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Government WILL Ban Guns Soon....

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State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
all the new ones do... -=[ ive been thinking of hitting the undergrounds lately myself.


weed fiend
were's the irrelivance?

were's the irrelivance?

Oh, here it is.

Weather man says 70% chance of rain tomorrow. Where is the evidence I say. My outdoor plans will not change without evidence, besides I can't get wet with a 70% chance of rain can I.

The Whole batman shooting was planned for a reason. It came just days before a huge gun bill was about to pass thru congress. Theyre going to slowly strip of us of our amendments. They were put there to shield us from the governement growing to powerful. We have the right to bear arms, to feed, and protect ourselves and our families. Make people aware of what we are in danger of losing.

What gun bill are you talking about?


Game Bred
is that a gay slur?
seems like you are using derogatory language(bologna bangers)to be insulting....



When they made it law to turn in every sliver of gold, every american had....many hid alot of it away. Its just now coming out in the open to pawnshops and the like. The Government...if they try to take the "right to bare arms" away from us...they will be killed and overthrown by the very citizens that are being violated by a dictatorship government.

The government has been slowly pushing every citizen into a corner so they can watch, keep track of, and control through force if neccasary, all americans. No kingdom lasts forever and our government, through the force of there laws and war machines, will destroy itself internally as the citizens take back America and try to bring it back to what made this country great. They will turn there war machines, bought with our money, made by our hands and sweat, and use them against us.
Then the external forces like Russia, Iran, and China will move in for the death blow. The only hope America has now is to overthrow our government and reinstate the original constitution that has so blatently been manipulated by power hungry politicians and apalogize to the world for our arrogance and misuse of power against foriegn and domestic

Guest 315072

its like the grow would maybe give u some jail time.. the rest of the shit shooting cops and shit.. will get u killed.. and suicide by police sounds more of a chumps way out.. then just taking it and keep going on with life.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey alone

#1 if you have a fully auto AK47 you didnt get it in any gun shop or gun show there you'll only be abel to purchase a semi auto ak47. now if you have a federal firearms license to own a fully auto rifel that means you went through a rigorus back ground check take 3-5 yrs

america wake the fck up no one including the fckn United Nations will ever take away our right to own and Bear firearms. more regulations on them yes but flat out take em away

yea right not with out another civil war

this shit happens every presidental election
the NRA is run by the reptilians/republicians and they cry gonna loose your rights every time


Active member
fully auto AK is pointless, good for suppression fire and keeping some heads down but say good bye to your accuracy and hitting targets out past 50 yards....

gun confiscation will never happen, there are already over 200 million guns in circulation, it would cost the government million of dollars to try and enforce a ban...most americans would bury their weapons and claim them stolen...guns would become hot black market commodities, guns will get broken down into parts and smuggled into the country from eastern europe and china still....

the 2nd amendment and recent court rulings protect all guns in "common use"..so pistols, shotguns, hunting rifles are all protected...the only ones exposed are the semi auto assault rifle style guns like ar15s.....and hi-cap magazines and mail order ammo are also on the chopping block.....

but thats why i just put two ar15 lowers and an AK through dros....get em now while the gettings good! sb249 will be back next year mark my word....

irobot sd

All hypothetical questioning & thinking here. But even if a ban were to go into place. With 200 mil firearms in the US. Would underground gunsmith's stop at any means?

Shoots 420 rounds per minute and is belt-fed. The 80-year-old builder got caught and the gun was confiscated by police.
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