there are a lot of golden rules depending who ya ask. want me to field strip an m1 garand too? i only shoot what i know i can kill. i've been shooting everything from a bb gun to a luger held by nazi gestapo since i was 8. i'm 38 now. never shot or pointed a gun at a human being and never would. i'd rather kill ya with my bare hands or maybe with a bat to hear a skull crack. imo shooting someone is too easy. i'm gonna go enjoy this bowl. have a good night.


Well-known member
don't mind my random posts, i got into this thread by accident. i think i may have thought i was on fark.com.

on another topic, is that white person in the meme photo above a dude or a chick? kind of an easy target guys... chicks with dreads should be off-limits.

/steps out quietly

edit: in the post above, highlighted sentence, i was implying that when the gov't bans guns, which will happen when the white woman from the south is re-elected president after the failed attempt by the christian fundie/GOP coalition/AIDS-Crack CARTEL to put in forth another 9-11 (you'll hear about this later), the gov't will come to your house and subdue you by having a large person sit on you person.
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shaking off fleas, good analogy.
Apparently we need to defend ourselves from the volcanoes with guns ;)
On a serious note if I found myself around one that pops I'd definitely want a basic load out.
edit: in the post above, highlighted sentence, i was implying that when the gov't bans guns, which will happen when the white woman from the south is re-elected president after the failed attempt by the christian fundie/GOP coalition/AIDS-Crack CARTEL to put in forth another 9-11 (you'll hear about this later), the gov't will come to your house and subdue you by having a large person sit on you person.

You think the christian fundie/GOP coalition/AIDS-Crack CARTEL would fail at the attempt?
More like through the success of such an event would gun confiscation begin, when they say "emergency!" and clean house of those still breathing. got protection for your lungs? Might need a whole lot of it, and worst case there may be nowhere to go, no where to "shower off". better hope its not that big :tiphat: However I wouldn't put it past "them", others, or the earth itself.


Active member
This is my thoughts about whats going to happen
with a out of control tax policy, and the burden left for the public to pay for the debt and possible run on the government, by the citizens of USA the government will have no choice but to declare martial law and have the army use all necessary force to protect the constitution ,
You read about FEMA camps , hell even with obama care citizens will have to be id chipped to me that's to control the public , or how about these privacy laws the government can listen to your calls etc. oh its for national security like fck it is
with Muslims living pretty much next door to you you actually think it can be stopped ??what has really happened since 911 ?? and personally i think it was a inside job


ICMag Donor
Reading is fine , comprehension even better.......read your link......read it again.......where in State or Federal statute does it say that a "No Trespassing" sign is like a car alarm........authors opinion.......!:comfort:

But in all honesty they cant come for what doesn't exist.



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Again, people are not getting what I said, rather focus on who I am who wrote it than looking at it logically. I am as well as others are feed other theories of why GUNS WILL BE BANNED, so far I have heard everything under the sun WHY, but nothing logical. The focus of the theories is not leading anywhere but more division by us, on ourselves. What I had said was when there is a volcano/earthquake/Tsunami/uprising you have more of reason, and actuallity that the govt will use that situation for MARTIAL law, as in The last hurrican that just went thru Luisiana.

Locically means weighing out the possibility, Govt going door to door for your guns, vs the govt rounding ppl up from pending doom from any natural disasters. We all here can see, or research the facts of WORLD disasters just in this short month let alone the year, I need not have to put in the blanks that Mayan's, Eygptian, and Aztecs, oh and Hopi Indian text say something will happen this time period. I need not to speak of Jesus words of warning, the rumors of war, famines, the waters turning red, earthquakes,

These are things very relivant to this subject wether you believe in them or not, because if you dont, hell all thats needed is to open your eyes to view what was said, who cares who said it, the shit is hitting the fan, Daniel in old testiment said a statue with all kinds of metal elements were in fact symbolic of the kingdoms that will rule the planet from beginning to end, but the last elements he shown of the last kingdom Iron, was the statues toes, they were made out of clay, and clay dont mix with metals, and will break apart, or away from it, hence symbolism of our time today, ppl are breaking away from govt control, or principals, and the man Daniel lived over 2000 years ago, and yes I would rather focus on that than how I will blast a fool with my super dooper gun, and my GIjoe type of thinking, as if it cant be bigger than that!

Yes we all can get down, and argue, we can call names, we can ignore, talk more of bullshite, or we can LOGICALLY look at what is said in thread title, and realize the current threat of our planet has way more presidance over uncle sam knocking on your door! All you Rambo types are theatrical at best, I need not to hear foolish sayings to get me to wisdom, I just look abroad at any country we have troops, they kick in doors on ppl without guns, they slaughter women children, no fuckin Taliban, and even with all they hype of the govt coming for my guns still is baby bullshit to the matter of reality, go anywhere shit is going down, and still have your stance, we are the last continent to not see such turmoil, and we think its far away in a different world or something! Geesh!!!


Game Bred
you gotta love those types who "ignore" you but talk about you incessantly....

i got five dollars super tasting boy reads every ignored post.


To Have More ... Desire Less
1st... warning guys.... a few of U good folks just need to move along....
please remain on topic... and cut out the personal drama innuendo's....

alrightythen.....carry on


Active member
ok, ya found a single opinion in 14 pages of explanation, but it's an explanation of how signs are viewed by almost everyone, and that's 99% true. plus it actually makes a point that indirectly relates to the case described. still useful knowledge in my book, ymmv though.


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DOJ Gives ATF Orders To commit Civil Forfeiture Against Medical Marijuana Gun Owners

DOJ Gives ATF Orders To commit Civil Forfeiture Against Medical Marijuana Gun Owners


While the profit motive police model has been one the feds have slowly been getting away from since the late 90′s due to the inherent abuse and corruption it breeds and rights it violates,…The DOJ has not decided the already regressive BATF shall become officially devolve even more quickly and completely,…giving a big giant green light for them to now seize guns in civil forfeiture cases wherever drug abuse by the owner is merely suspected. No charges necessary, no due process.
While the latest directive does not come out and say it, this is an obvious attempt at a ham-fisted solution to states’ rights medical marijuana issue. While many states have said it is ok for citizens to possess weed, the feds have been trying to dissuade the practice by seeking to revoke concealed carry permits and other civil rights related to gun possession by those who seek medical marjiuana status. But this has turned out to be more effort than the feds have been prepared for, and costly. In short, there are just too many damned people to prosecute, most of whom fight and don’t just roll over, for the courts to handle the work load.

So, their answer to that logistical problem is to just dispense with due process, making everything much easier, cheaper and less time-consuming.

Since medical marijuana users are required to have a state license, they are listed in a handy database. Holders of CCW cards as well, are also databased, making the two lists easily cross-referenced. Hitler would have been impressed. Soon, anyone who appears on both lists will be getting their doors kicked in. But is that all? What if you are an activist who fights for and promotes medical marijuana or ending the War on Drugs? To law enforcement, is that likely to be interpreted that you must also be a user of such substances? (Remember, SUSPICION is all that is required.) Might gun owners who have fought to end the Drug War end up getting raided. ATF’s history as a dangerous rogue agency suggests that is a valid worry.

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Active member
Funny thing, I been gone from ic a couple of days, and well I dont see much activity on ic, I mean where is everyone? Did they start the door to door already? Or is everyone harvesting?


My opinion anyways, im calling it now, its going to happen....

No, its not going to happen. Good tread though, compelling in a Cable News sort of way.

You'll see changes in the 1st amendment way before the 2nd.

Limit free speech, then go for the guns.

Right ladies?
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