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GOT_BUD? grows


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Starting a single thread for everything going on.

First up, the newest seedlings to head into the big room, Darkhorse Genetics Strawberry Glue. I originally started 8, but only 3 survived the seedling mix I tried to use (Stay away from NK's Seedling Mix. It turns into cement while drying out.)

So I went back to my old, worn out soil with used EWC and other assorted "secondhand" ingredients, and sowed another 10. Which all came up. :biggrin:

The 3 survivors are 1, 2, and 4. The current #3 and remaining seedlings are from the second round of seed starts which happened one week later.

I'll also be showing the next round of my 5x5 tent in here. Which consists of these SSSDH x GROM/Digiberry "Snowman" clones

Which came from a clone of this plant which is currently at day 67. The thread for that grow can be found in my signature.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I will find a seat in the corner

I can’t vote on nuthin, but no one can keep me from lurking...kinda mostly. :peek:
Thanks for stopping by, fellas. Hope I don't screw things up too badly.
That plant is friggn beautiful ...!!!...
Thanks man. I'm excited to see how she'll do in the tent. I've got a suspicion...
Awesome, it’s going to be a good thread!
I certainly hope so.
Sweet baby Jesus that SSSDHxSnowman is beautiful.
Yeah. You can be proud of that one my man.


ICMag Donor

Going to be a great thread. Glad to be in the early rounds. Beautiful plants!!!



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I'd like to tag along as well, if it's cool.
Looking good to me...

You too, dude. She looks great.
I see issues with her that I hope to sort out these next couple of grows with her clones. The tacoing of the leaves on the top half of the plant I think is an Mg issue. And I need a longer release nitrogen source to add to my top dressing, so I'll be adding feather meal and extra blood meal going forward.

Going to be a great thread. Glad to be in the early rounds. Beautiful plants!!!


Thank you brother!


Active member
Okay GOT BUD I see you out here doing big things. Thanks for dropping me the link. Im going to post up and take this journey with you.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Sorry it's been so long since updating, but work has been kicking my ass.

Clones were put into the tent, and they're slowly staring to move forward. I haven't seen much new growth, so I assume they're stretching their legs getting ready to take off.

Full disclosure shows the good as well as the bad, so...

The seedlings are surviving. Kind of. I think the soil may be a wee bit too hot for them yet. But I'm going to ride it out and we'll go from there. I've flushed a couple of times as much as I could, so I'm hoping that helps.

I'll not be growing these particular plants out to completion, but their clones. I want an all female garden in the big room this time around, so I'll take cuttings when these are big enough, sex these plants, then cull them. Unless a truly standout male appears. Then I'll let him flower out and collect the pollen for the future.

The clones were placed in the exact same soil, and they love it. That's why I assumed (incorrectly) that the seedlings would like it after the 2 week mark.

The mom's need a haircut desperately. That'll happen today.

I'm kind of disappointed in myself for the Strawberry Glue seedlings. I'm hoping despite my early stumble that they pull through and provide. But only time will tell.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The seedlings got worse. The flush didn't do anything but stress them. So this past weekend I took the time to pull them out of that soil, rinsed the roots off in RO water, and transplanted into "fresh" organic mix from one of the big box stores I cut 1:2 perlite to soil. I also added 1/2 a scoop of Wallace Organic Wonder to the roots. Which all looked very healthy despite the top looking like crap. Little thin, but nice and white and plenty strong.

I'm hoping they recover.

Work has been insane and I just haven't had the time or energy to care for them correctly during the week. It should have been done a couple weeks ago honestly.

On the upside, I did get my new intake filters installed on the big room. So now I have no more wind tunnel effect. When I run my fan wide open, my door no longer tries to collapse into the room. It doesn't even suck shut like it used to. The weatherstripping has enough nut to keep it propped open now.

Next round in the room should be stress free, knock on wood.