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1000 watt 9 Plant Recirculating DWC - Hindu Skunk



So you harvested? Or that was another batch you pictured. I am on the exact same flower day as you, and I will need at least another 15-20 days until I chop.

Have you used a microscope to see the trichomes? Most of mine are still clear so I know they need more time even.


Active member


Yeeehaw, took most of the tops of 8 of the plants today! I left under/smaller nugs and one whole plant and gonna let them go another week or so, so I can two different types of high, although I prefer the heady high. Some pics from today






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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
looks like a good ol time. i got some free time and some nice sharp scissorsl! lol have fun


Active member
Microwido said:
So you harvested? Or that was another batch you pictured. I am on the exact same flower day as you, and I will need at least another 15-20 days until I chop.

Have you used a microscope to see the trichomes? Most of mine are still clear so I know they need more time even.

Yeah I have a 60x ecoplus scope. There was almost all cloudy trichomes and a few amber. There is still ALOT left in the room, it is ridiculous. I'm gonna let the others go for another week or so, however, they probably won't last much longer than that as that will be day 14 of flushing.

EDIT: After checking your thread I now realize you are growing white widow, which I can't really compare flowering times with.
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Active member
Well despite my efforts to slow the drying process down, the unrelenting dry air of this Mediterranean climate sucked all the moisture out of the nugs within 5 days. 2 of those in paper bags. Of course today it's raining to no end. High last Saturday was 96f, high yesterday was 49f. Hmmmm. Well anyway despite the >20% humidity things are looking beautiful.

The first haul yielded around 430 grams with about 30-40 percent yet to be harvested. The middle plant seriously had 10 of the 20 huge colas. The dankest most frosted plant was left completely untouched and will go until tomorrow or Monday (day 63 or 64).

Anyone like nug shots?






Beautiful, just beautiful. I told ya you wouldn't get 2 lbs ;). Oh no, 1.5 lbs, what a drag lol.

1.5lbs has about a 5G street value, if not more. Nice job.
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Active member
Heehee, thanks guys!

Here's a pic of a buddy of mine holding a plant just taken at day 63. This one had a 13 day flush.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
i like dutch tulips. fun to smoke. nice haul man. the nugs look stellar. nearly 2lb of of 1k. very nice


Active member
Thanks SirSmokalot, they are killer indeed!

Well the second batch has been harvested, dried, and is now in jars. Here's a pic of it all minus an ounce or so and some popcorn for the bubble bags.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
is there an oz in each jar? thats what i like to do. keep track and allow some space while curing after cured i like to vac sealthe bulk and keep a jar out(of each flav).
very nice though simple. i would love to chop that.


Awesome buds!
I noticed you're using Lucas formula, cal mag, liquid karma, and bigbud.

I was hoping you'd tell me about your nute mix, I was planning on using lucas formula w/cal-mag and LK, so I was wondering what ratio you used it in each stage/if you flushed only at the end or more often.


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