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Government WILL Ban Guns Soon....

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gun confiscation will never happen, there are already over 200 million guns in circulation, it would cost the government million of dollars to try and enforce a ban...most americans would bury their weapons and claim them stolen...guns would become hot black market commodities, guns will get broken down into parts and smuggled into the country from eastern europe and china still....

no, an independent piece of legislature calling for door to door confiscation is not practical

So, attention everyone- the most feasible means of physical confiscation is a New Orleans/Katrina type scenario of national scale, employing the same tactics. relocate, confiscate.
Also a lot of experience was gained over seas in locating anything from individually hidden rifles to stores of sml arms.
the 2nd amendment and recent court rulings protect all guns in "common use"..so pistols, shotguns, hunting rifles are all protected...the only ones exposed are the semi auto assault rifle style guns like ar15s.....and hi-cap magazines and mail order ammo are also on the chopping block.....
Exactly. For those of you who think its just election bs, it is not.
It's not simply "republicans screaming at election time "they're gonna take our guns"".
It is an actual agenda, it is on paper, and it has support from the "left" and the "right".
This is proposed restrictions on ammo purchase, hi capacity mags, and AR/AK platforms. However it would not surprise me if they went after all semi auto rifle.
We have the current pres saying "don't worry, I'll get IT done. I assure you." (IT = "assault weapons" ban, ammo restrictions).
His constituents would love to see ALL arms banned anyway.

but thats why i just put two ar15 lowers and an AK through dros....get em now while the gettings good!
You remind me of the seed junkies/bean addicts here, always something new. if you got the $$ go for it :biggrin:. I can't always follow your lingo though...
sb249 will be back next year mark my word...


Active member
building ar15s is an addiction just like buying and growing seeds lol....so many different brands and configurations. i just love my ar15, everyone who shoots it wants to buy one too...its practical and cheaper to shoot than most calibers, easy to break down and clean, very low recoil, and VERY accurate with the right optics....plus they are customizable as hell, i nickname ar15s "barbie dolls for men" lol....

dont get me wrong love the ak47 as well.....i view the AK as more of a spray and pray, go out and waste a box of cheap russian ammo kind of gun....i would feel pretty confident with one into a close quarters gun fight with multiple targets and where i would need to put down lots of lead in a short amount of time....but if i need a weapons system that can shoot out to 400-500 yards with accuracy and also be a close quarters gun i would stick with ar15 all day....

when i shoot the ak or sks i just have a hard time really hitting targets out past 400 yards....granted they do not have optics, just iron sights, but the bullet splashes seem inconsistent...i will shoot at the same spot over and over and once and a while a bullet will splash off somewhere else. never have that problem with my 16" ar15 /EOtech its always on the dot....and my next ar15 will have a 18" matchgrade barrel and a trijicon scope so that thing will punch out to 500 yards easy...my next goal is to build a SASS ar15..

i would build an ar10 .308 but ammo is just too expensive and not practical for target shooting, and the punch is alot more....but who knows i havent shot an ar10 yet, only a remington 308 with 10-20 leopuld scope, THAT THING IS ACCURATE.....head shots at 250 yards all day.


^the .308 is a beautiful round in that rifle. I can't wait to mount some optics on mine. I will probably buy an ar15 to practice with, caz like you said the price of .308 is outrageous. then once I get good with the ar15, practice the same with the .308 until i work out the kinks.


^^demi, you just gave me a good reason to pick a few more specimens of these fine pieces of craftmanship up before November.


why november specifically?

Caz last time the O was elected, the price went up quite a bit for ARs in any caliber and most places locally stocked out, in speculation of an imminent ban on these fine weapons of target shooting. I had to wait about 4 months for prices to come back to reasonable levels and still overpaid about 5-10% for my .308.


^Personally I am betting that the PAC's and special interests have accumulated enough revenue off of the ban lift that they can convince politicians that assault weapons have created jobs and taxable revenues, to the point that a new ban will not happen.


ar15 fans, you are gonna freak people out with all the gun specs. that really is stuff that is not for this site. there are loads of places where gun enthusiasts can show off their collections and knowledge of guns. on this site we are already on grey ground with this thread. lets keep it on the original topic the gun agenda of politicians and world leaders etc.

Alone my friend you are gonna get this thread closed down. you are being very unwise posting such stuff in todays climate. i don't want to see you get hassled, pls edit your posts to a politically correct level, we as a site can't use the attention either. don't think i'm judging your content in any way.

Guest 315072

thats what i was going to say.. no1 needs the attention .. and i hope they arent watching for ur the sites safety


They would never ban weapons here, thats the only reason why we are who we are. Because we dare another country to come over here and tell us what to do. No country could fight us on our soil but China. Since there is a China, they aint banning SHIT!


Active member
They would never ban weapons here, thats the only reason why we are who we are. Because we dare another country to come over here and tell us what to do. No country could fight us on our soil but China. Since there is a China, they aint banning SHIT!
Sorry to burden you over the statement, but in all actuality we are not Americans! About a year ago we were English, this was because in 1930s our govenment took out another loan after ww1, England refused inless collateral was giving up, so good old uncle pedofile sam gave up its people for collateral, thus issuing SSI numbersm meaning we the people pay back this loan that in no reach of being paid back when its in the multi trillions, but now China has bought out a large chunk of the debt, sooooo now we are Chinese! Not to be funny just to give out the truth, as we should be worried as the govt has been working with china since Clinton was in office.

So the statement was very missunderstood, as China out numbers us 100/1 and lodgically if they own this land by default, and chose to run shite, then what is stopping them? Guns? If there were ever a reason to fear communisim like in the 40s-70s this would be it, not a trumped up cuban missle crisis.

Tho these are facts, I highly doubt it will go down like that, but either way the govt knows there will be tons of bodies as FEMA has already stocked piled 4man coffins, have every executive order in place, all military bases are converted, and the govt has made 40million purchases over the last couple of years on ammo, regardless of how it will happen, the govt is already prepared. We need to look at the lies of whats going on in Syria, Eygpt, and Lebonon, we are creating the killings out there to start shite using CIA ops, two of them just got caught in Syria snipping innocent ppl even kids, they filmed the two CIA agents getting kicked, and stomped on while they pleaded for their lives on camera, its not Syria or the others doing this madness its our govt. I will post the link, everyone should watch to know who we are truly dealing with, and the media has most this nation fooled.


This video is very clear, and is how our govt does things since forever, now ask yourself how could this happen here in the US, does shite like the Batman shooting hold favor in this type of disinfo, and manipulation?

Hank Hemp

Active member
everything sold out in 2008-9

everything sold out in 2008-9

Caz last time the O was elected, the price went up quite a bit for ARs in any caliber and most places locally stocked out, in speculation of an imminent ban on these fine weapons of target shooting. I had to wait about 4 months for prices to come back to reasonable levels and still overpaid about 5-10% for my .308.

Around here everything down to and including 38spl soldout. Craze,I teased my gun nut buddies to know end, shutting retail rounds. I still laugh. The stores are stocking up. I don't blame them it's Christmas after all. I got a plan let's go to the walmart get a shit load of ammo, get this now, put it on lay away till after the election. I'm just saying you don't want to come up short, in the ammo dept.
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Sorry to burden you over the statement, but in all actuality we are not Americans! About a year ago we were English, this was because in 1930s our govenment took out another loan after ww1, England refused inless collateral was giving up, so good old uncle pedofile sam gave up its people for collateral, thus issuing SSI numbersm meaning we the people pay back this loan that in no reach of being paid back when its in the multi trillions, but now China has bought out a large chunk of the debt, sooooo now we are Chinese! Not to be funny just to give out the truth, as we should be worried as the govt has been working with china since Clinton was in office.

So the statement was very missunderstood, as China out numbers us 100/1 and lodgically if they own this land by default, and chose to run shite, then what is stopping them? Guns? If there were ever a reason to fear communisim like in the 40s-70s this would be it, not a trumped up cuban missle crisis.

Tho these are facts, I highly doubt it will go down like that, but either way the govt knows there will be tons of bodies as FEMA has already stocked piled 4man coffins, have every executive order in place, all military bases are converted, and the govt has made 40million purchases over the last couple of years on ammo, regardless of how it will happen, the govt is already prepared. We need to look at the lies of whats going on in Syria, Eygpt, and Lebonon, we are creating the killings out there to start shite using CIA ops, two of them just got caught in Syria snipping innocent ppl even kids, they filmed the two CIA agents getting kicked, and stomped on while they pleaded for their lives on camera, its not Syria or the others doing this madness its our govt. I will post the link, everyone should watch to know who we are truly dealing with, and the media has most this nation fooled.


This video is very clear, and is how our govt does things since forever, now ask yourself how could this happen here in the US, does shite like the Batman shooting hold favor in this type of disinfo, and manipulation?

FINALLY!!!!! Someone who knows history's truth and is willing to write about publically. :thank you:


weed fiend
Let's add a little perspective.

In approximately two centuries, 39 presidents amassed ~$980 billion in National Debt in 1980 dollars. Carter rolled a deficit but it was roughly $20 billion, mere peanuts comparatively.

So, $980 billion of which includes Carter's roll to Reagan.

Reagan tripled the National debt. Reagan... one president... 8 short years... tripled what it took 39 predecessors and two centuries to accomplish. Reagan didn't just triple the debt, Greenspan showed him how to intercept FICA revenues to offset general expenditures. Naughty naughty.

Reagan liked that so well he raised FICA on everybody making $37,500 (and under.) Ain't that special. He robbed Americans but made sure it wasn't rich Americans as he lowered their taxes to nearly a third of the 1980 rate.

HW added another cool trillion, effectively quadrupling what 39 presidents and two centuries had accomplished.

W added another 6.5 trillion.

Three men, 20 years and a big lie for fiscal policy made the National debt ratio as compared to their 39 predicessors look something like 10.5:1.

The whole SS # / Bank of England thing is a John Bircher fear-of-public-services myth. It's merely a curve ball that avoids the mention of Communism, Socialism, jismism etc.
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