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Girlfriend won't let me grow


That diagram is hilarious!

Make sure, if you do go separate ways, not to leave on a big argument or disagreement. In the future that shit could come back to haunt you, especially if she tells people the epicenter of the break-up.

Oh snap!!

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Hey at least you ain't married to her, I know a few marriages that have ended because of women/growing dump her or do a stealth grow, but seriously go to Canada meet a stoner chick get married live on a mountain with a lake and have a good life with a nice green garden ;)


My female plants never make me make decisions like that! :mad:

maybe she's not worth it...but hey, ultimately the final decision is up to you.


She used to be hot when we started dating, fastforward a year, she's ballooned up 30+lbs or something, so I'm not that in to her anymore physically

Consider this: if she carries on with her current weight gaining trend, in 10 years she'll be a 500lb monster!

In all seriousness though, I advise a lifestyle talk with her. She doesn't like your lifestyle of growing/smoking green, and you don't like her overindulgence of food/laziness (which is far more detrimental to health than smoking weed, and even if it's not that big a deal, it's ammunition to use against her). You could reach a compromise; talk it through and make her understand that you've only got one life and you're not going to be living it by other peoples standards. Or you could become a secret midnight toker, set up a stealth box, and make everyone think you're "straight edge" (like me). Either that, or get rid of her. Break-ups don't need to be nasty. Just go for the "I really like you. You're special to me and we've had a great time together. I just feel like I need to move on now and experience more in my life".

Whatever you choose, I wish you good luck.


When someone starts up with the control I start looking for the door.

No doubt. All things in a relationship should be discussed and agreed on by all persons in said relationship. That includes growing.

To the OP...this isn't about growing or cannabis. It's about you and her and how you're cleary unhappy. Cut the excuses and make a decision. Tell her the truth....don't BS her 'cause she'll know.


New member
Wow, last night was brutal

Lots of crying, her saying "I hate you!" and "I can't believe you just broke up with me," more crying. Basically told her that I'm not happy with things, didn't bring up growing once, and I don't know HOW, but she ended up NOT leaving, and saying that she wants to help me be happy? WTFFFFFFFFFFFF

I was sooooooo close, I'm just a pussy. Gotta work it a bit more, but last night was rough

And I'm not in Canada actually, I live around a bunch of rednecks in the US :eek:


Been there... got the t shirt and sold it at a yard sale.

I must ask you. How important is MJ to you? Freezerboy said get a life, MJ is just a hobby, and i think thats completely INSANE! MJ is my life. Without growing I'm left in a very liberal, highly annoying area (that i dont really mind if i'm growing and smoking)

Imo, there is no good reason to live in this area if i wasnt growing. The people are generally fucking dicks. However our growing laws are fucking awesome. Pretty much anywhere in new England. I can grow up to 50lbs here, and face nearly the exact same penalties as simple possesion down south. If i got busted here, it would be a max 2 year sentence, down south, the sentence for simple possession is max 2 years.

My last g/f i moved up here to be with and to get away from down south tried to make me choose between herb and her, guess what i choose? In addition to really like getting baked, i'm also a medical patient in a non medical state. I can either take opiates near daily, or smoke mj and hash for the pain from 3 herniated disc. Only people that seem to want me not smoking, is my insane doctor, and crazy religious folks that think legal RX is 100x better than illegal MJ, just cause its illegal.

edit: how old are you? (if you dont mind me asking).... i once thought it would be a good idea to pull the "we'll you're getting fat, so if you stop eating so much, maybe ill stop smoking so much".... and i have to say that it was probabloy the worst thing i ever said....

Smooth B

She used to be hot when we started dating, fastforward a year, she's ballooned up 30+lbs or something, so I'm not that in to her anymore physically

Are you gonna take me home tonight
Ah down beside that red firelight
Are you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin world go round


h^2 O

PS try and get as much sex as you can before you dump her. Like try to get her to do really raunchy stuff. Then wait a few days and leave a "Dear Joan" Girls really like it when you do that.


PS try and get as much sex as you can before you dump her. Like try to get her to do really raunchy stuff. Then wait a few days and leave a "Dear Joan" Girls really like it when you do that.

Then a year later if he's staying in the same place he gets raided for growing. Just tell her its not working out anymore its not you it's me I found out I was gay and this relationship confirmed this lol she won't know what to say to this one. Also tell her your moving to San Fran so she won't try to come back.


I might not be the skinniest thing, and can always lose weight, but some ppl cant fix ugly... HAHAHAH


all praises are due to the Most High
if you really stopped liking her, staying with her just because you are an overly nice guy is actually doing something a not-nice guy would do, nice guys are honest and do not end up sour because of being with the lady who is not the most right for you, this will affect the mood and energy of the relationship, so it is best to speak clearly between the two again before things get more tangled up... always be a gentleman too.


haha i can hear it now
her"why are you breaking up with me"
him"'cause the guys on the internet told me too"


You're damned straight ! :fsu:

Ugly is to the bone! LMAO! :yoinks:

I'll take me a plump cutey over some skinny gutter-snipe ANYDAY! :yeahthats

Don't get me wrong I don't mind a plump woman but found I like the athletic type a lot more. I would say around 145 might be pushing on the weight o meter but if I' hungry enough I'll pound anything.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
So we've been together a little over a year. I used to grow quite a bit for years, and was even growing when we started dating. Quit about a month after it got serious, now I'm wanting to do a micro-grow, something small, like a computer case, and I'm getting a big "no."

It's like I don't even have an option, its basically "growing or her" as she puts it.

But growing is my life, and she's a goody-goody type, its hard to explain to somebody who's never grown and doesn't smoke what its like to care for plants like these.

So what do I do? We live together and I love her, but I would never tell her not to do anything, and I don't even have a choice in the matter...

Discuss :joint:

You will stray apart more and more if you stick together. Younger women always have this idea of you growing up and "maturing" which means changing to a molded society-friendly Mr. Cleaver type guy.
I've had a lot of problems with this scenario. Are you a med patient and grow legally or is it the popo she's scared of?

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